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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 19, 2007
Item 17

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Number 17a, receive update and take appropriation action on the grant award, and b, consider taking appropriate action on a memorandum of agreement with the membershippal transportation authority. We did approve 19c, was that the same as 17b?

>> no, it's not.

>> okay.

>> this one is a memorandum of agreement between capital metro and the transportation authority and Travis County. The other one was an agreement between Travis County and campo for the grant. This memorandum of agreement just outlines for the pilot project what capital metro expects from Travis County.

>> basically what do they expect?

>> they expect that we will reimburse them $4,500 at 30 days from the start of the program and we'll keep track of all of the bus pras cards and will return them at the end of the program and they will supply us with two reports.

>> is this $4,000 reimbursement new or have we known about this all the time.

>> we've known about it all the time, and item 19 gives campo and us some money and then we give it to capital metro.

>> oh, I see --

>> wait, let me correct myself, we give capital metro the money as the end of the program in September and campo will give us the money, so we have to pay for the program up front.

>> but when it's all said and done, we won't be out of county money.

>> correct.

>> unless we fail to agree by the terms of the program. This is a reimbursement and if something happens and we fail to meet our terms --

>> unless we do the unthinkable and fail to meet our obligations.

>> and

>> [indiscernible] issues or points with the moa, right, marietta.

>> I got the grant agreement, and the mou, and got those and reviewed and just had some recommendations for changes that I think would better protect the county. It's a small amount of money. The county can take the grants as they are, as they are written and use the recommendations from legal as points to notice. Or they can request that those changes be requested from the grantor and from capital metro.

>> I think t and r's recommendation is to go with what we have, given the backlog we have now, that this will work and it's not a significant issue.

>> in our document to them, let them respond to it?

>> right.

>> you're recommending taking it as it is, without the changes. That is what t and r is recommending that we don't ask for changes, because they believe this will stop the agreement.

>> the level of effort we are going to go through --

>> the court decided that the level of risk is sufficient to precreed requesting changes or to accept the agreement as they are.


>> the money risk and the liability risk, those are the two things that the court needs to evaluate. And if we followed the dep's recommendation it's the documents forwarded to us, assuming they are in good faith and --

>> in our hands?

>> thereby obviating enforcement --

>> it's in our hands.

>> if we discover employing not complying with whatever the standards are, we ask them to return the bus pass --

>> that is correct, they are required to sign an agreement that they will not give away, loan or sell their bus agreement card and that they will turn it in at the end of the program to me.

>> is that agreement that the people can get the bus passes, is that ours or is that someone else's.

>> it's ours.

>> can we fix that with the change that I had? Without causing any issues where they agree that the county is not liable?

>> yes.

>> because I believe that would be helpful, there is no liability for the county in the use of the bus pass we've given to the individual, if anything occurs they don't come back on us.

>> but we have that --

>> yes, but it's that acceptance agreement, kind of a release, and if we can make the change in that, I think that would be helpful.

>> that is not a problem.

>> and that would go a long way to provide the county with additional protection.

>> that is what I move, that one change. Shouldn't be that big a deal. Discussion? The thing is to get employees who have thought been using buses before to sign up and try this.

>> that's right, and the number of new riders have increased to 110 as of this morning.

>> new riders --

>> new riders and over all it's 280 people participating in the program that I've received e-mails from so far.

>> and what is the

>> [indiscernible]

>> we have about 170 left.

>> 170.

>> yes, sir.

>> and basically beat the bush as much as we possibly could to make everybody aware that this is available

>> [indiscernible] I mean, have we really done a thorough thorough --

>> I believe that I have done so. We are continuing to send out e-mail messages about the program and people can continue to sign up for it throat the three--- through out the three-month period.


>> [indiscernible] every time talking about this and asking questions she gets a flurry of e-mails from folks interested.

>> 170 free bus passes left, and that 90-day period starting oning -- running when?

>> July 1.

>> so three months, July, August, September --

>> correct.

>> and so free transportation by bus to work and back just to try out the bus transportation to and from work. Had a is hard to beat. In fact, let me advise our county judge to look into that. (laughter).

>> any more discussion.

>> willing to give up that parking space.

>> he said you want to give up that parking spot, Commissioner? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And that is the update and also the contract.

>> yes.

>> okay, thank you very much. Let's keep on keepin' on on this one.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:59 PM