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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 2, 2007
Item 3

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Let's go back and pick up number 3, which is approve proclamation congratulating linda thomas wade and the newly named mark thomas sickle cell foundation. You all come forward. Should I read the proclamation? It reads: whereas there are approximately 80,000 people in the united states living with the sickle cell disease and the one out of 375 african-american births although the disease primarily effects shows of african descent it has been found in persons such as hispanic, middle eastern, mediterranean, greek and I tall yawn. Whereas the sickle cell association of Austin, mark thomas chapter, was founded in October 1997 by the late mark thomas. His wife linda thomas and the late patricia portly to promote health awareness, education and outreach while providing support and assistance to individuals and families affected by sickle cell disease. Whereas although mark thomas and patricia portly succumbed to the complications of the disease in 2005 and 2004 respectively, the organization continues to achieve its mission under the leadership of linda thomas wade. Whereas October 6, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. At Austin community college, east view campus, the sickle cell association of Austin, mark thomas chapter, is celebrating 10 years of service to the central Texas community, the community is invited to join in this celebration and learn more from a panel of individuals directly impacted by the disease and local physicians involved in treating patients with sickle cell disease. And whereas at the anniversary celebration, free screening for the sickle cell trait will be available and the sickle cell association of Austin mark thomas chapter will be announces its new name, the mark thomas sickle cell foundation. Now therefore be it resolved that we the members of the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby extend heartfelt congratulations to linda thomas wade and the mark thomas sickle cell foundation for 10 years of dedicated service to Travis County and central Texas and I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning. Comment?

>> I just want to sincerely thank you, judge Biscoe and the Commissioners, for your support down through the years. This has been a very bittersweet time. I was married to a wonderful man for over 28 years who passed away at the age of 46 due to complication of sickle cell disease. Our co-founder, the late plish portly, who also suffered from sickle cell disease, passed at the age of 33 leaving one child. But our mission yet continues on to educate, to advocate, and to seek assistance for all persons living with sickle cell disease. We thank you so much for what you have done and we look forward to what you are going to do. God bless you. Thank you.

>> thank you. And you are linda thomas wade.

>> right.

>> I guess we last had you before us -- was it 2005? You and mr. Thomas used to come by at least once a year.

>> that's right.

>> for about four or five years in a row there.

>> yes. He was a true advocate. Even though he was on oxygen, suffered from pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, he never stopped educating and advocating for families with sickle cell.

>> no question when I met him he was suffering but still persisting and did so for years.

>> he was a great guy and I really want to criminal encourage you as we've gone through

>> [inaudible] to support the sickle cell need out here in the community. Recalling, you know, mark came by the office, and as you said, keep going, had to have oxygen and speaking from the state capitol steps, letting folks know about this particular disease. And you are still there by his side all of these years and you are still continuing pushing forward is remarkable in itself and I wanted to thank you for continuing what he and others have set in place. And I really appreciate what you are doing and I know the community does. I really appreciate that. It means a lot to us, it really does.

>> thank you, Commissioner Davis, you have been a great blessing as well. Thank you.

>> October 6th is this coming Sunday.

>> Saturday.

>> Saturday, 2:00 p.m.

>> 2:00 p.m.

>> Austin community college.

>> eastview campus. In the multipurpose room, building 8,000, health sciences building.

>> so should we encourage all persons especially of african-american descent to come have the test?

>> we should encourage all persons to come. Not only for screening but to be ceatd. Educated. We do have physicians there. You will also be able to meet families that suffer and have overcame. We're also very honored and delighted to have a captain. His name is captain william carter, who was in the u.s. Army who has already served one tour in iraq and is getting ready to go back in November. He is a sickle cell success story who was born with sickle cell disease and at the age of 16 he has received a successful bone marrow transplant and he will also be one of the speakers on Saturday.

>> you need to know what to do to help yourself survive.

>> absolutely.

>> and education. I guess after that medical attention and just continuing to --

>> this particular blood disorder that occurs, you know, in the mediterranean area, but it touched many, many cultures, and I can really understand why you say everyone should come because it's just not african-american, but it's others. The gene pool from the mediterranean region, it touches a lot of folk, that blood disorder does. So again, I applaud you for continuing.

>> thank you so much. And I would just like to close by saying that is the reason why in the state of Texas all newborns are screened because even if you are caucasian, you can also carry sickle cell trait. There is a larger african-american population as well as a larger hispanic population that are carriers, but it does affect and impact everyone.

>> thanks so much.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you. Thank you very much.

>> ms. Wade, we have a beautiful proclamation for you here.

>> good to see you again, linda.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 18:30 AM