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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 24, 2007
Housing Finance Corporation

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Let's call to order the Travis County housing finance corporation. The first item is to consider and take appropriate action on request to approve an invoice from cj pop willing. Willing. Jjopling, dpaconsultant.

>> the invoice is for the inspection of 14 homes that closed on our down payment assistance program. We have received reimbursement for that amount for these sfptions and that is the source of fund to pay this invoice.

>> move approval. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Item number 2 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following. And there are four parts to this item involving the Travis County community justice center visitation center. A is agreement with Texas dent of cribl justice for destruction of visitation center. B is contract for construction management between Travis County and the Travis County housing finance corporation. C, approve plan to accept 100,000-dollar donation as a funding source for the visitation center. And d, other necessary follow-up actions for construction of a visitation center at the Travis County community justice center on land owned by the Texas department of criminal justice.

>> I would think that due to the discussion this morning that action should be taken on item b and the rest probably postponed.

>> is that a motion?

>> second.

>> [ laughter ]

>> that was a representation.

>> that's my motion.

>> second? That's to b, which is contract for construction management between Travis County and the Travis County housing finance corporation. Discussion? Really the money will end up in the housing finance corporation and the invoices will be submitted probably to you, right?

>> that would be the plan.

>> with Travis County and roger el khoury and his people being the construction manager. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. I do think we should go ahead and start working to set up c. And the intention there is to let communities and schools accept that donation because they're a nonprofit agency and that will give the contribute area tax deductible contribution, which may not be obtained for it's given directly to the housing finance corporation. Not to actually do it, but to do whatever arrangements we need to do.

>> and our attorney, cliff blunt, has is consulted with the Austin community foundation who has agreed to accept the foundation from the donor and then passed the money on to the corporation. So I think that work has essentially been completed. I've talked to the executive director. Our attorneys have talked to their attorney and they seem fine with the arrangement and are glad to help us out.

>> so it's the Austin community foundation and not cis?

>> Austin community foundation.

>> I said Austin community schools. Austin community foundation. But anyway, I think with an amount of money like this and the i.r.s. Deduction in question, I do know that it will have to be memorialsed in one of two ways, if not both. Do you see what I'm saying? I think the communities foundation would want something in writing. And unless they misunderstand and think the money is theirs, we may need to see something in writing about wr it kind of -- where it kind of captures the understanding. And from the contributor's i.r.s. Perspective, we need to find out bacteria be exaktly what there -- we need to find out exactly what there needs to be that there's evidence that the requirements are met. And when I said that I was trying to hint that when you deal with governmental entities you do have sort of an additional documentation requirement to meet. If not, that's good, but if I were a contributor of this amount of money, I would want to make sure that I crossed every t and dotted every i. So I think we should make all of the perry as comfortable as -- all of the parties as comfortable as possible. I know the nonprofit is doing us a favor, but they don't want to have any risk. And the contributors want any tax deduction traibl vaibl under the -- tax deduction available under the law, plus documentation of the delivery. That's what I had in mind on c. To plan, not to implement, but to go ahead and get the documents in place. So I move c.

>> second.

>> to take those steps, not really implement all of them, but get them ready. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. So we've approved b and c. And on the agreement -- let's take a close look at the agreement in 2-a. I do think we should go ahead and do that snoobs as soon as possible, but I'm not sure that it leaves a way out if the bids come back just a whole lot higher than we anticipate. And I'm thinking -- so if there is that out, we may go ahead and do that because the sooner the better. It's kind of been on hold a long time. Let's hold off on a and d until later. Is that okay?

>> okay.

>> unless there's something in d that we need to do. Any other follow-up action?

>> I don't believe so.

>> okay. Then we'll have a and d on at an appropriate time in the future. Is that okay with everybody? 3 is to consider and take appropriate action on request to approve minutes of board of directors meetings of March 27th and April third, 2007.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote also.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 25, 2007, 8:34 AM