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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 25, 2007
Item 5

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Number 5 is to consider and take appropriate action on request to adopt order approving the Travis County budget for fiscal year 2008.

>> you have before you a draft order, the original of which will be available in the judge's office for signing this afternoon before noon. And it in essence this budget order is consistent with the requirements of what is to be contained within the budget. The order that you have in draft form has blanks for maximum amounts for reappropriated grant funds and voter approved bonds and encumbrances. Those will be placed in the order, and then there is a motion, one motion which we are recommending that you make on top of the proposed budget. And this deals with the acquisition of 910 lavaca because you have made certain commitments to acquire property. And that motion would read approve the addition of $2,325,000 to the long-term co line item for department 14 facilities management for the purchase of 910 lavaca as f.y. '08 certificates of obligation and included is approval of exception to the Travis County debt policy related to issuing long-term debt for the purchase of this building. Normally you have a policy that has co's used for short-term debt. Because of the timing of this acquisition, we thought it would expedite matter to include this as a motion to 2 proposed budget because you must generate funds to complete this acquisition very quickly as I understand and have been briefed.

>> can we entertain a motion just to approve that part first, then go to the overall budget which would include this?

>> the way the budget order the written, you can do it either way.

>> which is simpler?

>> through the motion.

>> I am looking at the proposed budget order now. And able to find that $3.4 million.

>> the 2,000,325, that's because it was written very recently and that's when I read it because what you have is the draft order with no motion. And we are moving very quickly and are trying to expedite matters. If you would like, I can get you copies of --

>> let me try a quick expedited motion to include -- what's the amount again?

>> $2,325,000, added to long-term cos for department 14 facilities management to acquire 910 lavaca. Then what will happen --

>> that's my motion.

>> second.

>> is the motion the -- to adopt the budget including that amendment?

>> no, the motion is for the amendment.

>> the motion is to amend the proposed budget which excludes 910 lavaca. So all this is doing is adding it to the long-term c.o., and in early October you are going to get a reimbursement resolution so you can get the funds to acquire before the c.o. Comes in in March.

>> my motion is to add that basically. That was seconded, right? Discussion. This is simpler for my simple mind. All in favor? Show Commissioners Gomez, eckhardt and Davis voting in favor. Since we're doing that for that property, what are we doing for the revenue received from the sale of the property on burnet road?

>> that revenue is already in the fifth revenue estimate ending fund balance, and that is incorporated into the proposed budget.

>> okay. Now we need a motion to approve your draft order.

>> judge, put me down as --.

>> not the draft order because the draft order does not have the correct numbers.

>> that's right.

>> I can read you the correct numbers if you would like.

>> especially the one for the blanks here.

>> okay. Let me read you the proper numbers. If you look on the third page at item 4 -- excuse me, 3.8, reappropriated grant funds for the end of fiscal year 2007, that proper number is $28 million. And under 4.1, properly encumbered balances at the end of fiscal year '07 to the extent they do not exceed $80 million. These are all round numbers because they are maximums. And we have been taught that you want to have maximums to allow in essence '07 figures to be able to be expended in '08. Item 4.2, properly encumbered balances at the end of '07, to the extent they do not exceed $30 million. Capital account balances to the extent they do not exceed $160 million. And an amount of voter approved bonds to be issued that does not exceed $28 million. Those -- the total of adding that all up together is $989 -- I mean $989 million, 650,517.

>> that's a mighty big number there.

>> we're a mighty big government, sir.

>> that number represents what, now?

>> that represents the '08 budget plus anticipated expenditures from '07 on a not to exceed basis.

>> okay. So you approved the '08 budget. The '08 budget has a total of $663 million in it from all funds. But then you've got '07 money encumbered, capital funds, all these other funds that are part of the expenditure base. And this is done each year to allow you to have a legal budget.

>> so those numbers will be placed in an original order for the court to execute later today?

>> that's correct. The order -- you'll have two copies of the order. One for the clerk and one for your favored planning and budget office.

>> with those amounts entered, I move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? We expect those to be -- that order to be ready by --

>> before noon. As soon as I'm able to consult with counsel and her machine and her printer.

>> okay. Any more discussion? All in favor? Shows Commissioners Davis, eckhardt, Gomez and yours truly voting in favor. Voting against, Commissioner Daugherty. Thank you very heavy, christian. Thank you and your fine staff for doing such a good job on the county budget this year.

>> thank you all.

>> you're welcome.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 18:30 AM