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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 22, 2007
Item 9

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Number 9 is to consider and take appropriate action on contracts necessary to implement the healthy at risk, no, healthy heart reduce card cardiovascular risk program.

>> good morning.

>> since the open ing of the plan in February 2005 we have had the opportunity to participate in various studies, and phizer has been one of the most active in this partnership. This will be the third study that we have done with phizer. The other two were education and diabetes and ...

>> ...understand their diseases control their diseases, interact appropriately with their healthcare providers, and ultimately understand how to prevent both the morbidity and mortality related to their diseases. Cardiovascular disease is compound the by the three other diseases, hypertension lipide mma, and individuals with those have a higher risk. A combination of two or all three, there's a 6-8 times increase in their potential for cardiovascular disease. When I say that, I specifically mean harmful effects such as heart attacks and strokes. And the limitations placed on life after that or ultimately death from the harmful event. This program will be an opt in program, meaning employees who are interested in learning about these items and about their health will be allowed to contact us and enter the program. They will then receive either by e-mail or conventional mail educational item for them to keep and review. Sometimes also to take to their physician to discuss because it may bring up questions they didn't know they should be asking if at any point the patient choose chooses to opt out of the program they are welcome to do so. Because this is an opt in program we hope to capture patients motivated to learn and take care of health issues and help prevent some cardiovascular disease.

>> how do we make sure we get out the word to all Travis County employees of the availability of this program ?

>> we will be sending an e-mail. We will also be sending to each department information contained in the backup for them to pass out to employees who don't have access to e-mail. And we hope to be able to do some personal visits as waw talk about benefits in generally and mention this program.

>> this will be at zero cost to the employee.

>> that is correct.

>> zero cost to the employee.

>> questions.

>> one.

>> okay.

>> when you meet the required numbers that you need to have in the program, what time line are you looking at? I know we have a certain number that you would rike to go forward with in the program. But notifying them and then also knowing that you need a certain number, you would like to have a certain number to participate in the program--

>> I believe 350 people.

>> pardon ?

>> I believe toup 350 people will be able to enroll. Again, this is a patient selecting to enroll.

>> I understand.

>> we could encourage our patients would are at risk to consider it. But we this no way will force patients to participate in they don't have an expressed interest.

>> okay.

>> they will notify us and then we will provide them with the paperwork.

>> that is what I'm trying to get to.

>> is there a minimum number required ?

>> I don't believe there is a minimum number. The idea is to get, to have a substantial number of people because the study would not be very accurate without having a number of people. So we are going to actively recruit. This is locked in so it's up to the employees to inform us that they want to participate.

>> if an employee goes to our clinic, the nurses and doctors see the employee based on health symptoms, I guess, that the particular employee is an appropriate candidatecandidate, would the nurse or doctor simply hand the employee the sign-up shight, say read this when you get home, we encourage you to participate participate?

>> as one of the members of the health clinic, I will certainly encourage the employees who would potentially benefit from this program to participate. But again, part of this is the patient's own interest in an understanding their disease, disease process and risk. So I can make the invitation to them. I cannot enforce them.

>> I get a whole lot of e-mails, including the clinic newsletter by e-mail. To be honest, when I'm fast driving through, reading a couple hupped, I really don't have time to stop and contemplate the many benefits of participating in a special clinic program.

>> I'll do my best to catch you the next time.

>> I will be one of those, by the way. That is why I asked the question. I guess I look over that way because the question really is whether this is legally permissible. Okay. So, we have no questions ?

>> no, but some of us can help you also spread the news about the program and the advantages, reducing risk and probably proening loing life.

>> and improving the quality of life. Not having suffered from a strokor heart attack.

>> we can help you as well spread the news.

>> we are going to engage united healthcare and their newsletter mthe announce announcements that go out. We will have various means of getting the word out.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much, doctor.

>> thank you for your time.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 23, 2007, 8:00 AM