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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 10, 2007
Item 1

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Number one is a public hearing to receive comments on proposed use of the blue bluff tract, aka, the turkey farm, for non-park use pursuant to chapter 26, Texas parks and wildlife code.

>> move the public hearing be opened.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> good morning, joe gieselman with the transportation natural resources department along with don wheeler with the road and bridge division. This hearing is required by law because we are propose to go use a portion of the land -- proposing to use a portion of the land which was set aside for a park in the 1980's, we're using a portion of it for the east side service center, which is a consolidation of our road and bridge offices. And this will include places for the road and bridge division, which of course our road crews will have storage, have a town hall, have a place for the crews. It will house our road and bridge equipment. It will have a service center, fleet service center on the flight. It draws its access off of fm 969. Water being provided under contract with the city of Austin, so ofer water will be coming from an organized system.

>> we did get one question from a resident about the source of water. So the answer is it will be connected to the city water system.

>> the wells are inadequate for our purposes, so we actually contract for the water. And access to the site will be off of 969, it will not be off of blue bluff road.

>> so there will not be --

>> it will be a back entrance, but our primary entrance where most of the traffic will be coming is off a farm-to-market road, which is the main highway. So there have been some concern raised. We have met with the property owners in the vicinity. So they are aware that we are proposing this partial use of the property. We will not use the entire tract, but just use the front portion of the tract.

>> what noise do we attribute to these uses now? There was an issue about noise. Folks coming and going to be --

>> don wheeler, director of the road division. At our other satellites it's normal traffic. We have large trucks, which are dump trucks, but I not an inordinate amount of noise or whatever, and we haven't had any complaints from our neighbors at our surrounding sites or at any of our existing sites about noise. This facility, though, as far as noise for our neighbors, it has a large buffer zone of trees and vegetation around this site. I'm trying to think of which -- as of right now there's not an immediate -- I think the closest residence is probably 75 to 100 feet of the property line. So I don't foresee a noise issue at this site.

>> we operate from 7:00 until 4:00.

>> from 7:00 to 3:30.

>> except in emergency circumstances.

>> except in emergency sikz, but the fuel, the sheriff's department and the emergency services personnel come and go 24/7.

>> and if roads are iced over, we have crew members picking up dirt, putting that on roads?

>> yes, sir.

>> but that would be hopefully two or three times a year at most.

>> hopefully none, but yes, sir, it's been about once or twice a year.

>> okay. Go ahead.

>> the bona fide representative as far as water supplied to this area is the city of Austin. It's in the city's jurisdiction. They keep it in for convenience and necessity, and they're authorized to provide us water, if we're look to go try to get a water source is through that particular venue with the city. Now, this particular 123-acre site, as you mentioned earlier, we're carve outing a portion of this for the east side service center. And of course, carving out mines that, from my understanding, it's about 40 acres that is supposed to be carved out for usage. And I understand we have to go through the procedure because it was set aside for parkland use. So in order for us to do this, this is a required public hearing that we must undertake to make sure we adhere to these requirements. I was thinking about excess and excess points getting into the property. And both of them may probably be off of what, off blue bluff and any other access points on to the property?

>> our main entrance is off of 969. 969: there is a secondary access through blue bluff.

>> okay. I wanted to make clear we have two access points. And I guess txdot realignment and all that going out there will accommodate that 969 entry on to the property. So that was basically the questions I really wanted to ask and then get some answers so the public can really understand what we're doing out there.

>> I might add that there is some enhanced value also to the surrounding area. And you have a higher police presence because you do have the sheriff's department using the facility for their patrol vehicle, so there will will quite a few police vic coming in and out of the area. Secondly we have a town hall, which like our other facilities, it's a community facility. It can be used by the residents for events, neighborhood meetings. We even rent it out for wedding and stuff like that. So that will be a secondary use of the building that we have there.

>> I understand that administration building is actually supposed to also accommodate for that particular community use, a portion of that building can actually accommodate about 300 person. That's been brought to my attention, at least 300 300persons can occupy this to have community events.

>> evening meetings, yeah.

>> exactly. Which is very critical and needed with the thing going on out there in this area as far as having a good meeting place. So thank you.

>> when is the last time we had a wedding at a road office?

>> resengs.

>> when is the last time we had a reception at the road office?

>> periodically we do. The one up by the dam there have been all sorts of parties and stuff that -- family gatherings I'm talking about.

