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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 10, 2007
Item 8

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And that one is number 8, consider and take appropriate action regarding Travis County civil courts building, including a, appointment of steering committee. B, executive committee, and c, other related matters. And probably miss perez is on the way down here. And she has listed advisory committee, which I think is the steering committee, on the agenda. In fact, I think her interpretation is that the steering committee is made up of this advisory committee, plus the executive committee. Did y'all get the -- I've got multiple copies here. Over lunch I was handed this memo from steven benish, a local lawyer. And what steven recommends is that anne greenberg be on the committee, and we have her on there, don't we?

>> yes.

>> I thought it was another person, but this one apparently is from the Austin bar, new civil courthouse committee. And anne is share woman of it -- chair woman of it, chairperson of it. And he reng that she be on -- and he recommends that she be on our advisory committee. And ms. Perez does also. Do you feel better sitting out there than at the table there? Ms. Executive manager?

>> [ laughter ] so at what point do we involve regular, blue ribbon citizen snz.

>> judge, I think that that is something more for the steering committee to discuss. Probably I would say that it would be considered after you do the planning, after you determine the caseload and the growth, after some policy issues that were brought up last week in term of family and civil courts, do those stay together or not. That's really a judicial policy issue. At the point where you start talking about where the building is going to be, what it's going to look like, what services, public services would go in there, at that point in time.

>> okay. Should I assume that the members of the advisory committee all know that they are being recommended for membership?

>> yes.

>> okay. Move approval of the advisory committee.

>> second.

>> and this has basically one rls two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight offices represented, some with a couple, like facilities management. Ms. Powell has volunteered, I see that. And a couple of people, I guess one is an alternate. Discussion?

>> yes. I just wanted to make sure that we make available to everybody now or later a space plan that we had come up with because in case there are questions about, well, what thought has gone into this, have they just started -- have y'all just started discussing this now or whatever then I think melinda has the space plan and then we adopted that as well to see where had all of these things fit in to the master plan. And I think that would be good for people to look at, especially once we get the citizens involved so they'll now more or less what we had in mind and that some on the thot has gone into this for awhile.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> [ laughter ]

>> I'm offended by the notion that I may have been talking about you, cyd.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> let's hear a vote on this, y'all. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Let the record show that I highly recommend each and every one of these members. Now for the executive committee, the two judges have been chosen, I guess, judges shepherd and dietz.

>> yes, sir.

>> two members of the court. I kind of having working with Commissioner eckhardt.

>> I will like to remain working on this issue if the court feels that I'm the most -- that I will be advantageous.

>> I move that we approve both of you.

>> I think Commissioner Daugherty is better than I am. He has more of a courthouse mentality or a new building mentality.

>> we like him more than we like you.

>> [ laughter ]

>> I'd be happy to be on there, judge, if you would like me to be be.

>> I never really quite viewed it -- let's let Commissioner Daugherty work on it and see where it goes. And with can I serve as the alternate in case one of you has to -- maybe has more pressing business from time to time?


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> not permanently, but for a meeting or something. And I would be your proxy.

>> we would need two alternatives then.

>> [ laughter ]

>> I need you had on a peer group I was on last night.

>> Commissioners Daugherty and eckhardt with the judge on standby in the event of need. Is that okay? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> if you.

>> thank you. And any other matters related to this?

>> no, sir, not now. We'll be sending out notices. We've got a couple of tasks and information sessions to have.

>> we did approve the charge and there is capital view corridor legislation at the legislature now. Who knows where that will end up, but I guess we ought to keep an eye on it and if we need to discuss it, do so. Okay? All right. Thank you very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 11, 2007, 8:34 AM