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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 16, 2007
Item 3

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3. Receive award from foundation communities regarding 2007 community tax center program.

>> good morning.

>> not a cash award.

>> that's all right. Just a plaque. My name is elizabeth colvin, I direct the community tax center program, a program of a local non-profit here in Austin, foundation communities. The community tax centers provide free tax preparation by using over -- this year we are hoping for over 400 volunteers for -- we prepare taxes for families who make up to $50,000 a year. During the 12 weeks of the 2007 tax season, we prepared over 13,000 tax returns and brought in over $17 million into the central Texas economy and into the pockets of really the families who need that money the most. We also save that money -- those families hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax preparation fees. So they can use that to meet their basic needs and the needs of their family. Travis County is one of the reasons for our very successful program. I was -- I was here today to thank you for your support and your help. Travis County provides a.s.l. Interpreters to us, you also assist us with printing and outreach to the community. And through your assistance we were able to reach over 13,000 families. We also appreciate Commissioner Daugherty's assistance with the -- with the tax center that's located at the west rural community center. So we are also able to serve people in that part of town who -- would have difficulty getting into other parts of -- of the community where we have tax centers located. For 2008 we plan to have at least nine tax center locations, including the one at the west rural community center. We are open seven days a week, one of our tax centers is open over 74 hours a week. We are incredibly convenient to the community. Our goal is to prepare 16,000 tax returns and bring in over $20 million in 12 weeks into the local economy. We again ask for Travis County's assistance with this. Last year of the 13,000 returns, 59 of those were for Travis County employees whose families make less than $50,000 a year. I expect there are probably more than just 59 Travis County employees whose families fall into that income bracket. So I would ask for your help in reaching the Travis County employees who are eligible for our service. So they can claim all of their refund, save their dollars that they would pay -- that they are paying the tax preparation fees and it will benefit all of us. So today --

>> how do you notify --

>> [indiscernible] Travis County which, you know, numbers probably need to be increased, but how -- how did those 59 know about your program? You know, we kind of are aware of --

>> for those specific 59 employees, I know that we work with sherri flemming's department and she I believe judge Biscoe also sent out an e-mail to all employees.

>> I think we had signs in all of the county buildings as well.

>> uh-huh.

>> but this is the only response that -- from that particular effort is just is the 59?

>> right. And -- we get similar support from the city of Austin but we prepared returns for over -- for almost 400 city employees. So --

>> 400.

>> almost 400 city employees.

>> city employees?

>> who fall into the income bracket. So I think part of it -- one of the issues that we have run into is an issue of trust. As a free service, sometimes people think we are less than service, that it's not as good because it's a free service. When in fact that -- that our preparers all have to pass a test administered by the i.r.s. To be able to prepare taxes. And that's a much higher than the general public. Any of you can hang out a shingle tomorrow to say that you prepare taxes. Doesn't matter if you know how to prepare taxes or not. So we hold our volunteers in our program to a very high professional standard. We need your help in communicating that to employees so that they know that -- that this is a professional quality service and it's one that they should be taking advantage of.

>> so we don't know that other employees at the county didn't file. We know they didn't file here.

>> right, we know that they didn't file with us. That's what we know.

>> the advantage of your program is that it's free.

>> that's correct.

>> so -- so if you are paying somebody to help you prepare taxes, and claim it as credit, you may as well get it free of charge.

>> exactly. Because what -- we see people paying as high as $300 for -- to get simple tax returns prepared. Man, it sure would be nice if they could keep that $300, we're the way we can do that.

>> the other thing that I have been told is that some have been entitled to this credit and a refund, but haven't filed in years and lo and behold, when you help them with their taxes they have got refunds coming from previous years which sort of mounts up. I chatted with one of your representatives a few days ago by the way.

>> exactly. We see.

>> [laughter] they estimate that $31 million of earned income credit is unclaimed on an annual basis in Travis County. Those are federal dollars that are unclaimed. That's what we're trying to do is claim those dollars and as -- as the judge said, we see people come in that haven't filed for years, they are terrified that they are going to owe all of them money. It turns out that they were leabl for several days in -- eligible for several thousand dollars in refunds each year.

>> let me ask you this question. In the communiques that have gone out to the Travis County employees, city of Austin employees, those that, you know, that we have sent the communique to. Did it actually, in the communication, did it actually say that this is free and also that the persons, that the volunteers that are doing the tax preparation have -- certified through the i.r.s. To maybe calm the fears of those that may have fears.

>> it should have said that. I'm not sure if it did. That's something that we could do this year is make

>> [multiple voices]

>> it does say that it's free.

>> in many places.

>> I don't know about the certification.

>> certification.

>> the term we use is i.r.s. Certified tax preparers.

>> it's the word of mouth that's -- that allows it to grow. It's a -- it's a wonderful program but, you know, perhaps we could be much more aggressive with -- with what we do with our employees. I don't know whether that's something that -- that we can put in our pay stubs or whatever.

>> something --

>> to let people know. Is that something that we can legally do?

>> yeah, we have been doing it.

>> [laughter]

>> I don't think that I have ever seen one in mine.

>> would there be any objection

>> [multiple voices] i.r.s. Certified volunteers. Because that's the --

>> we would encourage you to include information with paychecks. Include information in any employee communications that you have. And what we need to do is really sort of create a buzz in Travis County like they have been able to in the city of Austin and aisd, so that employees really feel like, wow, this is something that I need to take advantage of. So -- so I would like to --

>> will you need our help this year?

>> we do need your help this year.

>> there will be an item on the agenda very soon.

>> yes.

>> thanks, elizabeth.

>> thank you.

>> thanks a lot.

>> I have a plaque for Travis County and then a certificate of appreciation for the west rural community center.

>> all right.

>> [ applause ]

>> thank you so much for your work on that.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 18:30 AM