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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 18, 2007
Item 37

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Mr. Hdi is here with us today and enthusiastic. Let's call up the item, filling the justice and public safety po igs.

>> --position.

>> that's a reason to get excited.

>> number 37, consider and take appropriate action on adoption of process and schedule to fill executive manager of justice and public safety position.

>> thank you very much. I would just like to today outline proposal for you. Have you all give me direction as to how you'd like to go with it. As you know, right now not only am I executive manager of emergency services but also the interim criminal justice coordinator. It's been a pleasure to be able to work with these departments in these areas. However, I think it is time for us to go forward. I think you're ready to go forward and fill the position. You should have received some information and backup materials regarding the pro proposal of the hiring process that is a pretty good outline of exactly what can take place within a pretty reasonable period of time. I think the advantage that we have is we are trying to use some of the same people in the initial process. All I'm simply suggesting to you is that you go with a time line that I have given you that would enable us to, by November if we are able to stay with the time line, which I think we can, accomplish what we need to accomplish before thanksgiving. By having familiar faces and a familiar process before, then I think we bring to the table some time savings, and that is that you are able to have better opportunity to get to some of the more difficult , what I consider to be time functions of a hiring process, than is development of the process itself, time lines for questions background that you want to do on it. All that has been done. Now we simply take the applications that we now have and move forward with it using the time line. The time line, of course, can be add adjusted based upon, again, what you come up with as far as your number of applicants, all based on numbers, really, when you start looking at the time line. But I'm fairly confident that with the right folks that I have for this committee, that we can get you some recommendations in accordance with that time line so that this process can be completed in November. As far as the members, if you would like for me to discuss those with you, I'd be more than happy. I think it's important that you have a representative group not only who this person will be working with on the staff side but also as far as the stakeholders. We would have david who worked with the initial process, ronnie earle, deborah hale, doctor nagi myself and carol cober. Now, el was involved for almost two years and involved in the if first process. She is going to be able to bring all her information done in the first process. I feel like with that group of folks that we're going to be able to accomplish a lot within a reasonable period of time here. And really get to hand the names that you need.

>> you were part of the original group. Will there be one or two members of the court?

>> he didn't mention anythingi.

>> I didn't get to that yet. As far as the court, the judge is the sponsor, of course, the committee. That is key.

>> okay.

>> as well as any other court members that you feel like need to be part of this of the . But yes, judge Biscoe is a key part of this.

>> I think you ought to be on there. (inaudible)

>> time line looks good to me. We ride to pick out the best, what turned out to be the preferred applications and came up with about 20. I suggest that they just give us copies of those, and they did. Now, all of them are available but I didn't want to just copy all of the applications. I thought if ms. Frankly went through and as best she went through, based on the job description and the other information we provided, tried to figure out who exceeded those qualifications, right?

>> yes, we have them in your package. What we would like to do now is come through with amore refined package based your adoption of the guidelines which would show preferred applicants as well as any others that you might want.

>> judge and Commissioners, I have also asked linda to be a, or representative of her staff be a part of this committee as well. It's helpful in the processes to have swun there from hrmd to monitor. One of the things I would like to suggest, as linda just brought up, I'd like to suggest that you look as far as the time line, that we go ahead and close out the posting of advertisement of this position. Because as she just mentioned, it's going to be a moving target if we keep this opened and that means we will continue to delay this time line. On the time line, what you see is a proposal that I would recommend to you today. And that is that this Friday, September 21, that we at five p.m. Close the advertisement. That will enable us then to receive, continue to receive applications until September 28 at five p.m. Usually the if somebody post marks their application, you like to give them a week's notice. So therefore, we will still be receiving applications through the 28th, which means that she would then potential be receiving additional applications as well.

>> any problem with that?

>> the only thing that I see, November 12 is a holiday. Veterans day.

>> that's correct this schedule will be flexible. Just like you see some of the other days it is as far as actual committee meetings, when everybody can get together, we'll settle on a set time. A lot of these will be add adjusted, although it would mean that week that we will be getting together or establishing decision making process. What wouldn't change would be a thing such as I would try to set our committee meetings to where people set it on their schedule so that doesn't dance around and you have an uneven gap between the evaluation periods and your times where you are supposed to be doing home work. So November 12 date would definitely change if it's a holiday. I threw that out to give you a time line.

>> and last time, I should say that the da, county attorney, and the director of cscd actually participated themselves. They didn't delegate that so somebody. They actually participated.

>> rightin.

>> in any case, they are looking forward to doing it again.

>> yes.

>> do we want two court members or just one?

>> probably want two participants.

>> that would be great.

>> any problem with the application deadline of September 28? What about the rest of the schedule?

>> has to be the 21st, judge.

>> 21st.

>> should we, will the sheriffs department be participating at all? Not on the committee itself.

>> we can make the invitation. You want the sheriff or somebody way up in the sheriffs department.

>> I can certainly extend an invitation.

>> I have no problem.

>> it would seem appropriate.

>> .

>> I'll be glad toin that case I proof approval of the sed.

>> second.

>> discussion? All if this favor? That passes by unanimous vote. In terms of input from the court if any court member has additional comments or input, we'd be happy to get those. Probably before October 4.

>> yes.

>> right.

>> additional comments. That's before the committee actually will start meeting and working. So if we could just kind of get start with that, that would be good.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 18:30 AM