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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 26, 2007
Item 25

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>> number 25, consider and take appropriate action regarding agreement with art senior community service employment program. If I could say a word or two about this, we had this on the agenda a little while back, marietta had taken basically the standard art contract and made changes which travis -- changes designed to protect Travis County a little bit more. And based on -- and we approved that contract, and based on that, the county judge signed it. The director of arts, though, advises that his people in the u.s. Labor department do not like those changes. What I circulated yesterday, I tried to underline in red changes we had made to their basic contracts, while I think the changes are good and I'm glad marietta recommended them to us, the question is whether we we think that language is so required that we basically would jeopardize the contract. Now, this is the situation the participants placed with Travis County on a volunteer basis. We voluntarily accept them for training, the labor department pays close to minimum wage during the training period, and if we like them, we'll consider them for any job that becomes available for which they qualify.

>> correct.

>> if during the training period we think that -- we believe that one is not a good fit for Travis County, we simply let them know and they come get that person, right?

>> that's right.

>> so our leverage really is we retain the right to say whether or not the participant, one by one, or one on one, will continue and will enter our program and will continue it. And what we obligate ourselves to do is a good faith look at that participant in a job becomes available at Travis County for which the participant qualifies, right?

>> that's correct.

>> and is interested?

>> that's correct.

>> and so I think the question is how important is the language? We didn't add a whole lot. But it is kind of meaty language for us, and I guess my recommendation today would be unless it's kind of drop dead language that we use their contract.

>> said we don't have much choice if we wanted the program, it's kind of like sign it or send it back.

>> well, it really is about opportunity for Travis County residents -- and this is -- I mean I did clarify that. We're talking about Travis County residents, most of them are seniors, aren't they?

>> they are.

>> most of them need training and employment, and what we get is free of charge.

>> it's excellent for us as well, they work in family support service area, and work in community centers and provide valuable services, support services, mostly, it's in kind, no cost to Travis County, but we're also enhancing the lives of some of our elderly residents.

>> and we're using some now?

>> yeah.

>> they get back and forth

>> [inaudible]

>> no, they're -- they're treated as regular employees. They report to work, they have assignments, job duties, it's really an effort, too, to provide job training, so there's -- you know, transition to the workforce, or jobs that they may have been doing before retirement, they're learning new skills, taking on new jobs so...

>> well, it's kind of -- it's a little bit more than pre-labor, it's job training program for these Travis County residents. And we fund job training programs through other nonprofit agencies benefit whole lot others in other places.

>> that's correct.

>> this gives us an opportunity to be proactive for these particular participants, marietta advises that she's not -- it's your call, right?

>> it's your call.

>> always your call.


>> [inaudible]

>> what I would do basically is just go ahead and approve their contract.

>> that's what they're asking.

>> authorize the judge to sign that on behalf of the court, that's what they're asking. That's my motion, seconded by Commissioner Gomez. Anymore discussion? So far the program is working out for us.

>> it's working out beautifully. We would like to expand to other centers, if possible. We could take on more volunteers.

>> yeah, he's got -- I think he says he's got, what, 30 for this year? He's trying to max that out. Any time we don't like the program, we just let them know and they'll know what to do, right?

>> that's right.

>> anymore discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:59 PM