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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 16, 2007
Item 17

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17 is to consider and take appropriate action on budget amendments, transfers and discussion items.

>> good afternoon, Commissioners court. I understand there was a question about t-1? Would you like me to address that? That is a transfer within tnr. What they'd like to do is use some sfrafgz a preencumbrance that they no longer need due to weather conditions this summer they weren't able to do all the work that they had anticipated in the road and bridge fund. And they would like to purchase two replacement motor graders a little bit before the replacement schedule. The reason that they would like to do this is they would like to take advantage of an offer on a trade-in that they've received where they would basically get two new motor graders for $112,000 that they've identified, and to be able to use the two current motor graders that are three years old, trade those in basically for their full price, the original price that we paid for them, a little bit more actually. But I'm happy to answer any questions.

>> questions? Actually, it was t-1 and the discussion item that kind of stood out, which is why I didn't put it on consent.

>> right.

>> and --

>> I assume t-1 is all right. We're getting full credit for machinery that we've used for a couple of years. That's hard to beat.

>> that's hard to beat.

>> okay. And d-1?

>> d-1 fs put on a discussion item mainly to give the Commissioners court greater visibility on the item. Pbo is concurring with the department and usually in distances where an department is using expected savings from a project instead of realized savings, pbo recommends that we don't go that route. It's so early in the fiscal year, we're concurring with the department in this case, but also noting that if anything happens with the elb elevator project, there's only $73 fleft that budget for any contingencies. And if we have to revisit this later in the fiscal year, we would come to you.

>> ms. Ramirez is saying that you cannot take this expectation and make a bank deposit, right? How real is it?

>> the money we're asking for is very real. Either we can wait until December when the project is finished, end of December, and move forward, or we can go now. And I can assure you right here, 99.99% that the additional funded $210,000 are savings. Right now we call them potential savings, but it will be be real in December. So I would like to ask the court to reallocate the fund to the other project soky move the project right now, so I can finish before the next season.

>> even if it's not the full amount, you think it will be close? No way for it to be less than, say, 150,000?

>> not really, because what it is is we bid the project, the phase 3 project, and we have only one bidder, sole source bidder. And the bid came $1,303,000. And we sit down and did the value engineering with the contractors and we removed about $103,000. So the bid right now is $1.2 million. What I have in the budget right now for the hcac project is one million 1 -- $1,006,077. So with the addition of $210,000 that I can award the project for the hvac phase 3 for 1.2 million and still have a contingency in there for about 16,177. I cannot tell thaw they will not have any major change orders. The contractor have all the equipment, all the controls already on site. I mean, not on site, already in his shop.

>> so pbo is a kind of lukewarm recommendation?

>> no, I think we're concurring. It's an exception to what we would normally recommend.

>> it's an exception to the way we would normally do business, but because it's just two months when we find out and it's so early in the fiscal year, we didn't really want to go out and hit car reserves so soon.

>> and we do have a healthy car reserve this year that we could look at in a couple of months. We wanted to make sure it was highlighted for you.

>> keep them on their toys, roger. Move approval.

>> second.

>> of item number 17, all of them. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank y'all.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 18:30 AM