>> you learn something about county government everyday, don't you, joe? For residents who want to know who to talk to, two of them are sitting here today, if not three, joe gieselman. Don wheeler same phone number.

>> and don ward.

>> I was hope to go spare don this time, but don ward if you can't reach one of the other two. Same phone number?

>> don is my project manager on this project for roid and bridge. So he's had most of the interactions with roger el khoury, who is on his way, but he's stuck in traffic, on this project.

>> should I reverse the order and they can call don first?

>> oh, yeah.

>> you second and joe third?

>> don may have the answer before joe or i.

>> maybe they should call roger since he's late.

>> [ laughter ]

>> y'all finished with your presentation? This is a public hearing. If you would like to give testimony during this public hearing, please come forward at this time.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> we have a couple of people trying to decide whether to come forward. Anyone coming? We have two more seats if two more two wo like to come and give comments? Give us your name and we would be happy to get your comments.

>> good morning. Judge and Commissioners, my name is larry knee man. I'm an old-timer in Austin and happen to own the 84 acres immediately east of the Travis County park at the corner of 969 and 973. So I guess my property is as much as anybody affected. Joe, you've been working with other landowners, but I found out about this last night, so I apologize for not getting to you sooner. Apparently landowners were not notified through my owner, what have you, and I assume it was just something in the paper announcing this hearing. I certainly don't -- I and my family certainly don't have any objections to the county's attempt to make this a service center or -- to consolidate and save money. I've read mr. Gieselman's memorandum which was furnished to me yesterday. And my concerns are frankly the safety and use of the property, the 84 acres which most likely will be residential in the long run in my judgment. You've answered one of my questions this morning, is there going to be not only city of Austin water, will it be sufficient quantity and pressure for a fire? Since you're going to have above ground fuel tanks, sizeable fuel tanks on this property. And is there going to be sufficient set back from the adjacent boundary lines for the fuel tanks and any heavy equipment noise? I think in all fairness the Commissioners should assume that in the long run there will be homes next door and the planning of this project should be as if there were homes next door right now. Joe, can you tell me where the main entrance is on 969? I haven't seen a plat. There's no plat here.

>> don wood in our road and bridge. I can answer all your questions. The latest one, the main entrance is right -- if you think about the apex of the curve between 969 and 973, probably I want to say 300, 400 feet from the corner of blue bluff and 969. It's at probably the best location along that that we can find t just so happens to be that there's a 100-foot strip that comes out from the main site to that location. My understanding is txdot is going to be realigning some of that portion of 969 in the future because of access to 130. The second question concerning the fire protection, we're doing some very innovative work out there. We're going to be using rain collection, ground storage, so we won't be taking water off of the city of Austin utility for fire protection. We're meeting all the fire code requirements by our fire marshal, so we're very confident that we have adequate fire protection. 'The gas thanks that you talked about are -- the gas tanks that you talked are about are in the middle of the site. They have plenty of buffer from my adjoining property. And also much -- the tanks are basically in the middle of the property, a good distance away from any of the buildings. And I believe the buffer you require, we meet that requirement also.

>> I see you have a road right along the east boundary. Does that road constitute a buffer?

>> that road is mainly for traffic going back to our facility it between our yard. We have a bulk storage facility where we keep our stockpile, dirt stockpile in this area, but it's mainly just a road that would be used for trucks to get back to the dirt pile and exit in and out.

>> so you will have dump truck traffic right adjacent to my property line and mr. Cavosos' property line.

>> it's very close to it.

>> within 10 or 15 feet it looks like. Any possibility of moving that road further away?

>> well, economics for us, that's probably the best location. We have a lot of topography going through here, a lot of drainage situations going through here. And we felt that this was the best location for the roadway.

>> how is this not known? We've been working on this for a year. We're having property owners come up and say that they just heard it in the last day?

>> Commissioner, I'm not sure how to answer that question. We've had several public hearings on this. We've also delivered notices. I personally delivered probably approximately 200 to 300 notices around property owners on blue bluff and the adjacent properties around --

>> not me.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we are the two owners most affected by this, judge.

>> you live out there on your property or is it just raw land?

>> it's just raw land. I do not live on the property.

>> and I want to say, we've also talked -- I believe ms. Lawrence is your real estate agent and we've talked to her on numerous occasions over the past year and she's come to our office. So I've talked to her personally at least two or three times. I've talked to this gentleman on the phone at least twice.

