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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 3, 2007
Item 18

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18 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding the process and criteria for selecting an elected official from a small city within Travis County to serve on the capital area metropolitan planning organization board. Mr. Gieselman?

>> we have to decide on whichever one the court will appoint to one position out of these four.

>> we have not yet received resumes from any of the four, correct?

>> well, we have received -- some have given us a little bit of a biographical sketch, but not a full resume.

>> I didn't receive anything looking like that in the backup.

>> we can follow up at this point now that we know we have a finite number of individuals. It wouldn't be that difficult for us to get full bios from everybody.

>> speaking for myself only, if I could see resumes for the four, I think that would put me to the next step of deciding when to interview all four or some smaller subset of the four.

>> is interviews what you would like to do? We can draw straws. You can make it simple or as complex as you want to make it.

>> is this for a year?

>> yes.

>> each year we have the ability --

>> every year.

>> I don't know if that would make -- I'm not sure that would be good is that after one year you sort of just know what campo is doing, know the issues and enough of the facts to make a difference.

>> but after one year you may be running screaming from the building.

>> highly likely.

>> if I were doing it I would draft four or five relevant questions and select one based on the responses. One or two may decide I don't want this enough to do that. And putting the questions together will take some time because I think you want questions that deal with campo. That or either do interviews. What the questions would give you is if you get the right questions you could -- really could sort of evaluate different aspects of the individual's qualifications. The same thing you would get during an interview. We could interview them 30 minutes apiece, but we have interviews for executive manager of justice and public safety coming to the court soon too. I'll have that on the court's agenda next Tuesday for an update and interviews within the next two to three weeks hope flivment.

>> would you like tnr to prepare a list of questions and ask the applicants to respond?

>> I just threw that out because in the past where appropriate questions have really been designed to ascertain certain information about applicant's qualifications, they really have been immensely helpful. I would personally rather do that rather than interview them.

>> let's do it. Any objection to that? Let's try to get a resume, plus try to put draft questions together next week. Give a week for the responses. And I would have the questions that are relatively short, just three or four.

>> all right.

>> but committed to get this thing finished by the end of this month so we can take it and have our -- I think we're maybe the only place on the campo board that hasn't picked our person.

>> we got four applications, which is four more than I thought we would get. Which is good news, by the way. We'll have it back on next week. Is that okay?

>> that's fine.

>> look at those questions and have a letter requesting the resume. May as well get both of them at one time. And if we approve the questions next week, can we give them one week turn around time. 17th try to get the responses back, look at those and make a choice. That's moving fairly with quickly, but I would have the questions such that they don't require a whole lot of thought, but some. And if you give it to us by e-mail, I knock e-mail all the time, but you can get the responses almost instance usually. So if we give four or five, six days for the responses, that ought to be adequate time. Let's work with that, okay? We'll have it back on next week nato look at those questions. You'll have drafts for us. Get them to us by five this Friday we may be able to give us feedback next Tuesday.

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 3, 2007, 9:34 PM