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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 23, 2007
Item 25

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>> let's try to get one more item this morning. That's 25. Consider and take appropriate action on request for county to assist the community tax centers with filing for earned tax credits by eligible Travis County residents.

>> good morning, sherry flemming executive manage for health and human services and veterans service. The county again has received a request for in kind support from the community tax centers. As you are very much aware, this program works with significant numbers of our low income residents to help file their income tax free of charge and accessing also earned income tax credit through their refund or through the irs process, which results in many of our residents accessing refunds that they are surely entitled to and make a significant difference in their family income each year. Our in kind donation has been in the way of printed materials as stated in the backup as well as deaf sign language interpreters. And so, that request again is before you. This is not a budgeted item per se in health and human services am we have been able to use lapsed funding from other programs and projects each year to meet this request and I would anticipate that we would be able to do so this fiscal year. However, I do feel that I should let you know that we are seeing a little built of creep--bit of creep in terms of the printing cost just because of the cost of things and doing business. So we will work more closely this year with the print shop and potentially bring this item forward in the '09 budget process.

>> move approval, judge.

>> second.

>> they are asking the same documents to be printed as last year. And they really are quite a few. I don't know whether the backup has front and back english, spanish, it's a good deal. A lot of the other entities give a cash contribution. We have been given interpretive services and printing. But it is important. And it does a whole lot of good for the community because a lot of folk, whether they know it about the program or not, simply don't file. And so, they go out and education and do this free of charge. And we've been increasing the mum of Travis County residents

>> [pwho] will have benefitted annually, so it's a good thing, I think.

>> great thing.

>> absolutely, judge. I think another important thing to note is the effect that the persons served by this program actually maintain a hundred percent of their re. As we know, there are businesses who sometimes prey upon residents and offer speddy loans and such which carry high interest rates and cause our residents not to have the impact of the full refund. That fact alone makes this an important program.

>> the only other thing, a 1 is really printing for come bind charities that we have done historically. I don't want to overwhelm the print shop assuming a 1 passes it's a lot of printing.

>> it is.

>> can you refresh my memory. I pulled up stats at the national level that between 15 and 20 percent of households entitled to the earned income tax credit never file for it. What are the statistics in our region and how would we been able to impact the earned income tax credit filers.

>> I don't have the exact number but I know would have it in the report each year so I'll be sure your office receives that. When you think about four to five years ago we went from just astronomy call numbers, I think the figure was 9 million dollars of earned income tax credits the community was entitled to. Each year I think the number goes up. Last year we were upwards of 13 or 14 million dollars recovered by our residents. Each time we continue to invest in this, we are seeing a return on that investment by, you know, dollars coming back to our residents.

>> that is so great. I can't stress enough to anybody who is watching our hit show on channel 17, if you think you don't owe taxes, you still may be eligible for earned income tax credit.

>> absolutely.

>> if you don't owe taxes because you didn't make enough, you are most likely eligible for an earned income tax credit. So take advantage of it.

>> a sad footnote, many eligible county employees based on their salary and what family income is are entitled but don't file.

>> that is correct.

>> that number is creeping up, but that's our way of saying we can do more at home.

>> that's right. And we used our facilities I think the first time last year, the community center in precinct three as used. So we are a good partners.

>> and none u.s. Citizens are so eligible.

>> I think that's correct.

>> and the churches are also doing a service.

>> if you workfile.

>> file.

>> anymore discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you very much.

>> I have a little commitment I have to run to. Feel tree to carry on without me or we can recess for lunch.

>> move recess.

>> second.

>> until 1:30

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 18:30 AM