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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 4, 2007
Item 4

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Number 4 is to consider and take appropriate action on a revised preliminary plan in precinct three: the hollow at slaughter creek (220 total lots.

>> hi, anna garland, Travis County t.n.r. This is a revised preliminary plan. The original preliminary plan was before the court in March and there were -- there was some controversy associated with that plan and -- and particularly a connection from one of the internal subdivision streets to billbrook, a road in the city of Austin full purpose. But while that prelim was being approved, the -- the applicant, he -- they came up with some sort of an agreement with the neighborhood associations that were -- that were not in favor of the original plan and one of the things that that agreement said that they would do is bring forth another revised preliminary plan which is what this one that's before you all today is, and -- and this plan incorporates the -- the points that were agreed to from that original agreement. The biggest element of that agreement was eliminate the connection to billbrook place from the subdivision. They are moving one of their internal roads meadow south lane further to the south. Further towards the creek. They have agreed to save some protected tree. They created a small hike and bike trail and a detention pond area along the creek and they are planning -- going to be planting buffer trees along slaughter creek drive. There were a couple of variances associated with this that staff granted after review of the tia, those were block length and for the subdivision to have the single outlet. Additionally, the esd for this area asks that there was a -- the -- required that a crash gate be put where -- where the street previously had connected to billbrook, so in case of an emergency situation they had more than one way to access the subdivision. This -- this revised plan has been approved by z.a.p. And so now it's here for approval.

>> transportation impact analysis.

>> and z.a.p. It.

>> zoning and platting commission. At the city of Austin.

>> city of Austin.

>> okay.

>> yes, ma'am?

>> my name is leslie

>> [indiscernible], I'm the secretary of the Texas oaks south neighborhood association. In this particular matter I have also become the spokesperson for the people who live in the county area adjoining this -- this subdivision, slaughter creek drive is -- is the street that -- that connects to billbrook and borders one side of the subdivision and then there's several -- several areas that are further south in there that are part of the county that are not within the city limits, that would be like malone heights and slaughter creek acres in particular. And I'm sorry that Commissioner Daugherty is not here today because we all wanted to thank him very much for the time and the effort and work that he put in -- into this matter and trying to get the developer centex and the neighborhood association and the county to come up a plan that we thought was more acceptable. We are not particularly happy with the -- with the degree of density, but -- but as you know and we know there's nothing that can be done about that because this is the type of development that is currently permitted in the county and the tejano. While we hoped that would -- the e.t.j. While we hope that would change in the future. But we are very appreciative of the amount of time that Commissioner Daugherty spent with this, also the staff and sent tex as well to come up with a -- centex as well to come up with a proposal that we think is going to improve the safety and also the approval of the we really hope that the county is going to put in that measure stick, measuring device, of the low-water crossing on slaughter creek drive right at the border of this subdivision because that low-water crossing is pretty dangerous, it gets a lot of high water, we've seen a number of vehicles floating on that crossing and you really can't tell --

>> was last week floods

>> [indiscernible]

>> it's -- it's been a problem even without -- not even in the big floods. So yes it has been a problem recently. We have -- the drainage area of the creek that crosses slaughter creek drive right at the border of this property, then crosses billbrook, there is a bridge over there, however the bridge is

>> [indiscernible] high, we have put in our own water level markings on the bridge there at billbrook. Gps is a really great thing. So we have put in the water levels, we can actually monitor on that side, but -- but the people back in in monthly loan heights and spiral creek drive particularly would like to see a measuring device put at that low-water crossing so their safety would be improved of having people not drive in there when there's too much water.

>> it was our understanding that the county agreed this was something that needed to be done. I was wanting to remind everybody that we really hope that it does get done. Thanks once again to Commissioner Daugherty for all of his help. So you and the neighborhood association are in agreement with the revised.

>> yes. Centex did exactly what they agreed to do and we are very happy. They have been very cooperative. And we've found that the relationship developed with some difficulty, but it -- it ended up in a good place. We are pleased.

>> what kind of -- let me ask you this question. What kind of -- I'm concerned about the -- about the flooding and -- and the -- concerned that -- that the young lady brought up to our attention. What kind of impact will that development have on the creek? What kind of precautions are there being in place with the development? Within that creek area. To -- I'm trying to -- go ahead.

>> t.n.r. Reviewed drainage analysis in order to help -- there's a detention pond proposed on this prelim, to ensure that it is the right side, so that -- so that water -- additional water doesn't impact the add adjacent property. There will be a detention pond on site. There should be no more water leaving the property than is currently. Than the current situation.

>> okay. But kind of just trying to get a grasp on what she was bringing up, especially in -- with the -- with the increased activity there. How much impact would that -- would there be an impact in increasing flooding activity that's shared within -- within that creek situation and that's what I was trying to get to. Would there be any projected.

>> no, sir, I don't believe that there is. I think one of the things that's happening along with this prelim is some of the water is being channeled into the pond through the subdivision that was also problematic in different areas. So I think that the situation will be better afterwards than it is before.

>> than what it is now.

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.

>> making sure that the low-water crossing is on the work plan, steve. With that I move approval of the revised preliminary plan in item no. 4.

>> second.

>> discussion?

>> thank you very much. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 5, 2007, 18:30 AM