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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 23, 2007
Item A1

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A-1, consider and take appropriate action on the following regarding -- following requests regarding the Travis County 2007 combined charities campaign. A is an update regarding the status of the 2007 campaign. I guess I can give this update. We have used a financial agent in the past and that has worked out with mixed results. And this year where we are headed is trying to do this in-house. We have requested a legal opinion and it may be -- and the cash sort of posts a problem, so it may be that the committee needs to set up a separate account like we do for. Forcinco de mayo and June 15th. And we're negotiating for the auditor to do pretty much the same thing the auditor has done historically. The good news is it save us the financial agent's commission. The bad thing is that it imposes on us a little bit of additional work. But when we look at everything, it's -- it's kind of difficult to come up with a financial agent that works with us smoothly, and united way did, I think, at first and their commission sort of kept increasing and then they concluded that they didn't want to do it anyway. And we had two or three individuals to serve as financial agents, and right now the non-profit that can do this for us is out of harris county. They are here from time to time and probably could do a good job, but it looks like if we can do it in-house and get by, that makes all the sense in the world. That's the status report. That's the difference. And we will be back to the court on a few other things in the future. Okay? B, though, is authorization to print materials for our 2007 campaign. We have done this annually and tried to keep that to a minimum. We are putting together the little booklet and we're getting help with that from pretty much the same folk who have done it historically so we think we can revise last year's booklet and have that ready for our print shop real son. And there is a need to coordinate this request with the other one for the earned income tax credit. All right? So I move approval of b.

>> second.

>> any discussion of that one? If there is a problem with the print shop, we'll come back. This has kind of been the court's financial contribution historically. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And c is authorization for the campaign committee to send e-mails about the 2007 campaign directly to county employees. We've done it historically just to kind of keep employees apprised of what's happening. A couple of the groups that annually hold fund ayesers have done those already and want to know where to send the money, and we've got even infire reese from other employees eager to begin and so historically we've come to the court and got authorization to do this. We don't do a whole lot of them except toward the end, looks like we do it every week, every 10 days.

>> second.

>> this basically is for us to do the same thing. Move approval. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. I guess I am one of the co-chairs this year since we don't formally have a co-chair, so any questions direct them to the county judge and if I can't answer them, I'll just appoint another one to assist me and we'll get an answer for you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 18:30 AM