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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 3, 2007
Citizens Communication

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Citizens Communication is next. And this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court for up to three minutes. On any item not on the agenda. Any item not on the agenda. One resident has signed in. Phillip dick. If you have come under citizens communication, whether you have signed in or not, come forward. We will let you sign in after you get comments.

>> as you know, I'm here this morning talking about my son, roosevelt hutchins, junior and his innocence. I had a trial for him the honorable judge triana in courtroom 200. She permitted him a new trial and I asked her may I approach the bench to show his evidence that he was not guilty of his 15 years drug possession cases she told me yes. I approached the bench and showed her the department of -- of criminal justice report and I showed her the verifications of the they were all of the same dates that they claim my son was committing this crime. Here in Travis County, do you have anything showing where he was already in tdc and was transferred to -- to tdc on these very same dates. I told her yes, ma'am, I do. And she told me to go home -- I mean not go home, but you know obtain that document, put the -- put the cause number across the top, have it certified with -- with the notary public and file it with district clerk's office and return just these two copies to her, to her office. This is what I did. And it states here the same dates of these -- of -- of these -- um, you know, official dates. It also states that -- that my son was sentenced to 15 years in tdc was transferred to tdc on April 15th, 1994. And she said with this evidence that -- that that can't be done. So I -- she wanted to -- to -- I asked her would she sign orders to release my son, she will sign the orders to release my son, but I just want to say, judge, I am so sorry to hear about the -- the things that's happening in your life right now. I understand that she had a tragic and she's not able to sign my orders right now, they still are on her desk. So I'm hoping that everything in your family and you and your family have -- you know, the person that's ill have a speedy recovery. I went to the police department, I am not guilty of all of these car wrecks and things that have been put on me. I have dismissed from my court record of being the villian of this car wrecks. This is the picture of my car. It disaits here that I was driving -- it states here that I was backing out of my driveway. A lot of things start at the police department on you, even though you are an innocent person.

>> [buzzer sounding] okay. You can be an innocent person and still get your driver's license suspended and be taken away from you, I was not backing up, I did not hit anyone. See, I was hit in the side. And they took my license for over 14, 15 years. And I just received my license back January the -- the third, 2007. So things really can happen to you right here in Austin. Thank you.

>> thank you very much. Anybody else for citizens communication?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 9:34 PM