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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 20, 2007
Item 21

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21. Review and approve requests regarding grant proposals, applications, contracts and permissions to continue: b is grants application with Texas department of transportation to continue the underage drinking prevention program in county attorney's office by providing prevention resources;

>> good morning, good morning, here we are again.

>> good morning, I actually requested this not go on consent so that I could beat my drum about metrics. Briefly on b, it's such a good program and again I was looking at the metrics worksheet which is -- I believe bates stamp number 42 in the packet. And -- and again I知 struck under measures for the grant, it's really more of a description of performance rather than a measure of performance. That being said as I have said last week, if you turn into the actual text in the proposed project description, there's all of these great measures of performance! And I知 just beating my drum of could we move those fabulous measures of performance that are embedded in the text over to the grand summary sheet so that we can get a quick and dirty, you know, how well we are doing. These statistics on page 3 of 3 and proposed project description, actually it's page 3 and 4, on bates stamp 47 and 48. It's just cram packed with great statistics that indicate success. And -- and really are measures of how well we are doing. And I would like to -- I would just like to see more of that. In the -- in the -- in the proposed measures of performance. I think with that kind of discipline, particularly in light of the fact that we are working with tcso, a.p.d., some many other agencies that we could -- we could better measure our input and gloria I know that the incredible work that you do. Give me feedback.

>> [one moment please for change in captioners]

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>> you mentioned the surveys done at the national and local level. That's a great tool for measuring success. You mentioned the number of arrests and prosecutions as well as number of fatalities from alcohol-related accidents by minors and the incredible reduction according to our county statistics, 120 alcohol related offenses in 2002, I believe, and 72 in 2003. That's a huge decline.

>> uh-huh.

>> that's the kind of metric I知 looking for. And how to tie those results to the programs that we are doing. That's my drum beat on that thaton.

>> we can certainly do that. We have statistics that come in on a regular basis. And maybe some stronger points on reporting those to you and to the state as well.

>> that would be great.

>> move approval. Discussion in all in favor. That passes by unanimous vote. D is grant contract with retired seniors volunteer program rsvp advisory council for part time employee to provide information on the importance of vaccinating babies.

>> I知 looking for increase rates in vaccination due to the program and if there's an increase or decrease in vaccinations, how are we tying the effects to the program itself. Do we have any measures of increased, records of increased vaccinations due to the program ?

>> Commissioner, I would have to checklve lve--check. I don't have this information tight I know this was primarily driven to the pieces of paper handed to folks with the hope that if new moms were provided the information on the benefit of doing the vaccinations, that that would encourage them to follow through. And also access to free sources of vaccination so they would not incur costs. I can check with staff and provide that information to your officethat would be greatwould be--

>> that would be great. And the idea of surveying the population to be sure it's getting to them and we can be sure our efforts are showing positive results.

>> absolutely we can provide that information to the full cort.

>> again that would be great to provide to the full court but I知 also looking for the grant summary sheet, more discipline so we really have performance measures so we can nail down our effective effectiveness.

>> okay.

>> move? Second? Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:19 PM