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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 10, 2007
Executive Session

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Y'all were hinting a moment ago that we may be to executive session already? Then let's announce that 35 involving the chemical chemist at a.p.d. That we discussed a moment ago will be scusd in executive session under consultation with attorney exception. John wants us to be sure that we have legal questions for that, right, john? Number 33, receive update and take appropriate action on selection of executive manager of justice and public safety. There's a personnel part of this which has nothing to do with the just general selection process, but personnel part that requires us to name names and talk about personal circumstances, which is why I think a personnel and consultation with attorney exceptions would be appropriate. John will be mindful and watchful of that too. 34 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding potential purchase of pro along airport boulevard in central Austin. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act. And number 36, receive update and discuss personnel issues regarding appointment of Travis County fire marshal. That's under the personnel exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss these --


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> on 36? Okay. The fire marshal's office, let's also niens under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss these four items, but will return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where we discuss the following items. Item number 33 regarding the selection of an executive manager of justice and public safety. I move that we approve the following list of applicants to be moved to the next phase of the selection process. Owen sullivan, pamela adan, jurid jane hutchins, lanny manage dougel, maul maintain roger jeffreys, david slaten christine mccormick, dougherty chin, christopher sims, michael kimball, kimberly pierce. We indicate our intention not to include nicole livsay who has advised us that she has found other employment and is to longer interested in this position. Further that we send these applicants a list of questions that the court has reviewed and approved, that we have the responses due by five p.m. On Monday, April 16, that we secure the assistance of our executive managers to help us evaluate the responses once they are submitted, and that we have them back on the court's agenda for a further review and ranking on April 24, and that on that day we decide who to interview after the 24th.

>> second.

>> I believe that included most of it.

>> that's April 16 at five o'clock.

>> Monday at five, right and that turns on our ability to get the questions to applicants tomorrow, and all of them had pretty much responded to us by e-mail before. So if we are able to get these out, say, midafternoon the applicants will have the questions tomorrow evening or is and will have Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to get them back to us. We're saying five o'clock Monday but may as well say midnight. What in we do that? Midnight Monday. That way if they have to, they want to work Monday evening, the e-mail to us, we will know when they got them. That will be good. Is that all right ?

>> second.

>> okay. Is there a second ?

>> yes.

>> sorry about that discussion? This is kind of fluid so if we think of something better in the middle, as long as we can let all the applicant know, I guess it's fine. All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote I know by pronounce yages that was excellent, miss porter, but if you don't want to see the written summary of those, we'll get them to you. Okay. Number 34 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding potential purchase of property along airport boulevard in central Austin. I move that we authorize our facilities staff to extend to the owners of the property in question an offer by Travis County to purchase the said property for the sum of $2 million.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. Should we have it back on next week or two weeks from today? Two weeks. Okay. Number 35 was the item involving the Austin police department and the drug lab staff, specifically a chem chemist. I move that we authorize staff to indicate to apd our willingness to fund a chem chemist in the amount that they recommended, roughly 69 000, that we authorize county staff, specifically kimberly pierce, hurdle and brown, and maybe somebody from the county attorney's office, to meet with appropriate people from apd to discuss the county's needs consistent with the conversation that we had, and try to get as much of that done as possible. Our preferences and needs and get the best deal we can.

>> second.

>> yeah, we are leaving that sort of open ended to turn on negotiations.

>> yeah.

>> I think we articulated with a we wanted. That is okay? Discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. The final item was number 36 that involves the appointment of Travis County fire marshal. There are two matters being worked on that involves two of the applicants, our executive manager and mr. Baldwin are working on those and we should have the answers by next week. Maybe we just have this item posted next week. Anything further required on this item today? We'll have it back on. I'm half sad to say that does it for today, y'all.

>> move adjourn.

>> all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 11, 2007, 8:34 AM