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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 2, 2007
Executive Session

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We are ready for executive session and two items posted for executive session discussion this afternoon. Number 31 to receive briefing and take appropriate action on personnel issues in precinct three constable's office. Slot 35 specifically. And this will be be under the personnel matters and let's all announce circuittation with attorney exception to the open meetings act just in case we need it. 32, receive briefing from county attorney regarding Travis County code chapter 10, administrative leave with pay policy. Consultation with attorney. Those are the only two items that we will discuss in executive session. We will return to open court; however, before taking any action.

>> the language ought to be run by after we look at it.


>> [inaudible].

>> okay. We were discussing a scheduling matter for number 32. 31 we did discuss. By the way, let's come back to order from our executive session discussion of two items. The first of which was number 31 involving personnel issues in precinct 3. In my view, no action required today. We will stand ready to assist the constable of precinct 3 at the appropriate time in the future. 32, we were just trying to schedule. It involves the Travis County policy regarding administrative leave with pay. Barbara, let's try to get language for the court to review next week so we'll have it back on next week. And after we review that language and give tentative approval to it, then probably we ought to list the top eight to ten departments that we can touch base with directly, and maybe we ought to just send the language to all the others who may be impacted, give them, say, probably two weeks to provide input and then try to have it back on the court's agenda in three to four weeks for adoption. But we'll need to -- we need to advertise this also? Do we need to advertise this public hearing? It's a code amendment.

>> as a code amendment, you do not have to do anything.

>> [inaudible].

>> have we always had a public hearing on code amendments?

>> no. It depends. Like, if what you are amending is something that --

>> [inaudible].

>> you need to be at the mic our media just said.

>> I wondered whether I could get up and walk across.

>> they even make county attorneys get the mic.

>> if what you are amending is something that the authority to have made the regulation that you are amending required an advertisement or a public hearing in order to do it, like some of -- for instance, the very first thing I worked on was a junkyard ordinance. And the statute that gives you the authority to enact the junkyard ordinance says you may do this after you have had a public hearing and posted a notice of your hearing at the courthouse. And in the newspaper. And so in order to do that, you would have to. In relation to what is in chapter 10, which is where this amendment would appear, there is nothing that says you have to have a hearing, there is nothing that says you have to publish in the newspaper or publish it at the courthouse other than open meetings posting. But no special other posting for the hearing. So if you chose to, wanted to have a hearing on it, that would be fine. If you chose not to, most of the time when we amend the chapter 10, it's just a question of it being an item on the agenda and being posted on the agenda. And the only time I can think of that we ever really had what might be called a hearing was when we went through the entire chapter 15 years ago, you know, before -- and reviewed the whole thing and then went on a long, long time. No one if that was even a public hearing so much as work sessions to go through each of the sections to determine what you wanted to say as a court.

>> we'll have it back on next week. We'll get that language and try to take it from there, okay?

>> okay.

>> thank you. Anything else today?

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 18:30 AM