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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 29, 2007
Item 33

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33. Receive and discuss as necessary the first revenue estimate for the fy 2008 budget process. (county auditor)

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, I'm blaine

>> [indiscernible] from the auditor's office. We have for you this morning the first revenue estimate for the 2008 budget process. As I'm sure you could tell when you looked at it, it's not very big. It's just a general fund and it's just one page, it's our early attempt to give you and your budget office a very broad estimate of where we think we will be on revenues for the general fund for the upcoming budget year. We followed the same process we have in the past, we have given you two sections, the first section is we calculate what we think the beginning balance for the next fiscal year would be. We start with where we -- we are at the end of April, forecast additional revenues, they give us their forecast for additional expenditures, that becomes the ending balance that carries over into next year. That's about $64.8 million. Of course in the future revenue estimates there's a lot more funds, a lot more detail. Beginning balance will just be one number, one line. On this one we kind of like to give you a -- a brief reminder of -- of how we get to that number. For next year, we have -- we have used a tax rate at the request of p.b.o. That would generate a 4% more than the budgeted m and o revenue for this year. That's about $274 million. Or about 10.5 million more than the current budget. For the other revenue, everything else except property tax, what we did is take what we -- before tax this year at the end of April, we move that over to next year, we make a few amendments as we can that early in the process and use the -- that forecast figure from this year largely for other revenues for next year. We did in the -- susan did in the cover memo highlight a couple of the bigger amendments that we did make. The one that's worth noticing I think is the -- is the tax collection commissions that we talked about that last -- that's that 10% that each year has to move out of road and bridge into the general fund. That's about 600,000 more each year. Goes into the general fund out of road and bridge, we have reflected that there. That gives other revenues about 76.2 million. At this point we are looking at total estimated resources in next year, about $415 million, which is about 13.9 million more than the current budget. Breaking that down you have about 1.7 million, initial beginning balance about 10.5 with taxes, about 1.65 other revenue.

>> [indiscernible] point 9 million. Do let me stress that this is very much -- very broad, and we haven't gotten too far into the process yet. Of course the current property taxes won't be set until first much all you decide on the rate, and the final from the appraisal district due to us from July 25th. So we are working with what our folks have at the moment. It gives you a at least a pretty broad view of where we are going to be, how much more you have to deal with to appropriate at this point. That's really all of the comments that I have.

>> you know, basically, as far as the appraisal, the central appraisal district, when will you know the ballpark? I guess it varies, maybe, but as far as those persons that are opposed to an appeal at a particular appraised value, when would -- when will we actually know how much of that revenue would not be available because -- because of the appeals process and then maybe also dealing with that appeal with those appeals --

>> most of those cited by the July 25th date. By the July 25th date.

>> by July 25th?

>> when they give us the assessed valuation, most of those will be resolved.

>> some of these can be for -- can go for litigation and could take years. That's why we talk about the budget assessed valuation, we also stress budget. Because assessed, as far as what's out there as far as valuation could literally change day to day as things get settled but -- but most of those have to be settled by the time they give us the av in July. That would be a pretty good number. Sometimes we lose a little. Sometimes we gain some. Most of it has to be settled.

>> okay. Thank you.

>> you're welcome.

>> thanks.

>> thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> appreciate it.

>> what item are you here on? Criminal justice issue?

>> I suggested to her that we take it this afternoon. Sorry about that. And the purpose of that is to give us a little bit of time over the lunch hour to work. So if we are back at about I would suggest maybe 1:45 or 2:00, we will be in good shape. Okay.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> and --

>> thanks for your testimony at the legislature. I heard it was really good. You are here on item 34? I guess the county clerk is coming over on that item.

>> what about 31 is that consent as well? Cdbg?

>> no.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 8:00 AM