>> no, you haven't. I'm sorry, you haven't. I haven't been contacted about anything. We called you, left numbers and I have never had a return call. I'm sorry.

>> let's take testimony today and if we need to, y'all need to meet with them afterwards and schedule meeting to deal with more specific concerns, okay? Mr. Kneeman, so we got yours. Any additional comments today? We need to get contact nrkd for you too if youry side at another location, make sure we know what it is, address, phone number, we can reach you if we need to. Any additional comments? It looks like they need to sit down with you and chat with you about some other issues.

>> I'd be happy to work with joe and don and don. And I want to repeat, judge, we're not here trying to stop progress in the county's need for this consolidation and cost savings. I think it's -- I've read gieselman's memorandum and I think it's justified. Our only concerns are for the safety and the noise and the proximity of the roads and the fuel tanks to our property. That's all.

>> I understand. Yes, sir.

>> your name?

>> my name is (indiscernible) cavosos. I own 95 acres and this place is fixing to be built right across my fence. And my concerns are when I seen that all these fuel tanks and I wasn't too sure what kind of water we were going to get or what. I'm worried about a fire. I don't have water at my place. And if a fire takes off, there goes all my trees. And that's my retirement right there. So the thing is, it's going to be noisy. I'm a truck driver. And every time a truck moves in that area, it's going to have to be backed up and you're going to hair the backup horn. I can hear it now when I'm there in the woods, I can hear everything. 10 years ago I didn't hear that. Eight years ago I didn't hear that. It just started, just the beginning. So my other part is I would really appreciate if y'all would carry with the water and wastewater. I'm ready to retire. I've been hauling water to my place for almost 13 years. I can't grow nothing.

>> I think the water -- we're connecting to city of Austin water lines for water for us.

>> but not for fire.

>> that's correct. What -- as I stated previously --

>> but I thought that mr. Cavosos was trying to find out if you could access the water flienz water on your property?

>> yes, sir.

>> that's what I'm saying, our project really is for water to county property. Not for fire protection. So what's the plan for fire protection?

>> our fire protection will be utilizing rainwater collection system and on-site storage for our fire protection. We've been through our fire marshal and our consultant and we feel very confident with what we've got out there that will provide adequate fire protection without tapping into the city of Austin water line.

>> all right. When you have a system like that and it proves to be insufficient in an emergency circumstance, what's the fall back position or is there one?

>> well, a fall back position, we've talked with the city of Austin, the city of Austin has plans to bring a water line up along fm 969 to the location of 130 and then back across, it's just that it doesn't meet anybody's time frame as far as our construction goes. It's a 24-inch line they've currently brought it up I believe to decker intersection. They've made a lot of improvements. Txdot has made some road improvements. Txdot is continuing to make road improvements and realignment and as part of that the city of Austin's plans to bring this 24-inch line further up the property and out for future access. It's just that I don't think they have the funding currently and they're waiting on the realignment of the road to put this water line in.

>> my point is that I think -- can you till my the folks that actually live out there in close proximity to this particular land use as far as the east side service center, the property we're talking about, that you actually live there, can you raise your hands? Okay. Actually live at the property?

>> I go there everyday, morning and afternoon.

>> just the ones that live there. And see, I'm trying to make sure because I know during this process there have been some public hearings conducted under cdbg and some of you may have attended those side seed public hearings at the satellite one office where they were conducted. So I want to make sure that it doesn't come across that Travis County is not doing its job is. We did notify the persons that I'm hearing that actually live at the property. Absentee landlords, we should notify everybody, of course, but I'm just trying to make sure that we distinguish those that are really living there and those absentee property owners. And of course that's where probably the problem came as far as notifying the absentee property owners. And of course, we're going to look at that and make sure that iferb gets a piece of the -- that everybody gets a piece of the action as far as what we're dealing with today. I want to make sure that's understood. I'm glad you raised your hand be, those that actually live there and as far as notification is concerned. Before this is over we'll make sure everybody has part of this action.

>> I want to express my appreciation for that comment, Commissioner, because I think the landowners who don't have homes adjacent should be given fair opportunity to have input just as the other homeowners. Appreciate that.

>> exactly. We're going to open it up. We're going to cover all bases. Thank you.

>> did we give you a chance to finish?

>> I'm pretty well done.

