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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 15, 2007
Item 19

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19 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following, a, a preliminary plan increasing two raceway crossing, total lots 10, and 19 b, a phasing agreement between Travis County and cypress real estate advisers incorporated incorporated. Questions is this.

>> hi, anno bowen, Travis County tn r. This preliminary plan was reviewed through the single office with the city of Austin. Part of it is in Williamson county. It connects the road network from 13125 and grained avenue parkway with allowances for how an existing stretch of green lawn will connect in. We have met with one of the constituents that is add adjacent to the tract that has some concerns about land use. The proposed land use for this tract, the proposed land uses for this tract are retail, multifamily, office and industrial. But the tract, the prelimb meets all of the requirement requirements set forth in title 30, which this is reviewed under. And staff recommends its approval.

>> a couple of questions, anna. Not that the county government has any control over what sort of industrial uses there are beyond period of time water quality regulations and subdivision platting regular rations, but do we have any indication from the develop developers what kind of light industrial will be placed on the two portions that are laid aside for that that?

>> we did have a pleading with the developer, and he indicated that it would be light industrial that was in the same vein as the other in the area. So while I don't know exactly what he is propose to go do there, I would imagine it would be something like warehousing warehousinging, something along that nature.

>> okay. And as far as the water quality ordinances, they are all, I know that they have a retention pond on the southwest corner, I believe, and that meets all requirements. I know there was some concern that a lot of folks around there are on well water, and they were concerned about runoff and any kind of contamination of their groundwater.

>> certainly. Given that this tract is in Austin's e tj, it's been reviewed for water quality under title 30. It got the same review that something in the full purpose city of Austin limits would. So any drainage structures they might have will be reviewed for drainage and water quality, as everything else in this prelim will be reviewed under that same code.

>> as far as the traffic patterns, does it go through the same sort of traffic analysis as other subdivisions plotting proposals inside the city of Austin ?

>> yes, it does. We would look at a lot of same elements even had it been out in the county. But there are a lot of arterial roads connected to this plat. It was something that, it had subs at certain location locations that it had to connect to with all the arterials. The majority of the traffic, if not all the traffic, will feed onto those arterials. It does not have direct stub stubs to the neighborhood, add adjacent neighborhood street. That was a variance that we brought to court I believe two weeks ago and was granted. So, the traffic that this prelim will generate will use the arterials that will be built as a result of its approval.

>> is it arguable that because of the subdivision plotting and how it's laid out it's actually going to increase connectivity if that corner between fm 35--

>> I would say yes, and it's going to put them on arterials and take, you know take traffic that isn't residential off of adjacent streets, possible. Yes, they will go on arterials.

>> I understand mr. Alcevedo from the neighborhood is here. Do you have any specific questions or anything that we should specifically look at? Sorry, I didn't mean to, anyone else who is interested in this particular item.

>> yes.

>> state your full name.

>> fidel, al cedverdo. Hi plenty of concerns when I first heard about it, meeting with the developer and the staff people here, we have clarified quite a bit of the concernsconcerns concernsconcernsment your line of questioning was right on the money, being that we do havehave wells in the area and the fact that there's an aquestion--aquife aquestion--aquifer that highlighted a lot of concerns in the site. As long as we meet those requirements. I have major concern with light industry, the biggest one being that if we are going to judge by michelangelo, and their con con--constant noise certain days, that would not be light industry as far as I'm concerned. We would have to take a second look at what type of industrial development is going to take praise place place--place there. We could say light warehousing, or traffic, but what kind of light warehousing or traffic are we talking about. The industrial part of it has my concern. What type of light industrial are we talking about. Be more specific. I don't know that the developer can tell us would is going to move in and what kind of operation they are going to have. But if it's a michael angelo type of operation where there is 18 wheelers moving in constantly throughout the night with loaders and un unloaders, loading up on the docks, you hear that beeping sound throughout the evening clear up into midnight, maybe longer.

>> these concerns are extremely important. The neighborhood is very lucky to have you on the beam. I want to stay engaged with you on these. We have talked about this before. There's only so much authority the county has, it being in the unincorporated area, we can't even regulate the sound. But, let's stay engaged on this because it's that kind of neighborhood organizing, we have seen it so often in some many other venues, that sort of neighborhood organizing that gets result despite the fact that we don't have statutory authority to zone an industrial area and have some control over noise. But through neighborhood organizing, we may have some bargaining power.

>> I know that the judge is very familiar with the area. We back up straight into the city of Round Rock industrial park one and two, which at that time, I don't know how involved the county was involved with that industrial park at that particular time, but there was little or no consideration given to the neighborhood at that time. It has been historically that type of lack of consideration for our neighborhood that has driven us to this point, as some of you Commissioners know what the situation is there with the water or with the fail failing septic tanks, which again, goes right back to the quality of water that we are going to be having. I mean, there's no question about it that this is seepage going into our groundwater dñm. So I say look, we should be able to bring that neighborhood to standard. If it's in the etj, I would urge the county Commissioners to look at investing the money into the neighborhood to bring that to par, especially with Williamson county on the front end.

>> that is a separate item. Item.. In context, that is well taken. Next-door, that is an issue we have been dealing with as far as wells running dry.

>> I understand but seems we get caught in between where gray areas are overlapping and then we don't have that opportunity to be able to work these out. I'll just leave it at that.

>> if you will keep working with us on those issues, it's very much appreciated.

>> I think the developer and I have reached a consensus, and so with the staff in the last meeting that we had.

>> thanks.

>> I really appreciate the time.

>> we appreciate it.

>> thank you.

>> I'd like the say one thing about the water. It's my an understanding that this developer has issu issued easements. So that water can get to north ridge acres.

>> thank so you much for bringing that up, anna. That is a very important point here. Through cooperation, this development actually is facilitating our providing water to north ridge acres.

>> absolutely.

>> we really appreciate that.

>> ms. Brown.

>> good morning judge and commissionrs. My name is nellie brown. I'm president of north ridge acres homeowners association association. I'm here to show my support for the raceway development. The develop the has been nothing by good neighbors to this neighborhood. They have donated ten foot, an I understand later another five foot for water and sewer lines at a later date. They have really met with the neighborhood and met with the county staff, they have met with anybody that asked to meet with them. I have went down and looked at the plans for the raceway development, fran what I have read, there's all kinds they put in drainage ditches carry the runoff when there is runoff from water. So I mean, I can't see that they are doing anything wrong there. This raceway development is nothing but improvement for our neighborhood. They have shown concern for our neighborhood.

>> can't we try to get the water system installed on one hand, on they are on they are hand try to work with the developer, each keeping noise to a minimum, so there won't be an adverse impact on residents in the future.

>> yes.

>> I have not chatted with the developer, but to the extent we can assist with that, we ought to intervene.

>> I have. They have been very receptive. I am glad that you bring it up, ms. Brown. It's a pleasure to see development working with us both on connectivity issues, regarding transportation, the water issues in the surrounding area, and also very open about their hope for leasing of the light industrial being something that would be advantageous to the neighborhood and not a detraction.

>> thank you.

>> that is why I move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? More discussion? All in favor. In that passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all very much for your maybance--patience.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 8:00 AM