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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 6, 2007
Item 23

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22, are we ready ?

>> that was 22.

>> sorry, 23. Approve license agreement with the estates brentwood homeowners association for a 36 inch oak tree and fences or walls in the right-of-way of anderson mill road in precinct three.

>> when we discussed this last week, we decided that it would be best if the county were to vacate the portions of right-of-way between the property line and the wall that we are building for our anderson mill project because it's not going to be accessible to the public the property owners abutting that wall would most likely make it part of their yards. So, to preserve the sanctity of the right-of-way, so to speak, we have approach the property owners and said, look, rather just doing a license agreement with you to allow to you build your wall on our wall and allow the tree to stay there, we would also like you to consider us vacating a small sliver of right-of-way to you, in return at the same time dedicate an easement that we can accept so we can have access to the back side of the wall for maintenance purposes. And our project manager spoke to the homeowners association president, who went out and talked to 12 of the 13 property owners who would be affected by that decision, and all 12 of them said okay. Now what we need to do is complete the surveys necessary to establish what each parcel piece is in the vacation and easement dedication, have the public hearing for the vacation, and then at that time of the public here, go ahead and plat the vacation, receive the dead cage of the easement, and approve the license agreement. So it will be a month or more before we got back to youp we will have to go ahead and set up a public hearing with you at some time in the near future.

>> this is a little cleaner and a permanent solution. The woman that came down, citizen that came down, she is happy with this approach also ?

>> she was happy with the idea of keeping the tree. That was her goal. And we are keeping the tree. She really didn't care about the wall. But she should be fine with this because we not going to touch that tree.

>> okay. He talked to 12 of 13. Is that a hold out or he didn't have a chance for a chat is this.

>> he didn't have a chance for a chatlve he didn't expect any problem with that person.

>> we need to set it up so we bring it back after the public hearing.

>> right.

>> so we will bring it back when it's ready.

>> I’ll submit to youryou a request to set a public hearing date. I want to go ahead and complete the surveys, make sure everybody is still on board with it, and then come back to you with setting the public hearing date. That will be a week or more.

>> takes a little longer but I think it's cleaner and a more affirmative fix.

>> back when it's time.

>> yes.

>> you said about two weeks ?

>> I am thinking a couple weeks with the request to set the public hearing date for a month beyond that. We will have all the paperwork in order, you know sometime in aim, I think.

>> okay--in April, I think.

>> okay.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 8:00 AM