>> now, there are others who wish to testify today too, right? Others wish to give comments today? We will need those two seats. Yes, sir, full name, pleevmentz.

>> dr. Billy johns. I live on blue bluff, and I haven't been contacted by anybody. My property is right across the street from the entrance to this property, and we're talking about a noise factor. We also run a day care there, and my problems would be the safety issue. I know with the tank and everything that will be across the street and also the noise, and we've already been experiencing -- for the whole time that they've been in construction there we've been suffering some noise problems. We're right across the street -- I know they said that everything will come in from 973, but the entrance on blue bluff still seems like it's going to be a big problem to me living right directly across the street from this place.

>> what hours do you operate?

>> since we live there, we're there all the time.

>> but you run a day care from there?

>> yeah.

>> and what hours do you operate that business?

>> like 7:00 until 6:00.

>> so noise and fire protection?

>> yeah. Anything else?

>> just pure safety issues, that's it.

>> okay. Thank you. Yes, sir?

>> I'm concerned with the environmental impact of, say, spillage leakage --

>> your name?

>> william smith. I live on the corner of decker lane and 973. And I have a water well system that's fed from that land underneath there. You start dumping a bunch of pollute ants out there, it's going to make its way down into the water table. And I've heard nothing about an environmental impact study.

>> can we address those two issues? One is environmental impact study. Two is what steps will we take to prevent groundwater contamination.

>> yes, sir. We performed an environment al assessment and review of the property along with historical investigation, and both of those have been approved through the state. Also the fuel containment facility, these tanks have a double wall containment, plus we have a built in ground containment system in case of any spillage. Our parking lot will also have a detention facility to catch any runoff. We also inside the facility where we might have some oil contamination from -- or any sort of contamination from our wash facility. We have a fully repsychable wash facility, so we're containing as much as possible through our facility, and I do not anticipate -- this is state-of-the-art equipment that we're putting in here and I don't foresee any issues with contamination of the environment.

>> we have a plan, mr. Smith. Shall we describe that for you in writing?

>> well, I'm surprised that notification hasn't been made out there of people that live there.

>> well, they're saying we have made numerous efforts to notify, but apparently some of you didn't get it is what I'm hearing today.

>> well, I did own the property next door to me, and there's no notification made there.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we apologize for that and we can do what we can to keep you posted going forward. And not much we can do about you not getting notice a year ago.

>> well, they're describing the entrance is off of 969, but right now the current entrance is off of blue bluff right next to decker lane. Where's the entrance going to be?

>> we have two construction access points. Our main entrance again is off 969. Currently we're constructing some drainage features across that portion in the floodplain area, so it's harder for us right now at this point until we get some delivery of construction material to go in and out that access. And we are utilizing the one off blue bluff for current construction access, but our main entrance once we open the facility will be off 9:69. 969.

>> that entrance you're using now, will that continue to exist?

>> yes, sir. It's a secondary access point. When you create a facility of this type, it behooves us to have secondary access to it for safety purposes and for access and egress.

>> but the access to the entrance on blue bluff where it is right now is actually much closer than the one on 969. It's a mile and a half up the road.

>> that's incorrect, sir. The location of our facility is at the front third of the property. And if you'll look here, here's the location. The location off of blue bluff is all the way down here. So you're visibly at one quarter or one-third of the way --

>> this is decker lane.

>> this is the secondary entrance. So you go all this way down this to our building, which is located right here. An that's a considerable distance from that entrance to this entrance. And current realignment of 9:69 will make this entrance even closer.

>> y'all come in at the back right there, back of our properties?

>> this isn't decker lane. Decker lane is further on down.

>> I know where this is on blue bluff.

>> it's probably about a quarter mile from decker, something like that.

>> I'm at 6200 north 973 and I'm located somewhere right in here. So your main facility is back down that way?

>> our main facility is right in here.

>> do we know how much longer we will need to use the blue bluff access?

>> it's proposed to stay in forever.

>> but it's secondary --

>> it's a secondary entrance --

>> hold on. So right now it's really the only entrance we're using.

>> no, sir. We're using both entrances. You can go in back and forth. The issue is we have two small crossings in this floodplain area where we're going to be constructing these culverts. You can get across there, but it doesn't behoove us to go in and out everyday, especially in this rainy weather that we've got, to do construction in this entire facility. It's easier for us -- right now this is our primary entrance because this is in the floodplain.


