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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 29, 2007
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda. First we have 7 jimmy castro, followed by

>> [indiscernible] good morning.

>> good morning, judge Biscoe, Commissioner, staff. My name is jimmy castro, here on speak on my own behalf. I would like to remind everyone of this year's children's miracle network celebration to benefit the dell children's medical center of central Texas, Saturday and Sunday, June 2nd and 3rd. All money raised from the central Texas area during the celebration will be earmarked for the dell children's medical center of central Texas. The dell children's medical center of central Texas will be the only dedicated pediatric medical facility in a 46-county region offering world class specialty care for families throughout central Texas. The Austin pediatric medical education is a residents see program that offers a well-rounded balanced training experience for our country's finest medical school graduates. The pediatricians of tomorrow, medical students and residents, play an important role in caring for children. Some of the departments and programs at the dell children's medical center of central Texas will include the child life department, specialty care center, children's asthma program, the juvenile diabetes team, the children's therapy gym, the children's emergency center, the children's emergency center, the dell children's medical center of central Texas will be one of only five dedicated pediatric e.r.'s in Texas and the only one in central Texas. The pediatric intensive care unit will be staffed 24 hours a day by a especially trained medical team. The childhood cancer and blood disorder center. The children's medical center foundation of central Texas. The neonatal intensive care unit. The dell imaging center on site radiology and ultrasound capabilities. The expanded children's surgery center will be the only one in central Texas dedicated specifically to children. The pediatric critical care transport team will be available on 24/7 to serve the needs of the central Texas area. The dell children's medical center of central Texas regional heart program will continue a long and distinguished history of service for patients throughout the state and the world. Finally, what will make the dell medical center of central Texas different is people. People who can leave work each day knowing they have made a difference in the life of a child. Thank you, judge and Commissioners.

>> thank you. .

>> > thank you, mr. Castro. Mr.

>> [indiscernible] next, followed by stuart thomas.

>> good morning, how are you all doing today. Judge Biscoe, thank you for responding to mr. Girbacker's letter of last week regarding

>> [indiscernible] oath of office. You have personal knowledge of that bill bender took his oath of office in may 24th, 2000. Those don't last forever. I would like to get in front of the grand jury, still. Ms. Eckhardt you told me last week to read all of the statutes having to do with it. I read statutes, case law, supreme court case law. Every one of them says I have access to the grand jury. What your response should be in the future if someone says they want access to the grand jury, you should say go over and make an appointment. This is how it works out. Every case law, every supreme court decision says I am allowed to go in front of the grand jury. I don't have to go through law enforcement, I don't have to go through the prosecutor. I am allowed to go give testimony in front of the grand jury. I'm giving you a letter today, judge Biscoe, asking when, what day and what time I can get in front of the grand jury to give evidence. And I want in front of the grand jury, crimes are being committed. You have knowledge that those crimes are being committed. They are constitutional violations and it's blatant that it's constitutional violation and you've had knowledge of it since the 24th, so it should be interesting to see if bill bender is still getting paid. Thank you for your time.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Girsbacker. Followed by lorraine casey.

>> good morning, I'm stuart thomas girsbacker, want to thank you for responding so quickly to the matter that I spoke about last week. I can't find the office of visiting judge anywhere in the Texas code of criminal procedure, but I'm addressing that in my letter to you which I haven't fib finished yet. Bill bender sitting as a judge without a valid oath is just the tip of the iceberg. We have cognizance of 50 government crime involving more than a dozen government officials and all we want right now is to present our criminal complaints to the grand jury. Yet we have been obstructed and intimidated by law enforcement and the district attorney's office. While I am still working on my letter to you regarding this matter, I would like to take this opportunity to ask a few of my more pertinent questions. For instance how is it that the Texas rule of civil procedure number 726 requires that if a plaintiff fails to appear he shall be non-suited. Yet when the federal home loan emergency corporation sued me to evict me from my house and the plaintiff failed to appear for trial on June 16th, 2004, he still received judgment in his favor? And before you answer that, maybe you can tell me how it is that the judgment that was required by Texas rules of civil procedure 574 b to have been signed at the trial on June 16th, 2004s was in fact signed a month later on July 16th, 2004 at a secret hearing for which I never received service, also in violation of rule of civil procedure 124. And I've got docket sheet here showing the trial and then the second trial. All right the jlt of possession, July 16th --

