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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 28, 2007
Item 33

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33. Consider and take appropriate action on a request to approve an interlocal cooperation agreement with the city of Austin for the construction of the extension of parmer lane from u.s. 290 to sh 130 in precinct 1.

>> this request for s. For an approval of an interlocal with the city of Austin to help us fund one of our 2005 bond projects. We had seven public-private agreements in the 2005 bond referendum. We were successful in negotiating five of those and entering into agreements with private developers. One of them we got to 90% complete and the developer decided to opt out because his economic model did not work. And one of them really never got off the ground. Three of those agreements involve city of Austin commitments to fund one-third of the construction cost, this being one on parmer lane. Parmer lane, braker lane and decker lake road. We entered into an agreement with the developers last December. We've been working with city and county attorney's staff to complete the interlocal, which will provide the city funds for the construction of the project. It allows them to do their due diligence to ensure that the project is being built to their standards. But communicating all of their issue through us as we complete the project. In the project, we are going to be allowing the developers to take the lead on the construction. They're doing the design as we speak, a portion of it is already completed, design, and should be able to go out to bids within the next few months. So what this does is establishes that the city of Austin pay a portion of their construction contract as we start receiving those requests and give them some ability to go out and ensure their funds are being spent properly. I'd recommend approval of this. I would point out that this is a pretty significant step for us. It is the completion of the contractual arrangements from one of the 2005 bond projects, one of five that we've been working on with the city. And it will put us in a position to go ahead and start construction on these projects.

>> I think it's a milestone, I guess, in the sense with the way this has gone as far as all the hard work that everyone has put forth as far as getting involved with these private-public partnership agreements is very critical. We went to the voter in 2005 and asked them to fund certain projects, and of course, this is the first of many of those projects that is now in the construction stage, so again I would just like to applaud this Commissioners court, staff, city of Austin, and also the private developers for working very, very hard. And this is really I say again a milestone. And hopefully those others that are pending can be expediting just as rapidly as this one has. So I'm really -- I'd like to give you a kudo because you definitely deserve it. It's really been a tough, tough type situation. But it's happened abled again, we're very appreciative and the folk are very appreciated in the community when they see this parmer lane south as it ties into sh 130. This is the first time that parmer lane has, of course, crossed 290 and then going on south. So it's a big deal as we get our road network system together in the county.

>> second.

>> thank you. Move approval. Thanks.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 18:30 AM