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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 6, 2007
Item 5

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5. Approve resolution recognizing November 11, 2007 as "veterans' day" in Travis County. And I know mr. Pope is here. Should I read the resolution. Whereas the department of veterans affairs certifies that Austin, Texas and Travis County are designated by the veterans day national committee as a regional site for the celebration of veterans day, 2007, whereas the Travis County parade committee extends hearty congratulations to the united states air force on its 60th anniversary, as the theme of this year's 2007 celebration, the 25th anniversary of the vietnam veterans memorial wall and the united states navy and the united states marine corps, on the occasion of their 232nd birthdays, whereas the citizens of Austin and Travis County understand and appreciate the sacrifices of their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends and neighbors, who have willingly answered the call to service and died, so that we -- and died so that we live free in this great republic. Whereas those residents who have served in the united states armed forces have brought honor and distinction to Travis County through their service, whereas many of our residents have made the ultimate sacrifice and that they have given their lives in defense of our country in order to uphold our democratic principles and preserve our way of life, whereas it is appropriate that the patriotic and unselfish service of those veterans be suitably recognized and commemorated and whereas the Travis County veterans service office vets -- servicing vets is committed and dedicated to service one veteran at a time, now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court by the Travis County Commissioners court that all citizens of Travis County are urged to observe November 11, that's this coming Monday, 2007, as veterans day with the appropriate programs and activities focusing on the achievements of those who have served this great nation and showing appreciation for their service. I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> thank you, judge. Good morning, Commissioners. The correction in that November the 11th is on a Sunday. And that will be the parade for veterans day.

>> [multiple voices] it's a holiday November the 12th. This is the official poster from the v.a. Announcing veterans day. The president truman in September the 18th, 1947, signed legislation to -- to dedicate, to separate the united states air force from.

>> this is why we are celebrating the 60th year for the united states air force. Wilford hall -- we have looked at our numbers last year for veterans day. The total number of organizations that was 89. The total pans parts was 2608, an average of 31 participants per unit. To the vehicles with floats and cars, 216, our total donation from the veterans community, $1,825. We have had applications donations for up to $200. I have with me also mr. -- mr. Bob gibson who was also a -- also a parade committee member. He would like to talk to you about a misfortune that happened to a parade marshal.

>> judge Biscoe, Commissioners, early in the year we decided to choose a distinguished veteran world war ii, a gentleman that served his country beyond imagination. He was born in korea. Of parents that were presbyterian ministers, came back to central Texas as a young boy, graduated from Austin community college in 1938, went on to join the service. He joined the -- the

>> [indiscernible] in china. Before pearl harbor. And tex in fact shot his first mitsubishi down less than a month after pearl harbor. He went on to take down some 18 plus aircraft, led a raid on the air base, the japanese that established on the island of formosa and he -- he took out about 70 or 80 aircraft that was on the ground. The japanese got about a dozen planes in the air before -- you know, before the attack was in full force, those japanese planes were taken down, also. The americans and the others returned to their base without sustaining a loss. But about six -- about three weeks ago, as the men in the air force say, old tex flew west. We know he had a good landing. He had a long life. And we have been aware of this for -- for his health had deteriorated considerably. We have a -- a gentleman, a native texan in -- in line to be the grand marshal, tex was aware of this, also the gentleman that we have chosen to be the grand marshal for the parade, fellow by the name of sandy sandling, distinguished himself highly in the european theater as a fighter pilot. Was shot down over france about 10 days after d-day. His aircraft went down on one side of the french village, he landed on other side of the french village in an onion patch. He got loose of his parachute, pulled out a translation out of a book that he had, he thumbed to a page that was in french, it says I don't want to be taken prisoner. And he saw this young lady working in the onion patch where he landed. She saw him come down, they met and he showed her the passage at the end of the book, she took him immediately to the nearest house that was there and the young girl and the lady of the house hid sandy under a wood pile because they knew that -- that the gestapo and the germans would be searching trying to find him. But having, you know, a cart of wood or whatever it was necessary to cover him up, wasn't able to keep him out of sight until they could -- after that he went into the french resistance and served in the french resistance for quite some time until the war front -- reached the area where he was so he could -- you know, go into the hands of the americans. He was -- he was recognized by the french government this past June for his service to -- and -- as an air man, also for service in resistance with the legion of honor. Granted by the -- up in france and penned on him by the president of france. This past June. And san deal be our parade -- sandy will be our parade marshal, we are mighty proud to have him as a texan and anyhow we urge everyone to honor these veterans of the past and present and let me say one other thing. Central Texas is most fortunate, it's a beautiful place in many ways. But the people that are here, the blending of our nationalities is great, I think that's what makes america great. It's the blending the people, we're not black, we're not scotch, we're not english. We're not polish, we're not german. We're americans. One and all. And I think we should be proud of that and always remember that, that we are americans. We got lots of retired men in this town. Many of them high ranking officers, bringing in very substantial retirement money and not a single one of them -- looking for an elementary school or swimming pool for their kids, you people worrying about tax money is a real plus because they ask little for the money that they bring to this community in this area. And in the way of support to what you all do. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you. We do have our veterans services office to help veterans access benefits to which they are entitled. So the programs and activities will be on Sunday or Monday?

>> Sunday. Sunday, parade will start at 9:00 up congress, the program on steps of the capitol at 11:00. The steven f. Austin hotel is still will be the reviewing stands and individuals from kvet and ksat will be the announcer of the parade. We had approximately 175 schools participate in our essay contest. Those individuals will be present, also. I award this -- I wore this jacket today just to show this is the uniform of the office and Travis County veterans service office, vets serving vets. In closing, praying for our men and women in uniform and god bless our veterans, thank you.

>> thank you. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> [ applause ]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 18:30 AM