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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 1, 2007
Item 15

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15. Consider and take appropriate action on the following requests from the city of Austin (coa) regarding the waller creek tunnel project: 1. Waive 60-day notice requirement for holding a public hearing; b, agree to a joint formal presentation on tax increment financing (tif) to Travis County and Austin independent school district; c, designate county representative to serve as point of contact; and d. Notify coa on whether Travis County wants to membership on the tif board. A member on the t.i.f. Board. On item a I believe that we didn't have any problem with the 60 day notice except that we don't want any less than 3 weeks.

>> what are going to be our -- how do we get the word out for the public hearing. Are we doing that or is the city of Austin solely responsible for that? Do you know christian?


>> [indiscernible] the city is handling the public hearing.

>> we are going to let them know that we are

>> [indiscernible] less than three weeks. Just watching us.

>> I believe they are looking for something in writing back based on the actions of the court.

>> okay. Well, we can get that done.

>> then I would move that we waive the 60 day notice and in lieu of 60 days require a three-week notice.

>> second.

>> all those if favor? In favor? Item b, in terms of a joint formal presentation, to -- to Travis County aisd, I don't see any problem with that.

>> if you would like, to fit this into a work session slot, but that would be subject to aisd's being able to fit it in. It may be that you fit into aisd's -- I think they are just asking if you are in agreement with a joint presentation and then let a schedule be developed.

>> I think so.

>> I move we agree to joint formal presentation.

>> second.

>> favor? C, designating a county representative. That doesn't necessarily mean an elected official.

>> they are asking for either elected or staff. Leroy nellis has volunteered to serve as a point of contact.

>> move approval of leroy nellis as a point of contact.

>> second.

>> all in favor? And item d. Do we want membership on the t.i.f.?

>> I wouldn't --

>> I would move.


>> [multiple voices]

>> negotiate and -- it's kind of depends on how those negotiations go. I don't have no problem putting the -- putting a person on there, a member of the board. I think we still got some -- some negotiation, interlocal deals that we have to deal with. Not that I'm opposing at all.

>> why don't we --

>> wait and see what the contract -- see what they look like.

>> why don't we let leroy do that. He understands the financial part of it.

>> they are asking whether you want a seat on the board. Not necessarily whether the -- not the person. They are just saying do you want to have a slot on the board and if you want a slot on the board then there will be an opportunity to name a person and it might be leroy or if you wanted me I may not have any -- I happen to have a conflict of interest right now, but that is going to go away.

>> I move that question for

>> [multiple voices]

>> all that property you own down there on waller creek.

>> I'm selling it.

>> I move that we ask for a seat.

>> I second

>> [multiple voices] the request for a seat.

>> yeah.

>> okay. Okay.

>> also although --

>> that your interpretation of this, legal? On item d? It is?

>> although this isn't specifically agendad, it will come up soon that we also have an opportunity to have an appointee to have a --

>> in other words tell them to keep a slot open for us, christian.


>> [inaudible - no mic] conditioned on negotiation. Final agreement.

>> with the city.

>> [multiple voices]

>> how the agreement is going to come up.

>> all of those in favor?

>> thank you. .

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 2, 2007, 8:00 AM