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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 17, 2007
Item 1

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Number one is a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed street name assignment for a private e. Off cuernavaca drive to be known as brown dog lane in precinct three.

>> move the public hearing be opened.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> good morning, joe gieselman with transportation and natural resources department. We have had a request from a property owner along this unnamed private easement to name it of course for 911 response for facilitate the response. This is not a county road, and the giving of a name to the county road does not mean that the county has any responsibility for maintaining it. The name of the road is brown dog lane or the suggested name. I understand from a conversation this morning that there is not agreement among the residents about the name, and there is an individual here this morning to testify to that. So we may ask the court to pope post action on this until we've had a chance to resolve that conflict. But otherwise the purpose of this morning's public hearing is to receive public input regarding a proposed name.

>> would anyone like to give testimony duferg this public hearing? If so, please come forward and have a seat and give us your name. We'd be happy to get your comments.

>> thank you very much. My named is tracy davies. I'm a resident on this spur of this road. And as mr. Gieselman said, there is absolutely not consensus about this. The homeowners, property owners along that road have been trying for reach consensus. It's not clear to me who filed the application for brown dog lane, but there are numerous property owners who are in fact in disagreement about that and do not want that to be the name of the road. So we would ask that you not make a ruling on this at this time and allow us to continue to caucus and find a name that there can be some consensus on.

>> our backup says letters were sent to all property owners along the easement requesting their opinion. The majority was in favor of brown dog lane.

>> I can assure you that I never received a letter. My husband also gets the mail sometimes, he never saw a letter. And at least two other property owners that I have spoken with also did not receive letters to this effect. I can also tell you that another one of the property owners has actively been working with the entire community of property owners again to reach consensus and that there's been wide disagreement on what the names should be. I would ask that at a minimum we see evidence that those letters were mailed out and the responses to those and who responded so we can get some sort of -- we really on would like to get a dialogue going to fiebd out where the disagreement is and how we can resolve it.

>> you're asking for more time? Not a fight between the dog lovers and cat lovers?

>> no. I have two brown dogs actually.

>> okay.

>> so we don't have an issue at this stage with esd's or anybody being confused about how to get any of the places there.

>> not to the point where I think action is required today. I think a week or two week postponement is not going to be a problem.

>> I think that's great.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we're going to give a call here for others who would like to give comments and we would be happy for you to come forward and give us your name or comments or questions. So more time is twha you are suggesting.

>> I think so.

>> ms. Davies, we'll give you a chance to finish.

>> I don't have anything further to say except that I'm happy to engage in a discussion and I may have some in view of this gentleman's testimony.

>> will give you a whole -- we will give you a whole week to give those comments. Others may want to provide input also.

>> yes, that would be preferable.

>> and we can allow one or two wiek to allow that to occur. Yes, sir, your name?

>> my name is john webster. I'm also a resident there and I was the group that filed the request for the name. And the letter as it states, letters were sent out to most of the residents. Rewalked most of the residences trying to get feedback for the name. The problem is that this project has been underway for about three months now. As you mentioned earlier, people are having trouble getting names through. We have to go through the 911 review committee to see if a name is valid and won't cause any conflicts. I think we've submitted probably 15 to 20 names as well. And -- we're not trying to start a fight here. We're just trying to get the name resolved so there is some clarity because it is a clear spur and it's very difficult getting service in there and things like that. If there is some type after 911 issue, we don't want there to be a problem where they can't actually locate the property. So that was one of our primary issues in addressing the situation. But the only thing I'm looking for is that we can hopefully go through this. The name brown dog lane thrab since -- there's a sign ip and everything like that. We finally just defaulted to that because it is quite difficult finding something that's 911 acceptable.

>> do you need one week or two weeks?

>> two weeks would be preferable.

>> is there any reason we need two weeks?

>> yes, I think there is because I didn't know of any of this process that you were undergoing and there was a parallel process.

>> why don't we let the county judge and the court decide. We'll do the right thing on that, okay?

>> thank you very much.

>> anybody else here on this item. If so, please come forward. We'll have this back on real soon and action item number 18 will be proposed. That's the action item that accompanies this public hearing. We will for the ookt that one, but will post tone it. And joe, you will stay in touch? They know how to reach you?

>> you bet. .

>> that was a motion to close the public hearing and a second. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank y'all very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 18, 2007, 8:34 AM