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> we're waiting on the delivery of some box culverts. Probably a couple of months.

>> so dr. Jones was right, blue bluff is now our pry mayor entrance during the construction period.

>> yes, sir.

>> but there will come a time when we plan to use 969 as primary and blue bluff as secondary.

>> yes, sir.

>> and I assume he wants to know when that will be. Do we know about when or does that depend on weather conditions?

>> it depends on weather conditions, delivery of the box culverts. As soon as we can get these put in and the road construction, we can use that area. It's just that if you're going through a low water crossing that's muddy, that you've got dump trucks and stuff like that, we'd be pulling them out constantly with heavy equipment getting stuck, that sort of thing. So this is more beneficial to use. We don't have those irnz at this -- have those issues at this entrance.

>> good morning, roger he el khoury. What don just said, the secondary entrance on blue bluff lane is going to stay until the construction of the facilities, not only the roadway is completed. This should be completed in late spring much '08. So it has to stay open until the construction is done from a safety perspective. And we've already got a permit from txdot to connect to 969 and I believe when the alignment comes then the main entry will be, as don said, 969.

>> so the noise now is from vehicles going to and from the construction part of the site or is it construction worker constructing?

>> I don't believe it's construction -- the construction workers, it's just trucks coming in and out from that particular construction.

>> when you've got those construction vehicles and they go in reverse, then that is -- that is that beep, beep, beep?

>> yes, sir. If you can imagine, we've got quite a bit of road construction going on, site clearing, that sort of thing. I can't -- we probably have a dozen, 15 pieces of equipment out there currently.

>> and it's for safety reasons when you back off the noise.

>> I understand that, but I'm just saying that a construction site is noisy.

>> yes, sir.

>> and once the construction is completed and the building is operational, in comparison will the noise be as great as it was during the construction phase, the operating sounds?

>> during the day most of our road crews are out off the site doing work somewhere, so typically it's fairly quiet during the day. The only time you have traffic is at the beginning of the day when our guys leave to go to their project sites and at the end of the day at 3:30, typically 3:00 when they return. During the day it's -- there's really not a whole lot going on.

>> the more buffer there is I guess the less obvious the noise off the site, right?

>> there is a buffer between blue bluff lane and the site. There's about -- about like 200 feet from blue bluff lane (indiscernible). Am I correct?

>> it's about 800 feet from hire to blue bluff.

>> but on the other side.

>> over here there's -- so we have some buffer zone for the noise. And really when we start the operation of that facility, really it's going to be a small vehicle. It's not going to be major construction equipment during the day, just like don says. And most of those building, it's fleet services, like repairs for our trucks, vehicles, county vehicle, and administrative buildings and offices. And also a warehouse and sign shop.

>> our goal is to be a good neighbor, but this has been like a vacant tract, so we'll obviously make a lot more noise than has been made historically because nobody has been there. Mr. Smith, did we give you a chance to give all your comments?

>> I'm curious about access to your bulk storage area that's over here.

>> the access comes off of blue bluff, and that will be connelling in to -- we currently store material there. We've got some concrete barricades that we store currently, and that's where we'll be having our bulk storage material there.

>> what type of material?

>> road base, gravel, that sort of thing.

>> for the construction site?

>> for construction that we typically do flow the county, -- that we do throughout the county. It's typical of what we have at all our sites.

>> but you shouldn't be able to see that from blue bluff or 9:69, right?

>> you cannot see it.

>> this tract ought to be large enough to allow us to operate woi being seen -- without being seen. I don't know that we can operate without being heard, but it seems to me that we should be able to take measures to keep the noise down. Do you know where the johnnie morris site is next to coke refinery? Is that the kind of base material we would have stored at this place?

>> yes.

>> is this considered part of the decker lake park property?

>> decker lake is owned by the city. This turkey farm the county bought 20, 25 years ago.

>> late '80s as I recall.

>> anything else? You are mr. Strickland?

>> we're far enough from you not to worry you enough at this time?

>> true.

>> let me ask you one question. Did you say that we had to go through the tceq personalitying phase?

>> actually, it's the historical commission. These were done and our construction plans were approved by them.

>> what differentiates between going to them -- generally when you start talking about water and all that stuff, tceq is brought up early on.

