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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 5, 2007
Citizens Communication

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Now citizen's communication is next. We took a little time to get to citizen's communication today. First person is ms. Dik.

>> is she still here is this.

>> yes, sir.

>> okay. We do apologize for taking so long to get to all of you today. We never know what the public hearings will be about. Good morning.

>> good morning, everyone. I'm here this morning, as you know, to take about my innocent son roosevelt hutchins junior in state prison here under false pretenses. I have here, I went to the, and I've been talking with mr. Nelson lyndon helping pee with this investigation and everything of my son. This is where I had put this in the newspaper about parent being concerned. This is the honorable judge bob perkins' file on my son and on walter, see, both of them was arrested at the same time. My son was arrested with mr. Walter. But my son was put in room 299, which is judge wiz's courtroom, and wateren was in 331. What took place, judge perkins sent for my son from 299 and put him up here in the 331. So judge wizard didn't sentence my son in 1993 at alall. He really didn't. And judge per kin's file that I have a copy of proofs this. He had me to go next-door and talk to judge wizard and I went there and he told me, ms. Ms. Dicky, you ask judge wizard the same thing you asked me, did you sentence my son to the correct shunel division on if date. This is the file of judge wizard. I showed this page to judge bob perkins and he told me no, he said, I did not sentence roosevelt to wacken hut or state prison. He said I gave orders for him to be released in six months. My son never has been releas released from that date judge bob perkins sentenced my son. I asked the judge wizard, sir, if you sentenced my son under this cause number and on this date of this may 14, 1993, same date of his incarceration, I said how could you do that with a jury trial on the same date that he was incarcerated. He looked straight at derrick bait man and hunched up his showelers and said, I don't know, maybe a mistake had been made. I said a miss tax sir, -- --mistake, my son is in state prison, and they are beating the crap out of him, death threats and everything everything. I said a mistake, if a mistake have been made, judge, would you please sign this order to release my son son. And he said no. I said, but why not? You just told me, you know, that a mistake has been made and everything. But he would not sign it. My son is still in state prison under false pretenses because judge wizard did not sentence, wasn't the sentenc sentencings judge, like judge perkins told me. Judge wizard was not the sentencing judge in 1993. He said, ms. Dick, I was the sentencing judge and he has proof that he that--he sentenced both boys. Here is the back and front of the file. And it's up under judge per kin's real number. Hi two representatives, mr. Tony here and ms. Rosemary from the criminal justice department. They are the ones who researched the file ever before derrick bateman, he is the third guy to research the file and came up with all this other corrupt stuff and the other representative came up with the truth. So I don't understand it. I need help. I want to go before the grand jury. I need the top. I my son home. My child is--

>> about a minute over.

>> sir ?

>> about a minute over.

>> a minute over? I apologize. Apologize. I took out of classes today to get up here and let you see judge bob perkins' file that he did, he is the sentencing sentencing -- judge and not judge wizard. My son was not in that courtroom.

>> thank you.

>> the other we are here and said they will come back at another time. Maria andrews is third.

>> I'm here to talk about getting in front of the grand jury. We just have to talk about it until we are able to do that. The people, according to the code of criminal predominant have every right to go before the grand jury but we are being stopped. This is the most amazing story just in front, I mean, she has proved proof and evidence that her son pled y to a six-month--guilty to a six month charge and was ut in dell vail and she has evidence that a jury trial took place while he was incarcerated of which he had no knowledge. He has been doing 14 years because a gñrd at del valle was angry with him. How do you go from a six month charge to a jury trial that never happened to 14 years in state jail? It's amazing. Judge, you said to send questions to you, and I have have. I haven't received answered yet and I just thought I would refresh your memory about the questions I sent on may 25. I sent you this open records act request. The statements that are sent out under the name of Travis County tax assessor collector to owners of property in Travis County carry the caveat, a leeb-- leeb--lien arises on the first day of jon. --of jon. Of January. (reading document). In other words there has to be a judgment before there can be a lien. I can't if I can that out. Operation of law is a strange thing. The other question that I asked you was pursuant to Texas open records act, could you please furnish me with the names of the five regular Travis County sheriff deputies designated as county traffic officers. Also I with a like the naming of the two special deputies named to assist in times of emergency. It appears orange five, according to the trans--only five, according to the transportation code, Travis County officers can be in Travis County control or issue tickets or whatever it is they do. So I kind of need the naming of those in case I ever get stopped. By somebody whose name doesn't appear on the list. Again, it's a real problem that we are having. These courts are run as a business. They have federal identification number. They operate strictly as a business. They act as administrative hearings. I personally was robbed of a $25,000 bond, which you all are aware. You know it was stolen by a district judge. The judge can't be sued because he has immunity. You know, immunity is a special law. No law in a republic can apply to one person and not another. I believe it's time for special laws to go away and for public officials who are thiefs to be held account accountable.

>> thank you ms. Andrews. Craig peas is next.

>> good morning, y'all, how you doing. I'm here again about getting in front of the grand jury. Asked to get things in ig writing. I sent a letter last week. Have you received it yet? Judge briscoe ?

>> trying to recall. I don't recall.

>> I sent you a letter, as I told you--

>> regarding ?

>> regarding getting in front of the grand jury. I told you last week there is only one question. The question is what time and date do we get in front of the grand jury ?

>> my answer to that, I am not empowered, authorized, et cetera, to provide that.

>> you pay them.

>> I cannot make that happen.

