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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 23, 2007
Citizens Communication

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Citizens Communication is first. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minute. And two residents have signed in, marcello defio first. And gavino fernandez second. Morning.

>> morning. I am lulac district 7 districter here in Austin and for those of you who don't know about lulac k it's a national organization league of united latin american citizens. And I seven eight counties here in central Texas. -- I serve eight counties here in central Texas. First I want to thank you for the privilege of speaking to you all. I've come here to announce the 2007 Texas lulac legislative gala, which will be February the 15th from 7:00 to 10 at the double tree hotel. Our keynote speaker will be the honorable governor rick perry, who will be honoring or awarding lifetime legislative education award to senator judith zaffirini. Rising star rafael (indiscernible). Legislative leadership award to state representative pete gallegos, who had a successful operation, I understand. And distinguishing legislative service awad to state representative noriega. We will also be honoring the governor rick perry and Texas motor transportation association and then will harrell of the aclu. And also I wanted to announce a golf tournament, our first annual for district 7. It will be February the 15 its held at morris williams golf course. And primarily that's all I wanted to invite you to come to the gala if possible or play golf if you like to play golf. We welcome all golfers. I have no idea about the game, I'm just -- I'm new at this.

>> I see the weather will be at least 70 degrees.

>> well, you know, they figured lulac should have at least one good day after so many bad ones. We want to thank y'all very much again.

>> thank you.

>> gavino fernandez, I'm here in a supportive role. And thank you very much for the opportunity.

>> anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not? Okay. And is ms. Perez here? I guess she's on the way down. We did get another sign-in sheet, and that is from lesl mccalo.

>> thanks, judge. I'm here on behalf of two neighborhoods in south Austin, Texas oak south neighborhood association, Commissioner Daugherty has been working with us on our concerns about a proposed development in an area of the county which is surrounded by the city. And I am here to turn in petitions that have been signed by 512 people opposing this proposed development. Er unfortunately caught between the county and the city on this. The city's failure to annex this land, which should have been annexed long ago, being surrounded by the city, the fact that we really have one road in and out and the city has failed to do the work to the other road that would let us get in and out of out area, and have failed for years to do that. And the fact that the county development regulations are so lax and so inadequate that we're looking at the kind of density in this proposed subdivision -- as one member of the city's zoning and platting commission says action you are trying to put a size 10-foot into a size 5 shoe. N unfortunately it appears that the county regulations permit that. Of course these lot sizes would be illegal in the city of Austin. We have very serious concerns about the safety, the traffic issue. We're going to have to rely on its city to try and block a proposed intersection that we consider to be very dangerous, but we sure wish that there was some way to work more comprehensively with its city, the county, the landowner and the developer to come up with something that would work for everybody and that would not have the negative consequences that we see in this where you've got such tiny lots that the house is going to cover practically all of the land. There's going to be no place for a kid to play in this subdivision except in the streets and on the sidewalk because there aren't going to be any yards to speak of. No park, no playground. It's just very unfortunate. But anyway, I would like to turn in these petitions and I appreciate the time.

>> what's the name of the subdivision?

>> the proposed subdivision is called the hollow at slaughter creek.

>> okay. Thank you. Thank you very much.

>> I would suggest to write your legislators too because this is a matter of state power no, sir being given to to us do this.

>> yes. That is definitely something we've been in contact with our local representatives.

>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> anybody else for citizens communication?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:33 PM