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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 27, 2007
Executive Session Items

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It's a short Executive Session. I think we are there now, aren't we?

>> pretty close.

>> I think we have --

>> a 1 we put on consent. We pulled.

>> not needed.

>> we don't need it.

>> so sorry.

>> a 2 we approved.

>> 29?

>> 29 we --

>> 29 not needed per p.b.o. Sorry about that. None of those we don't need.

>> we are --

>> [multiple voices]

>> afterwards you will have 36.

>> therefore, we will convene in executive session to get tom's valuable legal advice on number 24. The matter that we just discussed the license agreement with the estates of bent wood homeowners association, inc. As well as number 37, consider and take appropriate action on recommendations from executive manager, emergency services regarding changes in job duties for certain employees within emergency services. That's under the personnel matters exception. 38. Consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell to Travis County a 0.070 acre (3,036 square feet) tract of land located on gattis school road, in precinct two, required for construction of the gattis school roadway improvement project as part of the 2005 bond program. 1 consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. And we will discuss number 39. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action on contract negotiations with faulkner usa for new jail construction at del valle correctional complex design-build project. Consultation with attorney. And media, after we return to court and take action on these four items, we will interview ms. Meade under item 36, and what I passed out immediately after lunch was a letter from ms. Allen withdrawing her name from consideration. We will discuss these four items in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

We have returned from executive session where we discussed four items and we are arranged in this manner because we will conduct one interview for the ctrma board in just a few moments. But we discussed item number 24 involving the proposed agreement with the estates of brentwood homeowners association, inc., and after that discussion decided to get staff to look into other fixes for the problem that we are trying to address here and to give us an update next week. And after next week's discussion we will decide what action to take. In my view no action today, just a postponement. Is that okay? Item number 37 involves recommendations from the you executive manager of emergency services, and based on the recommendations and the discussion we had resolving -- involving various personnel there, I move the following that as to ms. Kovar --ic we can name her, can't we, john, that we take three specific actions. One is to approve the request for an ad hoc classification change from administrative associate to executive assistant and a pay grade increase from 14 to 16, slot 26 in emergency services. Two, that we approve the request to provide a salary adjustment in which the salary increases to 45,151,000.29 cents and appropriate benefits. And three, that we indicate our intention to approve the addition of $5,478 in the emergency services target '08 budget, that and really is for planning and budget, I guess as much as anything else? And let's just vote on those for ms. Kavar. Any questions? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And on mr. Baldwin I move that we approve the recommended salary adjustment for mr. Baldwin from 73,822,000 to $80,728.25 plus benefits, and the total adjustment would be $8,696 that will indicate our intention for the new salary, including the increase, to be part of the emergency services target '08 budget. And that's for the planning and budget office also. </p><p><strong>>></strong> second. </p><p><strong>>></strong> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. ' Basically we express our appreciation to both employees for being such dedicated, outstanding public servants. Item number 39 an offer to settle with Travis County a small tract of land that we need for the gattis school road project. Move that we approve basically the religious for us to -- the recommendation for us to purchase this land for the amount of $9,000. </p><p><strong>>></strong> 38, judge. </p><p><strong>>></strong> the item number? Gattis school road? </p><p><strong>>></strong> right. </p><p><strong>>></strong> sorry about that, item 38. $9,000 to purchase the tract of land in question. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 39, not a whole lot of discussion. We had quite a bit of that in open court today. And this contract will be on next week's agenda for approval, and I'll probably just have this on just in case there are last minute developments that we need to discuss. At the same time I hope that we are not. With that I think we are to our remaining item.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:20 AM