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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 19, 2007
Item 2

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Item 2. Approve resolution recognizing michael pierce on his retirement after twenty-one years of service to Travis County in the information and telecommunication systems department. Mr. Pierce is here. There's room for throw more to sit. The others can stand around. To make michael feel at home.

>> oh, yes.

>> maybe his last Commissioners court appearance. Is this your first one, too.

>> I believe it is my first.

>> should I read the proclamation.

>> yes, sir.

>> it reads: whereas service, dedication, commitment and compassion should always be recognized, whereas michael pierce has spent his Travis County tenure in service to the residents and employees of the Travis County, through his performance in the information and telecommunications systems department, whereas he has demonstrated his commitment to service and his dedication to his duties, in a fashion that has made him known and respected by all of his peers and the customers of Travis County computer operations division, whereas his efforts to help Travis County successfully move from a single main frame computer to multiple host computer systems, supporting Travis County business, and whereas michael is retiring from county service and is beginning a new era of life, his outstanding to please the customer attitude will certainly follow him to his future professional and personal endeavors, now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court of the state of Texas gratefully recognizes the contributions of michael pierce to the residents and employees of Travis County and wish him continuing success in his much deserved retirement. I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> Commissioners, I'm walter

>> [indiscernible] your its manager. Just a few brief words about mike. He has been a Travis County 21 years. I have been here just under seven. Those short years that I have had a chance to work with mike he's -- he's one of those kind of resources where you give him a job to do, you don't have to thinkone,. Another unique opportunity for mike, operators do for three or four months they get the shift on what hours they work because basically here 24 hours a day, five days a week, they don't work just one shift, they work all three shifts. I don't know how they do it. I couldn't do it. But they do it and they do it willingly and for Travis County citizens and the departments. We all want that retirement that Travis County, mike has finally grabbed it and the good news is that he's grabbed that brass ring, now he has to step off the merry go round. And -- and I can promise you we might be able to fill somebody to ride that pony, we are not going to be able to fill mike's shoes. We are going to miss him.

>> well, it's -- it's been a long 21 years.

>> [laughter] and most of it has been -- been pleasant and fun and the best part of it is -- is all of my co-workers and -- and all of the people that I came into contact with through the -- through the business aspect of my job with Travis County. I can gladly say I enjoyed all of it. -- I appreciate this -- this -- this recognition.

>> yes.

>> that's right.

>> judy, one of the other it managers. I do want to say one thing to mike. Mike, I really want to say thank you, I remember one night at about 2:30 in the morning you called me and woke me up, I want to say thank you for that.

>> [laughter] I have to admit that hurt me as much as you.

>> I do want to say people like mike are -- are hard to find in walter's words are so well taken. With we bring the integrated justice system up it's a complex task. Many of us were on call, mike was the person that had to dial the phone to get us out of bed. So I appreciate that, mike.

>> at least that's the story that you told your husband.

>> well, that's what I told terry, yeah.

>> [one moment please for change in captioners]

>> probably a lot of catch-up stuff to do, what do you plan on --

>> well, I have three grandchildren and they keep me pretty business, and, yes, I have many honey-do's as well, because of working on shift work t's difficult to take care of things around the property, the house, inside and out. I think it's time I start paying attention to those things.

>> well, we appreciate your service. That is a very challenging position, in the computer world I can understand a lot of that puts you through that kind of stuff, the background --

>> well, it's constantly changing and it's getting a little harder for me to keep up with, and it's changing faster than I can.

>> and, of course, mike -- we do appreciate your dedication. I fought for years for rolex watches for those retiring, but this year we do have a -- for you, and looks like a year late.

>> oh, just in time.

>> -- couldn't be with us today, and asked me to do it. Gladly -- a Travis County pen here --

>> don't leave.

>> I won't be here twenty years.

>> go get it.

>> all in favor, that passes by unanimous vote. (applause). And a pen. Whatever you get out of judy and joe on your own, you're welcome to.

>> well, you take care of yourself. Take care.

>> thank you, thank you.

>> thank you y'all for coming down and wishing michael well.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 8:59 PM