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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 12, 2007
Executive Session

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Number a 3 is to consider and take appropriate action on enrolled bills awaiting governor's signature.

>> the only thing that had come up, we had a cuc lunch lunchen to recap the legislature s of course house bill 2006 is sitting on the governor's desk. I don't believe it's been signed yet. And we did register our opposition to itrb but it might be prudent for us to do a letter either from you or from the court asking for the governor to veto hb 2006 the provision regarding eminent domain.

>> I'm not sure this is the appropriate posting.

>> the intention behind the agenda item was to leave it open enough for any bills that had radically changed prior to enrollment. Of course bills once they are enrolled, on 2006, on 7 736 dealing with transportation, and on several other bills there was a lot of change to many bills in the last hours of the legislative session. It's been a task for our lobbists, who aren't here today, and also different divisions of the county, to figure out exactly how those changes impact us and whether there's anything that we should do about them.

>> I am still not sure if this posting will allow us do do is that. We can the take that item into executive session and discussion that very item with legal counsel. And we are going into executive session in just a few moments anyway. I had no idea what this was here. We will get a report from the consultants and I guess the county, but to be honest that will be after the time for the governor to sign the bills as required, so we will know what has been veto vetoed and signed by the governor, et cetera. This seems to be what action should be taken while the governor is still wait to go an action.

>> I believe he has to sign by the 17th.

>> that will be a question for legal in executive session. We will take this item in there, which is a 3.

>> note we already have--

>> under consultation with attorney.

>> we already have weighed in on hb 2006 with our opposition. So it would not be a change in the court's position on that bill.

>> I believe that gets us to executive session, doesn't it, mr. Porter? We just announced a 3 would be taken into executive session. For legal at vice. Brief yosly announced that item number 30 would be postponed for at least one week, maybe two. So we will have more members present for discussion and deliberation. 31 is to consider and take appropriate action on an offer to purchase property owned by Travis County and located at 9207 johnny morris road in precinct one. 32, consider and take appropriate action regarding potential purchase of property along airport boulevard in central Austin. That is the real property exception, also consultation with attorney, just in case our lawyers are eager to give us legal advice. 32, consider and take appropriate action regarding potential purchase of property along airport boulevard in central Austin, the real property exception to the open meetings act. 33, consider and take appropriate action on request from sheriff's office to use exposition center for emergency drill. That is the consultation with attorney on security matter exception to the open meetings act. A 1, our final item, since we have announced a 3, is to receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in claim by jennifer maldonado, former slot number 45, eeoc charge number 31 c-2007-0073 c-2007-00733, and this will be under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act also. Okay. We will discuss these items in executive session but will return to open court before taking any action. Action.

>> ...i second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 32 involves the potential purchase of property along the airport boulevard from the city of Austin by Travis County. Is there a motion today or should we mull it over ?

>> let's mull it over. There's some information we'd still like to receive, judge and I'd like to see some of that information. A week would be fine.

>> okay. We'll have it back on next week and see what happens.

>> all right.

>> if there is no objection, we will do that. 33 involves a request from the sheriff's office to use the expedition center for emergency evacuation drill. Move that we approve the request.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? Favor?? That passes by unanimous vote. And turning to the added items, we did get a briefing on the jennifer maldonado charge and complaint. Based on the information received (audio difficulty). A 3 involves basically what appropriate action to take on enrolled bill awaiting the governor's signature. (audio difficulty)

>> on hb 2006, we are maintaining our opposition to it.

>> okay. (audio difficulty) anything further today further-- further--further today ?

>> move adjourn.

>> second? That passes by unanimous vote. . (audio difficulty) our work for dude is done.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 8:00 AM