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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 15, 2007
Item 3

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Number 4 is to approve a resolution saluting participants and supporters of the river city youth foundation. Should I read the proclamation, Ms. Gonzalez? Should I read the proclamation or do you plan to cover in a? Cover that?

>> it reads whereas the youth of our community are a precious resource and play a vital role in the future of our community, whereas river city youth foundation has been instrumental in producing our future professionals for the next millennium, whereas river city youth foundation fosters positive participation in schools, academic achievement, positive self image, personal growth, and good citizenship in its participants; whereas river city youth foundation honored participants from Travis County at its 24th annual youth recognition day awards ceremony on Tuesday, may 8th, 2007, whereas some of the categories of hon reeds include youth of the year, parents of the year, family of the year, volunteer of the year, supporters of the year, fellow collaborator of the year, and unsung hero and whereas all award recipients are to be commended and congratulated for their enthusiasm and strategy in playing a positive role in our community. We the Travis County Commissioners court salute the river city youth foundation and its supporters for their work with children and their commitment to the betterment of our community and their future of our youth and I move approval.

>> sending.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> second.

>> it is truly an honor to be back here again with you. For the 24th youth recognition in our beautiful community. We are surrounded here this morning by youth supporters like yourselves and also by the honorees, many of them are in school as you know. School hasn't quite let out yet. But we have here with us this morning some really wonderful folks that make this a very special event. First and foremost I want to introduce the martinezs, they are our family of the year for 2006-2007. They are to my left, adrian in a and baby, and one of the things that they wanted us to share with you this morning, we talked about outcomes. Outcomes are very important when you are carrying out a service such as river city youth foundation has done for so many years. She is a wonderful young person, their daughter at school. They want to share something with our audience this morning. The Texas assessment of knowledge and skills, you all are familiar with it as taks, and our kids get very stressed out every year about that. But -- burr our vivianna, through after school programs she has been attending through the neighborhood youth corps and we have our coordinator here edna, is with us, I believe she's here in the audience, the young people come after school, year round, and -- and they participate in home work assistance, mentoring and a lot of other good programs. Well, our top student is vivian the daughter of mr. And mrs. Martinez, they want you to know out of 40 she scored a 39. So in her absence, can we give her a round of applause.

>> [one moment please for change in captioners]

>> .

>> .

>> she carri es herself with such dignity and grace of she has made it publicly known that she is a cancer survivor. She passes on that smirt of just lifeness to every one of our children and every one of our families. And she has an ingreat spirit and we just love her. Also, with us is a wonderful volunteer who also happens to be a parent of several of our children in our wonderful river city youth foundation. She was selected this year out of hundreds of volunteers as the adult volunteer of the year. She does things like come over and help cook, things like help out with every single activity. I can't think of an activity that we have had, and you know how many we have year-round, that she was not helping out in some way. So can our parents contribute? You know we don't charge anything for our services. Yes, they can, and she is a living example of that, putting back into the community. And that is her motto. So we are delighted have her here also. And we are also happy to have yelitza rivera. She earned a very important honor this year. Shells the most studious of all of our hundreds of kids at river city youth foundation for 2006-2007. Let's please give her a round of applause.

>> (applause)

>> in their absence, we have the supporters of the year. Austin firefighters association, the Austin police department, the lutheran church, the salvador church of glad tid tidings, church of health and human services, the glimmer of hope foundation, the governor's office, heart foundation, lopez and associates, perez elementary school, smoky barbecue and grill, priest go out and get it today, southeast alliance of neighbors, university of Texas long horn program, the hire a long horn program, and the university of Texas you teach program. Our unsung hero for this year is bob larson, whom you know well. He is the president of scan and also the founder of future view at mendez middle school, a career training program. We have our wonderful group here today. We want to extend to you an invitation to a couple of things coming up, fathers day parade, our 7th annual coming up on June 9. We would like for to you March with us this year. Ron, get the tennis shoes o let's go out there and March for positive dads in our community. That is coming up again June 9. We are also having, and you have the flier in front of you, coming up on Friday may 18 we have the stop the violence and drugs concert at mendez middle school. This is very, very important to the survival of our kids and surviving of our kids for summer 2007 in dove springs. So please come on out. You do not need a ticket. We will let you in. Here we are again. Sam, it's been so many years years. Gerald, so many years. Sara, I'm just get to go know you. Ron, so many years, Margaret wherever you are, so many years with you as well. Can't do it wut your help. We really love you. There's a missionary named amy car michael. You people have maybe heard of her. She said, can you give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. I think you love the kids like we do. And together, we really are sticks that are bundled together and nothing is going to stop us. We are reaching the kids and they are getting blessed many times over. This summer we want to see safety and lots of love in dove springs. So silver anne rersery is coming up next year for river city youth foundation. Can you believe it? Yes. We will be back to celebrate that also. Thank so you much.

>> thank you. Grade job.

>> god bless you.

>> done congratulations to all of you. Thank you for your patience of we had hoped to get to you earlier that be we did.

>> thank you all.

>> all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. Miss gonzalez. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> appreciate all you are doing.

>> thank you all for everything. You are doing a good job. You are. Tell it like it is. Thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 8:00 AM