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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 26, 2007
Citizens communication

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Citizens communication is next. And three citizens signed in. This item is designed to give residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to a full three minutes.

>> charles e. Williams is first.


>> [indiscernible] with t.n.r. We are here to talk about the 22nd annual parks cleanup. Travis County partners with

>> [indiscernible] while I hand out the coveted t-shirts, I'm going to let them talk about the cleanup.

>> good morning, I'm alana reed with keep Austin beautiful. Again this year we are here to thank the court for -- for letting us hold the 22nd annual Lake Travis parks cleanup on June 16th we had 250 volunteers that -- that helped remove over 2,000 pounds of litter from nine of Travis County parks along the colorado river. And despite the early morning rain, almost all of our volunteers showed up and the comment that they had this year was that our parks were just so clean they just couldn't find enough trash.

>> good news.

>> all right.

>> good morning, Commissioners, my name is mike bradley, I work for the lower colorado river authority. I'm in the park operations district. And we would certainly like to take this opportunity to say thank you for partnering with us and keep Austin beautiful in keeping the colorado river cleaner and much more pleasant to use. We -- with the trash or reduction in trash, we have even talked about a new category this year, calling it microtrash, which is cigarettes and pull tabs and wrappers, those type of things. We had a wonderful event. Everybody showed up, ready to go again next year. Thank you for the support.

>> thank you. Good job.

>> by the way, we were there in spirit, although you may not have -- have seen us.

>> [laughter]

>> sheriff greg hamilton is next.

>> good morning, Commissioners, judge Biscoe. I'm just here to make you aware of a program that track sheriff's office kicked off in may. May was national bicycle safety awareness month. We kicked off a program due to all of the pedestrian bicyclists, accidents that were going on here in Travis County. And Texas is one of -- one of -- along with three other states across the country, are leading the nation since -- since 2004 in bicycle-motor accidents. And we kicked off, partnered with several organizations and one of them was city of Austin bicycle and pedestrian program, street smart bicycle safety task force. And when -- anike bodet is with that organization. I had an opportunity to talk with her. And seek that Travis County, Austin, Texas is trying to be a more fit county, and more people are riding bicycles, if it ever -- if this rain ever ceases, I'm pretty sure that we will see more people on bicycles riding to and from work. But one of the problems that I have seen is that there's not a lot of bicycle racks out around the county. This organization, anike bodet will talk about it in a few minutes, but she's willing to offer more bicycle racks throughout the county free of charge. I think that we will see more individuals on their bicycle. This campaign is originally to start off to be a public awareness, to let people that ride bicycles and drive cars know that they have the same rights and the same responsibilities and that's the first phase of our initiative. And the second phase is that we are going to start citing individuals for violating the law whether it's on a bicycle or whether it's individuals that are driving cars. We are getting complaints on a regular basis about -- from both sides of the spectrum from people riding motorists and individuals that are riding bicycles. We plan on partnering with car dealerships to put out pamphlets, and when individuals come to purchase a vehicle, they will have this pamphlet. Hopefully look at it and read. We are also looking at purchasing bumper stickers so that individuals can put them on their car and we are also looking at going to the movie theaters so that we can put this information out on the theater screens and also looking at billboards and -- and we are looking for outside support from -- from organizations that fund these type of programs. That's where we are headed right now. I will turn it over -- also the individuals who produce this program are -- brought this program to fruition is sitting to my left is andrea buckley with our community service unit and also the manager of that unit

>> [buzzer sounding] is kelly page.

>> do I have time.

>> that was your three minutes. Great. Good morning, judge, and Commissioners.

>> yes.

>> anike bodet with the city of Austin bicycle and pedestrian program, we are a partner with sheriff hamilton's campaign. In March the mayor of Austin initiated a street as a matter task force with the same goal, to increase bicycling in Austin, Travis County, and he wants to do that by making the roads safer and by raising awareness. So sheriff hamilton's campaign really helps to implement a lot of the goals of the mayor's task force. And the task force is up and running. They have met three times. They are poised to give a report to the city council of Austin in October on suggestions that they -- suggestions that they have on how Austin can become more -- can increase bicycling by making it safer, by increasing law enforcement and by raising awareness. So sheriff hamilton's campaign really helps with that. Part of what my program does to help increase bicycling is not only c.i.p. And infrastructure projects, butalso we provide bike racks free of charge. So we would like to -- to know if there's any Travis County buildings throughout the city of Austin that need more bicycle parking and our staff is equipped to go install those. I think that we could probably use some here at this building, so if -- if there's someone on the Travis County staff, facilities person, who could get me a list of buildings that need bike parking, convenient to the front of the building, we would be glad to provide that for you. And with that --

>> do you have a telephone number where anybody that needs to contact you later --

>> I will leave my cards.

>> but would you say publicly what -- what your -- contact number is so folks will know how to get in touch with you.

>> yes. The city program, private individuals or other government entities who need bike racks with call the program at 974-7016. And request the bike rack. We do request that if you have the means to install them yourself, to do so. Otherwise we are equipped to install them for you. We are trained to help you best locate the location of the rack with regard to a.d.a. Accessibility and other types of safety issues. So to help you locate the wrap in the best place to -- to serve the business and to not create a safety hazard. Again, 974-7016. Thank you very much.

>> thank you very much. Stewart thomas

>> [indiscernible] is next.

>> good morning, once again for the record I am stewart thomas girstacker, a public minister and I come in peace. I want to thank everyone for visiting The fat tony video showing evidence that one of your district court clerks have tampered with a government record has been very popular. Also the grand theft house videos on you, Travis County corruption and select grand parks house one and two. You can see what I have been talking about every time I come in here. It clearly shows constables

>> [indiscernible] along with four unidentified constable stealing my house from me without any warrants or judge. I think the I will let me I am grant labor used to plunder my belongings and trample on the american flag shows exactly how much respect you all have for the law around here. It is plainly offense from the record that j. David phillips, allan red, kneel curry and dana debeauvoir are involved in a bribery scream and the federal home loan corporation and its agents are the ones funding the scam. Willford aguilar ... And the county attorney's office. After your thugs stole my house at the point of the gun, more of your thugs stole my private property, trumped up false charges of burglary of my own house, criminal trespass to terrorize me into signing a plea bargain. Are you still paying these people? Well, I never did sign any plea bargain. You have tacitly admitted that the burglary charge was false by dropping it. You have been invoiced and now is the time to settle your tab. I'm not going to totally stick it to you on this deal if you will just settle it with me. I have already agreed to settle it for $2.163 million, considering that we are talking about multiple counts of bribery, aggravated kidnapping, tampering with government records, securities fraud, constitutional violates, I am letting you all off easy. Your performance on contract alone far exceeds my settlement offer. If you settle this matter to my satisfaction, then I might be willing to sell you to the copyrights to the fat tonight noon knee and grand theft videos. I might also do something than continue to come down here every Tuesday and talk about the corruption in your organization. I notice that you want to issue $24 million bond for funding more veils, fund it with ad valorem taxes. We have already proved to you that ad valorem taxes are illegal and your scrils are unconstitutional private dungeons. Do you want us coming down here to talk about that stuff on the agenda next month. Seems like that would be bad for business. While you Commissioners are thinking about it, I invite you folks to go to, type Travis County Texas corporation in the search window and check on it the grand theft house and fat tony videos. If you are outraged by watching these abuses, please tell everyone that you know to watch it, too. Once again just go to, type Travis County Texas corruption in the search window and enjoy the show. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Girstalker. Anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not? The consent items are next.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:59 PM