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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 12, 2007
Item 2

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Number two is to approve proclamation recognizing the 18th annual yiewn teenth-- owe Juneteenth emancipation day celebration to be held on Friday, June 15th, 2007.

>> good morning.

>> do we have you here to receive this?

>> yes, sir.

>> if the six of you would be seated comfortably and the others can stand around. Should I read the proclamation?

>> yeah. We have something for you. First before the proclamation, because the ladies are on met do you want to introduce yourself and the name of your

>> can you come together so you're tall on the frame of the -- so you're all on the frame of the tv? I want you preserved for posterity.


>> [inaudible - no mic]. (singing) (¶ singing ¶)

>> [ applause ]

>> thank you, ladies. We appreciate it. You have noticed that the choir is called honor choir. And if we had males in it we woul change the name.

>> [ laughter ] so we'll see you all on Friday. Thank you very, very much. Tirks reads whereas, this day, known as freedom day or emancipation day, commemorates the abolition of safery in Texas. -- slavery in Texas. It had been announce odd January 1st, 1863, it had little immediate effect on most slaves day-to-day lives, particularly in Texas, which was almost entirely under confederate control. Juneteenth commemorates June 18th, 1865, the day union general and 2,000 federal troops arrived on galveston island to take possession of the state and to tell slaves of their freedom. Whereas general granger read the content of general order number 3 that read in part, all slaves are free. It becomes that between employer and hired labor, end quote. Whereas many slaves left their masters immediately after being freed in search of family members and economic opportunities or just because they could, they left with nothing on their back, but hope in their hearts. As black people were free, they began the long struggle to gain equal rights as american citizens. Whereas this 142-year-old event might seem like ancient history, echoes of the Juneteenth story res son nants in the stories of people of color today. Getting them on paper is a far cry from getting them in real life. Whereas the observance of Juneteenth signifies a level of maturity in america that is long overdue, people all over the country are joining hands to acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and changed the influence of our society today. Sensitivity to conditions and experiences of others will enable us to make significant and lasting improvements in our society and whereas let us not think and despair over the obstacles that stand in our path towards progression towards equality, rather let us join hands and communicate our goals, share our experiences and leverage our strengths. The spirit of Juneteenth should be alive and well in each of us. Now therefore be it resolved that we the members of the Commissioners court here by proclaim June 19th, 2007 as Juneteenth Texas emancipation day in Travis County and encourage all residents to attend Juneteenth festivities and support the noble purpose of emancipation day. And I move approval.

>> second.

>> morning.

>> good morning. Thank you, judge Biscoe and Commissioners for the proclamation. Is this Friday between the hours of 11 and two we will hold our annual Juneteenth celebration. It promises to be another huge success. The ladies that sang first, that is the Travis County sheriff office honor choir and that's just part of our talent that will be displayed during the program portion. We also have control -- it's two fold. We also have our history as far as many times when we're out in the field we sing our black spirituals. But also we're going to liven it up in a different way with the band that we have this year. We will have a live band. It's called control band. And I'm going to try to put these posters in elevators throughout, but I'm not sure if media can get a close-up on this. These are six gentlemen, live, and they play around the city and throughout central Texas and they're sure to be -- come on out. You will get a real treat. Not only do we just have a good time, we also focus on the health issues of our people. And this year we will have again from the we willness clinic we will have the nurse there giving literature on breast cancer awareness, prostate cancer awareness. June is prostate cancer awareness month. We will also have the e.m.s. Present and they will be be giving free blood pressure checks. We will have a mass seuss there on-site. That's one that we contract -- the county contracts with that gives the chair massages, so please take advantage of that. That's one dollar per minute. As the day goes on we might need more and more massages. Be out there and we want to support her. And also we have something new for the June teen beth committee. It is the marrow donor registration drive. In the brown and black community we have a low percentage of those who are registered to be marrow donors. I was registered several years ago and at that time to be registered they did extract blood from you. It will be real easy. We won't be extracting blood out there. It's very easy to register now. All they need is a schwab from your -- a swab from your jaw. There's a lady coming from san antonio so we're having a registration drive. We want all employees and friends who are not registered and who would like to be registered that would be be free of charge, of course. It may be a family member, or a community member, but went to encourage that. We're not all just about a good time. We really do some good things. I'm going to start talking. I know you will start applauding now, but I'm going to stop talking and I want the rest of my committee to introduce themselves. I have two gentlemen in the audience that -- I know the reason why they're not here is because they didn't have a seat. One of them is dan smath. Wave, smath. And the other one is chris o'hair. I would like for the rest of you to introduce yourself.

>> I'm sally chavez burleson and I have a copy of Juneteenth program.

>> my name is gwen do lien Davis.

>> I'm sue spears and I represent county Commissioner precinct 1.

>> I'm don rulak, purchasing office. Ms. Brown asked me to give a few words. As the judge said, Juneteenth is a day of fellowship and celebration in reso long nation of -- recognition of slavery being over in the state of Texas. It took a long time getting here for whatever reasons. However with all celebrations and fellowship, there is one thing that comes together and that is food. So for June teeth this is a list of some of the things we'll be having. For your gastronomic delight, snow cones, taco plates. We have frito pies. And one of the things I'm looking forward to is some original good cajun cooking. We're going to have chips and confectionnary. Fried chicken wings. Oh yeah. Lemonade, watermelon slices, fruit baskets and a good cold soda to wash is all down with. Thank you, Commissioners, judge.

>> good morning. My name is lisa iselburger and I am from juvenile probation.

>> thanks to all of you. This is Friday of this week.

>> yes, sir.

>> we have numerous sponsors here.

>> this is put on by elected and appointed officials here in Travis County. We ask for a 25-dollar donation. And the door is not chosed yet. And this is not the official program, so if those who heard that real good music a few moments ago and feel it in their hearts to reach down deeper, they can send more money. Or those who have not sent, can send some. I would like to say each year that it does cost something to put on as much as this. We do not thaik make a profit. Any money that comes from the booth goes to the individual departments that they use for benevolence. The committee makes no money, but it does cost to have something of this quality. We do pay our band. We do give love offers. It's left up to the judge to pick up the slack.

>> [ laughter ] so I'm sure your colleagues want to help you out and I'm still taking money into the day.

>> they might kill me if I say can you put a little syrup in there.

>> this is the abeth annual. -- 18th annual. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> just keep trying to get the proclamation on one page.

>> [ laughter ]

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 8:00 AM