>> what good--

>> the Commissioners court nor the county judge has authority to do anything--

>> you own the purse strings here and you are paying for those folks. We are being denied access by the district attorneys, denied access by law force. I'm going to tell you, you guys pay cps and all this other wonderful hanky panky and we are going to do just like cps. They into your house and see see--barge into your house and somebody abused you of abuse--accused of of abusing your kid and have you to pea in a cup. You guys aren't letting us get in front of the grand jury. In my mind that means you guys are a lot to hide of I went doubt to the courthouse last beek looking for judge bender. Out as soon as I started asking about him they got belligerent because you all have circled the wagons. You know the visiting judge scam is over w the supreme court has ruled and they call it the rent a judge scam and every, time and time again, ruled that the rent a judges are not constitutional. You all have violated my constitutional rights. You put mr. Gerstacke flñrks jail for 32 days, no reason or rhyme that no one can still to this day come up with am we are sick of it. We need to get in front of the grand jury. You pay these people. You are ultimately responsible, sir, as a publicly elected official. It is your duty to get us in front of the grand jury. If you do not do your duty, then under government code . .03 you are in neglect of duty and we still need to get in front of the grand jury. Are you empowered to do it. I don't care what the da says. You are empowered to do it. You are the ultimate authority in this county. If you can't rein these guys in to let us get in front of the grand jury, what is the point? Sitting here arguing over water? I know water is important in Texas but so are liberties. So is freedom. We would like our freedom back. We would like access to the grand jury like it promises in the constitution for some reason you guys have chunked it out the window and say we don't have any way to do its its. Like the state agencies that give over electric or water contracts to these companies and then say, gee, we are just the commission that doles out the monopoly but bee have no oversight over it. It's insane. We want time in front of the grand jury and it's your job to get us there. You do have the power. And you know it. Thank you.

>> thank you, mr. Peas. George ger stacker is next.

>> good morning. I am steward ger stacker. I am a public minister and I come in peace. I am here to remind you of your duties regarding the matter I have been discuss discussing with you over the past few weeks. I have repeatedly informed you of the corruption taking place under your nose. You all know that multiple felonies have been observed by several competent fact witnesses and we have been obstructed from going in front of the grand jury by local law and the district attorney. You have know that people have conspired to violate me and the community by jailing me without probable cause or triallve you know that j david phillips con sired with the home loan mortgage corporation to steal my property without a trial. You know the peas has been breached. You know bill bender is sitting without oath or bond in violation of textation penal code and in violation of holding case law and creating bail bonds versus state of Texas yet you are allowing these criminals to continue receiving a paycheck. Are you all come all -- comp complicit in the trime. I refer to you Texas rules of procedure, neglect of duty, shall draw plains. Not if you feel like it. Shall draw complaints. A duty that falls on all of you. Article 2.03 when complaint is made, 2.309, who are manage magistrate. This does not include visiting judge, which is what bill bender is. That does include county judges. That is you, judge Biscoe. You are a magistrate. It is your duty to arrest bill bender immediately. He is engaging in a felony crime. We have fact witnesses have repeatedly testified to that fact also article 2.13 duties and pousers apply to every peace officer and requires the immediate arrest of bill bender. For all you peace officers. Article 2.14 of the Texas code, may summon aid, whenever a peace office meets with resistance, he shall sum and sufficient number of citizens of his county to overcome the resistance and all persons summoned are bound to obey. So if your boss out there is telling you not to arrest bill bender, then you officials out there have a duty to arrest both the boss and bill bender and now get busy witness. I'm going to sit here in the public viewing area and wait until five minutes after the citizen's communication is finished. If one of your people does not arrange for me to speak to the grand jury by the end of the five minutes I will swear out criminal complaints and have Travis County placed under federal supervision until the matter is resolvedlve have you two choices. Do your duty or go to prison thank you.

>> thank you. Pepper morris is next.

>> pepper morris. On behalf of hill country alliance, I have a question, hopinging I can articulate because it gets confusing to you are all probably aware of the problems of sediment into hamilton pool. Part of the problem is being addressed by hays county because that is where it's happening. But it's been observed that there is other earth being moved on the Travis County side. We believe that it's pea cock, ranch, if it is, they have an ag exception which means they do not have to comply with the mmps ordinances. However, the it is the ran ranrch, we know mr. Hoffman has negotiating regarding a conservation develop the. My question is, if it is pea cock rank rank--ranch, and they are doing the erg moving, wouldn't they have to comply with ordinances if they are in negotiation fors a conservation ment? Did that make any sense?

>> your question is whether pea cochran of--peacock ranch is part of the problem.

>> right, if they are moving earth and have an agricultural exemption, they are not required, it's our understanding, to comply with the mps ordinances.

>> do we think that ranch is part of the problem sph.

>> it may or may not be. I think what is there, it's my an understanding, those are agricultural operations he is not developing his property and not doing anything that would trigger our development permit. So he is clearing trees. But a lot of ran ofof--ranch ofof--ranchers do that. It's not the county's to regulate that. The conservation, he is basically just exploring the idea. He hasn't submitted any plans 20 do thatthat--to do that. That doesn't have bearing on what is going on in hamilton creek. We are trying to figure out what he is doing and to figure out whether tceq has jurisdiction if in fact he is producing sedimentation in the creek.

>> did we take some samples yesterday with the water to determine whether or not there might be some--

>> we did not. I understand lcra did.

>> that answers my question . Thank you.

>> anybody else for citizen citizen's communication whñrks you signed in or not? The consent items are next.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 6, 2007, 8:00 AM