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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 20, 2007
Item 16

View captioned video.

(the first six minutes of this item was not captioned.)

>> I don't think we will be ready at four o'clock.

>> week after next ?

>> I think we ought to plan for that item if we look at those steps, if we have in mind what I have in mind it will be a whole lot shorter than today.

>> next week we are going to have speakers.

>> why wouldn't we? If you take the view corridor off the deal what are they going to speak on? That's what they would come on speak on.

>> I think you are going to have a number of people here that are going to pitch not taking it off off. I bet you judge dietz is going to have, maybe I am reading him wrong. I think between the legal arena and a lot of those folks, I don't know, judge.

>> he is going to have the numbers.

>> I don't think we will do it in two hours.

>> this is one of those issues we have discussed and thought about long enough where I have no problem with taking a vote. Either we're going to to it or not. It won't be on my list. If people come down here on that and they request to put it on the list, we vote on whether to put it on the list or leave it off.

>> how do you do that ?

>> do you want me to post it, if we post from two to three, people that have business after that will think we will come to it after after--three and we'll get out at 2:30 and we may not be here. I'll put up to one hour at most.

>> you mean for the two o'clock item.

>> two o'clock item. I would plan to be done with that at three o'clock. You want the county judge to announce that at two, I would be happy to do that.

>> if you get that next week, I mean--

>> if we get these steps out, the question is whether we are following the steps or not.

>> uh-huh.

>> I will get with roger by noon tomorrow we will have you all, his input and my input. We get it all back from you all really by Thursday after the work session, give it to judge dietz and let him do what he want to on Friday.

>> I'll take one more run at this. When we consider item number 31 about appropriate action regarding toll road fees charged to county emergency vehicles, we might have some elected and law enforcement who might want to sit on the rma.

>> they won't want to sit on it long.

>> they won't want to pay no toll.

>> the place that you replaced in three, excuse me, the one- one-year term, Sam brought down the motion and last year you voted one, place one and two to be two year terms and please three to be a one-year term.

>> one year term beginning this year through December 31 ?

>> I think that's what it was. It's pretty certain.

>> we'll just make the appointment for that. How that is ?

>> just for this year out ?

>> yeah.

>> through December 31. Make the appointment then. You all were up for re reappointment but if that passes or if we have an elected official, we can decide whether to put the elected official in this slot or reappoint this person. The other two have been on since the beginning. I wouldn't be real surprised if one of them wants to step down I'm not encouraging them to do so one wanted to step down it would not surprise me. On this, I mean--

>> we do need to go ahead had and get somebody on there.

>> not to belittle the opportunity, but, I think it would be like pulling teeth to get elected officials on there. I think if we get one, that probably is our best selling point. If we say by law we have to have an elected official, then I think that an elected official, I can think of three or four that may feel a little duty yo bound to step out. Otherwise--

>> seems like the bill. Seems that's the spot that you wanted.

>> back to this. If you think that we can do the deal next week and be okay with four o'clock, you may want to say 4:30.

>> I'll do that if you all will leave it to my judgment whether or not we have a whole lot of other stuff that really makes doing this impossible, if so I'll just slide it a week. If not we stick it on there. I'm going to assume we can take an hour on this other. But I also will assume that we will have spec specific steps we need to go through and start at the top and work our way to the bottom.

>> do we want to let the people know next week that we will give them each 30 minute.

>> right.

>> we don't want to take an hour for one. We want to get the q and a over in 40 minutes and give another ten minute for each one of us.

>> okay.

>> I will know how the agenda is looking by tomorrow afternoon. How is that? Move approval of that strategy.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor. That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 2:19 PM