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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 19, 2007
Item 11

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11 is next and then we'll take 13 after that. Consider and take appropriate action on ribelin ranch subdivision, final plat, 10 total lots. And 11b approve subdivision construction agreement with ribelin ranch subdivision. Is that rib-lynn or ribe-lynn?

>> ribe-lynn.

>> can we lay that out.

>> it's a standard subdivision, judge.

>> okay.

>> this is up off of 22/22. And you probably recognize the name because we've had some deals with mr. Ribelin and the acquisition of the property for bcp. This is the subdivision he is coming back with, and I think it's in a single office. It's in the etj of the city of Austin. And it's been reviewed through the single office, means that both Travis County and the city of Austin have both looked at it. It meets moat and we recommend approval, there is nothing particularly special about it.

>> anybody here in opposition for approval of this subdivision?

>> judge, let me say something. I mean, obviously it's something that --

>> [indiscernible] this morning.

>> and by the way, the only reason I didn't recommend it for consent is that the name stood out from previous discussions and I wasn't sure.

>> okay.

>> I have had in the past six months probably 30 meets with people up and down 2222. We have got to do something 2222-wise. Traffic. With regards to mobility, and one of the things we are going to do with this tract we understand is what is Leander doing with the school -- Leander is going to do a school, and I can't imagine the traffic that is school is going to create on 2222, not to say that the 20-year, or whatever, but I try to draw attention to the court with regards to the need for us to really look at sitting down with all of the necessary folks. I mean, in this case, the city of Austin and us, judge, are obviously -- along with txdot. Their fix or one of their fixes is a $400 million project on 2222 right now. And we all know in this community what we are grappling with to try to find the money to take on an the infrastructure of a road system -- I don't know how this community can continue to grow at the pace that it's growing and to not have the adequate infrastructure that we have got to find a way to not only design but build, I mean, you know, it's easier to design things. It's just harder to find the doug to -- dough to come up with the issues. I mean, we are mindful -- we've complied and come up with all of the necessary rules and regulations for u and for that reason I will make a motion to approve this, but every time we have an opportunity to see things like this, I think it should cause us to really try to find a way to get folks to the table and say how are we going to take these infrastructure issues on? It is legitimate. I mean, it is definitely legitimate on 620, 360, 2222 and not to say that we don't have issues all over this country, but there are things we are facing that I'm not sure that we have the tools to deal with. So that being said, I would move approval of this but I do want people to know that -- and I think that people that are out doing the projects understand the issues. I mean, if there is any comment that anybody wants to make to something aye said, please do so or we'll probably get the head shaking we generally get with meetings whether it's the 2222 people or the 71 folks or the 360 --

>> second the motion.


>> [indiscernible]

>> yes, sir, to my knowledge --

>> will you please speak up.

>> sure. Travis County tnr. To my knowledge, everyone is in agreement and it meets the codes -- but to any knowledge is meets the agreement.

>> anybody here to discuss this with us? Any more discussion of the motion. All in favor,-that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:59 PM