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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 10, 2007
Item 7

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Seven is to discuss and take appropriate action on follow-up action regarding parking for county employees, including a, appointment of committee, b, charge for committee, and c, other related matters.

>> good morning, Commissioners. Lynn harper, administrative operation. One of the thing that you asked me to do is the judge and I were going to create a charge for the committee. And and I'm not usually brief in speaking, but I am in write. And what I came up with is the parking committee is committed to improving the parking situation in the courthouse complex. It's the efficient use of existing parking spaces that will supportive of the role of departments, exploring alternative transportation methods and funding and updating the current parking polling. That's I the judge then came up with so questions that he would like this committee to address.

>> there are other questions that came to mind. As this committee is trying to meet the charge, in my view these are apparent, probably others will surface.

>> I think the questions are very important.

>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]

>> now, should glen and I get together, come up with a committee. Other than the different court members? How do we move from here to the next step, I guess. If we need to work another week on the charge, let's do so. If we think the charge is all right, let's approve it now...

>> somebody from environmental who has been working on something who I thought would be a very good afternoon person also.

>> would the court like for me and lynn to get together and look at those names and try to match them to these categories, get with the court members and get with one representative, and if one or more of us do not have a representative, just indicate that to the court next week.

>> judge, the only thing that I will contribute, if we can kind of get over the fact that people don't work if they are not here, I think that would be something else to explore, where we would reflect stability in each department each. It's possible for people to not come in, there by having a space that somebody else could use in the meantime of we could get over the deal that they are not here, not workinging, that might fit into question number five.

>> why don't we take another week.

>> all right.

>> if we have wordsmithing to recommend, let's get that done between now and Monday at 12 noon so we can try to come up with a charge that incorporates the other ideas ideasideas and act on that on Tuesday. If there is no objection, lynn and I will get together and match those to the categories approved last week and next week have names to recommend. And we will contact court members by five o'clock on Thursday for a name if a court member has one. How is that? If there is no objection, we will proceed that one. If one or more members of the court, one member, not more than one, other one, wants to become more involved, let lynn and me know. We would welcome the company wouldn't we ?

>> definitely.

>> let's do that and try to get it done next week.

>> all right.

>> okay thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thanks, lynn.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 11, 2007, 8:34 AM