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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 17, 2007
Item 2

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Item 2 is to approve proclamation recognizing did d 'ann underwood on her retirement from Travis County. Have a seat. Did I read the proclamation?

>> which one?

>> [ laughter ]

>> yes, you should, judge. It would be appropriate with us.

>> it reads, whereas paula dann underwood began her service to the people of Travis County in the drik clerk's on -- district clerk's office in August of 1979. Whereas deanne has been a valued employee of Travis County serving as court coordinator for district judges tom blackwell bob jones and judge bob perkins. And ms. Underwood can really say those were huge assignments, weren't they?

>> [ laughter ]

>> no comment. Prawf.

>> whereas the public press, foreign the state, defense attorneys and citizens, accused, have benefitted from her work et cetera thick, knowledge and patience, accompanied by an ever present smile for over 27 years, whereas she has had outstanding service in carrying out our duties and been a wonderful public service in every sense of the word and whereas despite all pleas and efforts to bribe her into staying, she has persist understand her intention tory tire. Now therefore be it proclaimed that we pro can claim Monday, April 27th, 2007, proclaim is dann underwood day in Travis County. We extend best wishes to her in all future endeavors. And I move approval.

>> second.

>> morning.

>> morning. Thank you very much.

>> judge, do you have any authority to reconsider this motion of retirement? I think that probably you could appeal to this court and we could overturn this motion?

>> there you go. Judge underwood signed that herself. She denied that herself, so I think that's an unappealable order, I believe.

>> could you mandamus her?

>> [ laughter ]

>> well, you could, I guess. I guess y'all have that power. I did want to say that d 'ann is one of the best, one of the most reliable Travis County employees that there ever has been. And so as you mentioned, judge, having worked for judge blackwell for judge jones and myself, as you said those are three huge assignments. And that's a charitable way of putting it. And so -- we're going to miss her a whole lot. Thank y'all.

>> thank you for your service.

>> thank you. I've enjoyed it.

>> could you read this pleading because it is so hilarious? I would hate for the audience not to know about this motion.

>> thank you, Commissioner. Ms. Underwood, you may want to think about taking advantage of this last opportunity to get even.

>> [ laughter ]

>> let me read this into the record. And this is is motion to prevent the retirement of d 'anne underwood. This was respectfully submitted by the legal community t says comes now the honorable judge bob per kins, the Travis County district attorney's and the Travis County defense attorneys in support of this motion and would show the following: one, please god, the humanity, deanne, please don't leave.

>> [ laughter ] respectfully submitted by the legal community. Nen there's a space for an order at the bottom. Having heard such pitiful plea, this motion is here by denied, signed deanne underwood, judge of the day or something. At any rate, this order puts is very well. Is this your only copy?

>> yes.

>> I'll bring that back to you.

>> there is a huge retirement party on Thursday, April 19th.

>> that's at 5:00 at el mercado over on lavaca street. Thank you very much.

>> it will be accepted -- gifts will be accepted by ms. Underwood?

>> yes.

>> [ laughter ]

>> thank y'all.

>> [ applause ] all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Do you want to carry this to the party? Good luck to you. If we can ever help you, ms. Underwood, stay out of the way.

>> [ laughter ]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 18, 2007, 8:34 AM