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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 29, 2007
Item 3

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3 is to approve proclamation proclaiming June second, 2007 as women in jazz association day in Travis County. And that's this coming Saturday, isn't it? And we have kevin and pam heart here to receive this. If you will have a seat there in those two chairs there in the middle. Should I read this for our region listening audience? -- huge listening audience? It reads whereas, the women in jazz association is a nonprofit association that was founded in 1994 by pamela hart and her husband, and talented project manager kevin hart. Its purpose is to per pet perpetuate the appreciation and performance of instrumental jazz music. Whereas the objectives of the women in jazz association are to foster the growth of jazz appreciation to individuals who are not familiar with this american tradition. To provide professional development and education opportunities in jazz performance and the music industry to female vocalists, to provide a high quality cultural arts experience in Austin-Travis County. And to provide a venue to non-professional and professional female vocalists who are rarely featured in Austin-Travis County area venues. Whereas the women in jazz association has planned an exciting evening of musical entertainment for Saturday, June second, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. At the paramount theater with jabara warfield serving as emcee, getting the entertainment off to a grand start will be Austin's own first lady of jazz, pamela hart, who is with us today, with her instrumental troupe, including kevin scott on the drums, carey will kins playing electric guitar, william minifield on piano and mike stevens on bass. Got room for one more, Sam Biscoe?

>> [ laughter ] vocalist?

>> [ laughter ] let's go on with this, y'all. The band, coupled with the exceptionally gifted saks a phonist cal turner promises to make this a night to remember. And whereas special featured guest will be the reknowned russian carington quarter at the time highlighting the talents of patrice russian. I know her. In spite of my youth. World reknowned drummer, composer, producer and clinician, terry lynn carington. Saxophonist terry potter and bob hurst on acoustic bass. Now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do here by proclaim Saturday second, 2007 as women in jazz association day in Travis County, Texas and urng all residents to join us in recognizing the association for its outstanding contribution to the arts and our musical pleasure. And I move approval. Good afternoon.

>> good afternoon.

>> any additional comments?

>> yes. As you noted, the women in jazz, we had our first concert in 1994 and it was at antone's on guadalupe. And we progressed from there, had another show at antone's and then progressed from there to the live oak theater, which is now the state theater, and finally to the paramount theater. But June has a significant amount of emphasis on our program because in 1999 we presented our first international start, which was diane reeves, and then thereafter we had nancy wilson and then we had michelle (indiscernible). So at this time we're bringing in patrice russian and her quarter at the time. I want to say thank you for the community and the support you've given us over the past years and that will continue to get support and continue to provide live music to Austin and Travis County.

>> that's kevin hart, y'all.

>> [ laughter ] and you had agood turnout in ret years.

>> we've had very good turnouts. A lot of people didn't know rochellefer rare ra, but we had a good turn out. And we hope you will come out for patrice russian. A lot of people know her as an r and b musician, but she is classically trained and in the jazz genre, which she will be doing on Saturday.

>> what her biggest hit?

>> forget me not.

>> [ laughter ]

>> Commissioner Daugherty is patting his feet.

>> shaking his head and patting his feet.

>> let me ask you this: did you submit a similar request for a proclamation with the city of Austin?

>> yes.

>> good.

>> we had our proclamation given to us last Thursday.

>> last Thursday? Okay. That's real good because it would be good for everybody to get together and make sure you get the full flavor of what this event is for.

>> we also received a message from the governor.

>> really?

>> yeah, we received theirs in the mail.

>> this is original and unique, though. Hot off the press. Today.

>> that's right. And I must say it's the most -- yours has the most information about the events and about the mission and objective of the organization. So we appreciate that.

>> you're welcome.

>> some people say we with get carried away sometimes, but this court has learned to appreciate that.

>> no.

>> believe it or not you have a lot of tall loant this court. You have singing folks, persons with all kinds of talents. So if you ever fall short of talent, starting over to my right with Commissioner Gomez all the way to Commissioner Davis, we've got a multitalented Commissioners court.

>> wonderful, wonderful.

>> we also have workshops.

>> [overlapping speakers]

>> yes. But any time you want to know what women in jazz is doing, dwoa have a website. It's

>> oh. And I do have a poster of our upcoming show this weekend. So if you see this don't shy away from it, just go ahead and buy tickets and we'll see you Saturday night.

>> thanks so much.

>> I'll put it on my office wall. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank y'all very much.

>> thank you.

>> if you'll give me that, I'll give you this, kevin.

>> move that we recess the Commissioner court voting session to take up corporations.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And we do not need the northwest Travis County road district number 3 as there are no claims and no investments, and that was the only item. We do need, though, the Travis County housing finance corporation, so I call that to order at this time. Item number 1 is to consider and take appropriate action to approve two invoices from consumer credit counseling service.

>> good afternoon. I'm harvey Davis, manager of the corporation. The two invoices total $525, and no, sir an eight-hour home buyer education classes for seven home buyers. And we have been the -- the home buyers have paid the corporation the fees, and so this is -- so that is a source of funds to pay consumer credit counseling services.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 2 is to consider and take appropriate action on request to approve an invoice from wells fargo corporate trust services for trustee services on the Travis County housing finance corporation single-family mortgage revenue notes for 2000, sear rez reez one.

>> the amount of this invoice is $600. It is for the period ending August 30th, 2007, which will be the end of the note program. The budget for this trustee services is $1,800, but we only need 600 because it's only for part of the year.

>> move that the 600 be paid.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 3 is to consider and take appropriate action on request to approve minutes of board of directors meetings on April 10, April 24 may 1st, 2007?

>> move approval.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 8:00 AM