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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 20, 2007
Item 33

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Anybody from sheriffs office on number 33? It wasn't a real big deal but I think on 33 b a question was put to me . This is one of the contracts 33 a is to consider and take appropriate action on inter interlocal cooperation agreement for 2006-2007 for law enforcement services to be provided by the Travis County sheriffs office, and 33 b authorize retention of two vehicles in the Travis County fleet pursuant to the contract. I can get me guess answered by the two vehicles later. The questions came up but looks like this is more than a 7,000 a month contract so we are all the personnel, I guess, and when the vehicles are in use too. The question is though, if it went to the two automobiles, I can get those answered later. Move approval. Discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote the my question really went to the fleet maintenance responsibility on those. All right. Can we discuss without them? Who from the account do we expect on 37? Mr. Davis, let's call up 37 and see if we can discuss it it. Aalicia petis on 26 and 2, we will discuss those the mibit you get here. The matter involving the city courts building, I have been requested to call it up this afternoon as late as possible. Bill, which one are you on ?

>> if we could come down to answer questions on the vehicle thing.

>> sorry, I may be able to address the item on the interlocal, possibly.

>> fleet inventory question.

>> 33 b, I believe it is. This is a request to retain two vehicles in the fleet that would normally be turned in rather than go out and buy new vehicles. And then over a period of time there would be an addition of two vehicles. In fact there is mfact an additional two vehicles to the fleet. Interlocal does envision the purchase through the contract of two vehicles.

>> so this is a request not to transfer two vehicles to the surplus category but to continue using them ?

>> yes, sir, until over a period of a couple of years, until sufficient resources are built up through the interlocal to purchase new vehicles, then they would go back outlve but butbut back out. But it is an addition of two vehicles to the fleet, that is correct, under the inter interlocal. Theoretically, I mean, if the interlocal goes away, the vehicles would then be turned, some vehicle, some two vehicles, would go back into the surplus auction.

>> you would have to acquire two vehicles. I under on 33 b the vehicles are already--

>> they exist already.

>> in the county's possession.

>> yes. These are probably two patrol vehicles that were scheduled for replacement, say, this year, that will be kept back from the auction instead of, they are being replaced but they will be kept back from the auction so this contract will be fulfilled.

>> will you get confirmation of that in writing?

>> .

>> yes, will be glad to.

>> e-mail will be fine.

>> I’ll be glad to do that.

>> appreciate it.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:00 AM