>> [indiscernible] 16th of June, 2004 which is a fraud. I'm also curious to know how it is that j. David phillips would sign a judgment in a secret hearing on July 16th, 2004 in favor of a non-suited party and then allow the face of the judgment to fraudulently show a date of June 16th, 2004, which was the date of trial when the plaintiff failed to appear. Looks like judge jay david phillip is involved in a conspiracy with the federal home loan emergency corporation to defraud me out of my property. By law this is not a judgment ... It cannot be the basis of any action. Maybe that's where the county clerk failed to enter into writ of execution in her execution document. After breaching the peace and stealing my house at the point of a gun, Travis County brought false criminal charges against me involving burglarizing my own house, trespassing in my own house. Since Travis County can't make any of these false charges stick against me, since I won't sign a plea bargain, bill bender has been brought in as a henchman to terrorize me into submission. Now it's time to inform the grand jury. You and every one of you are duty bound to suppress felonies. Read the Texas code of criminal procedures right in there. If you do not take me to the grand jury now you are in neglect of your duty and violation of Texas law. The big question that I have is this, now that you are aware that felony crimes have taken place, are continuing in this matter will you do your duty to suppress felonies or actively cover them up. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> ms. Caser? Lorraine caser? Robin schnieder.

>> judge and county Commissioners. For the record my name is robin schnieder, the executive director of Texas campaign for the environment. I wanted to first let you know that the legislature did pass house bill 2714, which requires computer makers to take back their products from consumers, this is a good start. In having us go down the road of product take back by their -- by producers. I hope that you folks will accepted a letter to governor perry urging him to sign the legislation so that it can go into he could. Unfortunately televisions were not included in the legislation; however, the house authored chairman dennis bonan pledged to address televisions in 2009 and I hope that you folks will stand with us once again to push for producer take back of televisions. I also wanted to report back to you on the public meeting that was held last Thursday, with regards to the b.f.i. Expansion application. The turnout was quite strong. Somewhere between 300 and 400 people hoed up from all over the county -- showed up for all over the county. Not just residents near the landfills. The opposition to the expansion was very clear and on no one who spoke had anything positive to stay about an expansion of that landfill. After all that we have been through, through all of these years, you would think that b.f.i. Would have been on their best behavior lately. But what we heard was continued problems with storm water runoff, one local property owner who has fences down because the runoff continues to be a problem, noise problems, because of the 24 hour operations, odor problems continue to plague the neighbors and school children, mud on the road, b.f.i. Being very unresponsive to complaints of mud on the road. Coyotes, buzzards. All of the promises that we have heard in the past from b.f.i. That they are going to take extra measures to clean up their act really have not had much impact. I think the most poignant moment was when the student body president of the bluebonnet trails elementary school got up to speak. Jesus martinez and he said that basically the students at bluebonnet trails are opposed to the expansion, that the odors are making the kids nauseous and giving them headaches, that they have a joke on the playground that you can't stay in one place, don't stand in one place or the buzzards will come and get you. That there's buzzard feces all over their playground equipment and their track and his younger brother and younger sister also got up to make comments and I wish that y'all could have seen this. It was quite a wonderful expression of these very young people expressing their mind. But I would hope and urge you to join the city of Austin in opposing the landfill expansion. B.f.i. Has not lived up to its promises to you and to the community and they have no

>> [buzzer sounding] preordained right to get an expansion. You should oppose them, especially on the land use grounds for any further expansion of that landfill. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, ms. Schnieder.

>> thank you, robin.

>> did ms. Caser show up? Anybody else for citizens communication? Whether you signed in or not. Then let's go to the consent items.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 8:00 AM