>> when you go through new construction of the tanks, there will be some -- one of the thing that we do not have to do because they're not underground, there's no underground requirement that we have to go through tceq. These are typically go through the county process a because they're above ground tank.

>> so the fact that they're not underground --

>> if you were building underground storage tanks you would have to comply, a lengthy time frame and a little bit more risk than you would have with above ground tanks where you can buy double containment steel sfrurz and also -- structures and also build your containment where have you a backup to your back jub basically.

>> let me suggest that since this is taken an hour that generally take five minutes you, obviously there is a concern here that we ought to have with regards to getting in touch with people and maybe we need to do this certified mail or whatever. Because this has been going on for way over a year, the design, all of this kind of stuff, so it is really surprising to have five or six people come up. And one person has said that they've at least don't notice. And I do realize that people that own property don't particularly live there, but let's find a way to have verification, and if it's going through a realtor or whatever, then let's have some sort of signoff that yes, somebody that owns a piece of property was contacted so that we will have verification that says, yes, that's what happened and let's persevere so that we don't have folks saying they weren't contacted.

>> would it help to you have a meeting or do we think that the residents with concerns are here today?

>> anybody else? Any dmoants this public hearing? Ms. Snrawrns.


>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> please come forward. We'd be happy to get your comments. And we have two more chairs. This is the time to come forward.

>> our company has been selected to represent mr. (indiscernible) in his 87-acre tract. Some of these are my concerns because I'm also marketing properties for other people there on blue bluff road. And in talking with the people that live there in that area, which some of them I've talked to, they're unfortunately unable to get here today, so I am speaking on their behalf in reference to what is actually occurring because the majority of them that I've met with personally, even as far as communicating with some that live in sugarland, houston, that they were never notified. So one of my concern in representing this property to potential investors looking at his tract, I need to know exactly what is occurring in that area in order to me to market his property properly also.

>> so you would like a written description of the project?

>> yes, sir. I have potential investors for this property, and these are some of their concerns. When I mention the east Austin service center being off jay sent to this property, a number of questions was presented to me, would this be a plus or minus to us buying your tract? So I need documentation also to present to my investors.

>> joe, can we --

>> by wait, we see it as a big police.

>> we do too. I agree with you.

>> can you accommodate her? And I guess listen to go this today, it would be good if we could have closure had of this public hearing that those folks that are here today give you an address or something whereby we are able to contact them, and then again I think if you would have -- you've mentioned somebody in sugarland, Texas, absentee landlord, in order, the person not there, it would be good for you to give tnr, those particular persons that you represent, whether they're on blue bluff or wherever, they're not here today, but it would be good for you to present those names and addresses so they will be included in this process. We don't want to life anybody out. So again I think we're trying to make sure that things come to a head on this. And whatever mechanism we need to employ make sure these things ha. This is what we're looking for. We're looking for a remedy.

>> Commissioner Davis, I have provided them with a list of petitions of people who are interested in getting information as well as water in this area.

>> well, I don't know -- anyway, it would be good for that information to be shared today. It's just fair for everybody to be notified, especially if you're trying to market stuff and people want to know what's adjacent to the property, it's only fair to the persons that aren't here for us to have those names so make sure whenever this comes, that they are all notified of what's going on as far as the public hearing is concerned. I will like to see if you would be willing to do that. That's what I'm asking.

>> definitely. I have a list of the names and property owners.

>> all right.

>> we have contact information in addition to the names?

>> no. I get the names -- I have some numbers, yes, but the names I get them from -- anybody can get them from the Travis County appraisal district in reference to their location, whether they're here in the city or not. So I'm willing to provide them with the property owners in the general area.

>> will any harm be done in we postpone action until next week? I'm thinking we'll have more residents contact us after today. I think a a brief summary that describes the project, so even if people don't contact in person, we can get them out to as many folks as possible.

>> dweel that. We'll do that.

>> I move the public hearing be closed if there's no other public testimony at this time? Time.

>> seconded by Commissioner Gomez. We will postpone number 14, which is the action item associated with this, for two weeks.

>> and I would ask everybody that testified, don is going to be over here so we can get the names and addresses and phone numbers before they leave.

>> yeah. There are five or six issues that they want to address, so I think we need to in writing address those and disseminate those.

>> we will get this out about the project scrings.

>> thank y'all.

>> thank you, ms. Lawrence.

>> thank you. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote to close the public hearing.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, April 11, 2007, 8:34 AM