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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 28, 2007
Item 12

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Number be 12 is is to 'consider and take appropriate action regarding the drug court program. A, relocation of post road building and b, approval of schematic design. And then we'll try to call the insurance up next.

>> we had appeared before the court several weeks ago to discuss drug court. As you know right now the drug court is locate odd ninth street in lease space and we are planning to move to post road, which is a facility that we own. The court has requested that we meet with neighborhood associations, and Commissioner Gomez and judge perkins, the meeting was set up through Commissioner Gomez's if, and both attended a meeting of the executive committee of the neighborhood association in that particular area. They listened to what we had to say and lauded the program itself in providing a second opportunity to individuals who would otherwise be incarcerated or could face incarceration for drug offenses and giving them a second opportunity they were very glad to see such a program provided by Travis County and also in the neighborhood. They were glad that indeed there will be added security through the sheriff's office for that program during the day for both drug court and for the master program and then at night for the drug program. So we were able to get that -- go ahead with that clearance from the neighborhood association. The second item that we're here to discuss with you is a need to add funding for the extension of the lease on ninth street.

>> I don't know that we can do that on this item. Can we? It was posted for the schematic and relocation of post road. Vt users seen the schematic?

>> yes.

>> okay. On the funding, you're saying we need more money.

>> it just has to did with relocation and --

>> we need to move money from one place to another, I take it.

>> it's really a budget issue.

>> that's why I'm not sure this posting --

>> delay the relocation is what it is. It fall under relocation.

>> but it's not under budget amies. I think it needs to be under budget amendments next week. We can move and there's no reason to hold up. If there are other things that need to be done -- how much money are we talking about?

>> it's 24,846.

>> we need backup anyway. And have pbo to identify a source this late in the fiscal year is a challenge, but it should be pretty easy. I'm sure they'll check with facilities, budget and surplus items first. Good agenda item for next week. Move approval of a and b.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Sorry to disappoint you, but let's stay legal as long as we can. Thanks for your good work on meeting with the residents out there, y'all. The right thing to do and I feel a whole lot better now.

>> the only thing, judge, is they asked to us do something about the landscaping around the building. That could be approved a little bit.

>> not allow it to look so much like a government building.

>> right.

>> I'm with them.

>> hey!

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 18:30 AM