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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 6, 2007
Item 24

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Since we have joe there, 24 is to consider and take appropriate action on process for appointment of elected official and alternates from a small city within Travis County to the capital area metropolitan planning organization board, in accordance with section 1 organization, phase 3 of the joint powers agreement. And it's two people from one small city. More I think bit, makes sense to me--think bit, makes sense to me to have one representative from a small city and the alternate from another small city.

>> we just prepared a draft letter to the cities in case you wanted to send that out. It's basically just inform informing them of the appointment. Opening up the process. We are just kind of anticipating.

>> should I pass this out ?

>> absolutely, so everybody will have a copy.

>> so this will be sent to the municipalities ?

>> this is a letter from either myself, or certainly can be from the judge. Might have more significance if it were from the judge. It's from all the 22 municipalities within the county, informing them of the change in the composition of the campo board, and that the position is open for appointment.

>> is there a deadline, joe, as far as how long they have to respond after receiving notice of this particular letter is this.

>> they want it back, we want it back by the 30th but I think we made need to change that. I heard senator watson I think yesterday say this he would want to make the appointments, have everything collected and finished by the end of March March. So we may need to move the date up and make it perhaps two weeks, have them respond to us by no later than perhaps March 15. Then the court has a week.

>> too tight.

>> okay.

>> realize they are wanting us to have that done but I think by late April, we are in good shape. I don't know, I mean, if we are luck only one or two people will be interested. Democracy may prevail and it will be ten or 12. It will take some time for us to look at that number and choose one or two, if we do it fairly. I think we ought to expedite this as much as possible, but we ought to advertise, send the letter advising of the opportunity, ask if they are interested, and if they let us know, do we have like an application form or what ?

>> that would probably be a good idea, something very simple.

>> yeah. Something. Asking for a resume or maybe just tell us why you are interested in serving on campo.

>> in a thousand words or less.

>> 250. And then give ourselves an opportunity to put it on the agenda really and sort of try to figure out how to make the selection. Another way to get at that would be if they don't want to do that, one county that I chatted with notified all the small city judges, small city mayors, and asked them to have a meeting and select a representative and an alternate. He thinks they will be able to do that. He had not done it as of our meeting on Monday, yesterday yesterdaylve the problem with that is we are looking at 20, 21, 22 people. Some of the cities are pretty good size. Other are incredibly small. So two, the second option may be opening a can of worms.

>> why don't we just see if they can get this back to us by the 20th. That's two weeks from today. And let's see. We may just get one. If we get one, then we got it. I don't know that a lot of people are going to want to sit on campo o. If you don't know anything about campo.

>> Commissioner ?

>> we might want to send them a tape of about the last three meetings that we have had. Let's make sure we give them the one that we had out at the pickle center.

>> I feel like the idea that the judge had brought up about some type of, you know send the letter, but I think some type of instrument to show that there is interest. I guess whatever, an application, warf, just to show interest because it may not be just one or two you just don't know until the letter gets out there and see what kind of response you get and the time frame.

>> I’m saying that if you get more than one back by the 20th, if we can get this thing out this week, the 20 20th probably, no , some of these councils may not meet every week.

>> yeah.

>> but let's see if we can get, our hey, if you give it the 27th.

>> 27th.

>> 27th. Then let's just have them get it back to us by the 27 27th and we'll know.

>> and we would try to expedite. If it's a small group.

>> sure.

>> may I suggest the 23rd or 26th. 27th is Tuesday. If you are intending to guess these back on the 27th Tuesday, at Commissioners court, there's not, I’d rather have it the Friday or Monday before.

>> Friday before.

>> Friday is the 23rd.

>> 23rd.

>> okay.

>> 23rd.

>> we'll just post the item in anticipation.

>> I won't bring you back the results.

>> have we said enough about campo ?

>> I didn't want to put everything out there. I tried to keep it down to the basics.

>> does campo have like a little--

>> bio?

>> a web page.

>> something about the organization, what they do.

>> send it with the letter.

>> sure, okay.

>> yeah.

>> do you want this going out under your letterhead or do you want me to do it ?

>> I think it ought to come from the court. We have Commissioners court letterhead.

>> all right. We'll have all five signatures.

>> I think that will help. They are spread out all over the county. I would have them come to you.

>> the responses come to me.

>> yeah.

>> uh-huh.

>> this is one of these, just the fact that you are interested, this qualifies you?

>> psychiatrist will be available. Mandatory assessment.

>> that's right, risk manage management needs to pick that up.

>> okay. We can just just--put this on our stationery and get the court the sign it.

>> I’ll get the backup attachments ready.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> that the really, the letter, receive applications and post for follow-up action by the Commissioners court. All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:00 AM