Travis County Commissioners Court
April 10, 2007
Item 21
Joe, since we have you sitting there, 21 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding that passes by unanimous vote, by the way, regarding the process and criteria for selecting an elected official from a small city within Travis County to serve on the capital area metropolitan planning organization board.
>> you had asked me to prepare some draft questions questions. I think you wanted to submit four to the candidates who are seeking this position. The tnr came up with seven questions. So we are just looking for some guidance to get these out today along with a request for a resume from each of the applicants that we can bring back to court next week. So it's a matter of whether you want to send all seven questions out or four of the seven or others that you might come up with today.
>> I move approval of all seven.
>> judge.
>> yes, sir.
>> I may disagree with your question six but I think it's a good question. I mean, I don't know, where it states that they were produced in the last (inaudible). I mean, I'm very interested in seeing what kind of responses we get on six. I'm glad it is in there.
>> motion is to approve the list of questions.
>> (inaudible)
>> it's good to throw in there. I just don't know that that is the direction of campo.
>> any more discussion of that motion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. Joe, did we say last week how we would actually make the decision ?
>> no, you did not.
>> do we want to discuss that now? Do we plan to interview these four individuals or do we plan to use the answers to the questions to figure out--
>> there was some discussion of that and I think you did say that you could do it with the response, the written responses that were provided. I think that was, commission Commissioner eckhardt I think, I didn't know if you actually made a motion, but I know that was discussed. And whether or not you could do it merely from the paper that you got back instead of having, going through an interviewing process.
>> if we are going to do it based on responses to the questions, I think that needs to be in a cover letter with the questions.
>> I think probably some action by the court to indicate that would be appropriate.
>> what is our intention is this.
>> I would suggest that we state that our intention is to do it by response to questions and leaving our option open for an interview process if need be.
>> and have a specific time when these have to be back? We pretty much indicated last night, I don't know if we indicated this, but it was certainly asked that we be prepared to give our person before the next campo of course we are not going to have may, so that may not be until June so it may not be a big issue.
>> I would suggest it would be reasonable to get the responses to the questions within two weeks for a decision, in three weeks unless we need interviews.
>> .
>> that is a motion ?
>> that would be my motion, yes, thank you.
>> I think it ought to be two weeks myself.
>> all right.
>> that was your meaning ?
>> yes.
>> two weeks from tomorrow.
>> two weeks to respond.
>> the 25th ?
>> 24th.
>> tomorrow, it would be the 25th.
>> oh, tomorrow.
>> we need to have them by five o'clock on the 25th. That is good ?
>> makes sense to me. The motion is that if we can use the responses to make the decision, we will. If we, after reviewing the responses, believe that we should do some interviews, we will decide whether to interview one or all of the applicant based on the responses.
>> yes.
>> who seconded that? Seconded that part too? Okay. Discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. I would capture that in a letter that accompanies those questions so that the interested people will know.
>> would you like to sign that letter ?
>> no, I would not. Joe, this is something the executive manager should do for us.
>> I will take care of it.
>> thanks for the offer, though. You are very generous.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Tuesday, April 11, 2007, 8:34 AM