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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 16, 2007
Item 28

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Do we have a report back on 28.

>> yes, I do.

>> I thought that we were trying to give -- -ve give --

>> I can tell you.

>> 28 is to consider and take action on Travis County's appointment or appointments to the walnut creek citizens advisory committee.

>> judge, I called councilman cole, the one that's probably lead for the council, after having talked with her, she thought that would take action by the council -- they are so far down the road on this, she thought that would probably be more issue than what she was willing to do. So we probably need to stick with our one appointment, I mean, do you still have more than a couple of people, I mean, I've only had two people that -- and the second -- the person jude that came in, you know, sort of later in the process -- I suggested this is something that councilman cole agreed with, he needs to show up though those things because they are certainly not closed kind of sessions. He can be just about as involved as he wants to be other than any kind of a voting person. Now, if we have a reason to go through a process as to who is going to be our appointment --

>> but did they -- well I guess the question was could we include both? You take both -- hey, city council, city of Austin, would you object to having two rather than one.

>> and the answer to that is yes.

>> why?

>> because they would have to take that back.

>> take what back?

>> there's a contract? Have you seen the contract about or the agreement that we signed --

>> they would have to amend the contract, there's a written agreement as to what the composition was going to be for the advisory committee and it was stated in there that the council ratified and us as well, that said that there was going to be one appointment from the county for the -- to the citizens advisory committee. Only one. And so in order to change that, sheryl says that that may be more work than what she's willing to do. She's got to take it back to council, she's got to get the council to sign-off on that. And why not just have if you have got more than one person that wants to do it, suggest that they come and be sort of an --

>> I'm not that familiar with what the contract actually had as far as the number of -- I don't, you know, number of members that they -- that they needed to have on board. I know county is one of course we asked for two. They said no. We are looking at one.

>> no, we didn't ask for two.

>> [multiple voices]

>> we suggested that we were going to send these two persons to the city and see what d disposition was on those two.

>> I'm telling you what I was told, according to the resolution that was done the committee shall be composed of 13 members who are representative of our census -- or are sensitive to the needs of the downtown area. Travis County has one advisory committee member.

>> outfit 13.

>> yeah. -- out of the 13.

>> yeah.

>> in order to change the resolution she felt like that it would be easier to, if you had more than one persons that wanted to do this, to suggest that they just come along and be part of the meetings, they just wouldn't be able to be a voting member.

>> to be honest, I thought 0 was an appropriate number. And these two individuals surface and wanted to be on there. As long as we have a financial person involved, to take care of our interests on that, I'm happy. Is there a motion?

>> well, my motion would be to appoint gene mather as Travis County's advisory committee member.

>> second.

>> let's ask the other person to kind of stay involved and if something happens and ms. Mather has to step down, then he may as well get appointed, step in there, promote continuity. I'm thinking that our financial -- you know the active involvement of one of our financial people is probably more important than this. The citizens advisory group can be more helpful.

>> that's exactly what I suggested to jude is that he stay involved. I think he will probably show up at all of the meetings. If somebody does drop off I told him I bet you the court will probably be very willing to say that you are at least interested enough to go to the meetings and I think that jude is probably seeing most of the other offices but I will pass that along.

>> for the county attorney we may reach executive session this morning. We should. Couple of other items, though.

>> do we need to vote.

>> by the way, all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. If I get ahead of you all --

>> thank you, Commissioner.

>> I appreciate your support.

>> you're welcome.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 18:30 AM