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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 23, 2007
Item 4

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Number 4. 21 would become 15,000--d 1 would become 15--t 1 would become 15,000. Any issues with any of the other transfers on that page page? If not I move approval.

>> second.

>> decision in all in favor? Commissioner Gomez.

>> I object stain.

>> okay.

>> that motion just made, now.

>> that's $25 that was there and that will be reduced to 15.

>> 15.

>> that is correct ?

>> yes.

>> all right.

>> I hope to stay consistent consistent. I can't support that because of the way I voted before. Andlet me ask this question too before I vote. This is up for discussion. What would happen if that $ $10,000, if it wasn't the in the contract, specifically specified in the contract and the court voted the way I'm voting. In other words, we don't want your $10,000. What ho--to that money.

>> you are not voting whether you want it. You're voting how you will spend it.

>> it's in the contract.

>> no, it's in the contract and it would just stay in our accounts and we would, unless you go back and amend the nationwide contract, which is an entirely different issue than what you are talking about here, you're going to get that $10 000. It should have been paid two months ago, sorry, a month and a half ago, because it said at the execution of the contract it was payable. They have been holding on it because of the discussion about whether it's going to be used for the retirement contract.

>> okay.

>> but what you are voting on now is whether you are going to use it for the retirement store contract. If you want to go back, and if you decide not to use it for that, then they should be paying us the money and we should hold it in our accounts until we decide what we are going to use it for that relates to the management of the deferred comp plan.

>> let me answer your question.

>> we have approved number 9 two sources of funding. We are now on a motion covering item number 4.

>> right.

>> that's where we are, number 4.

>> right.

>> and my thing was the change is from 25 to 15.

>> exactly.

>> and on the rest of those numbers and transfers in 4 would be kept the same unless there is a request--

>> the only one I had had a question was just this specific one. That was in t 1, I believe. Can you answer my question, alicia ?

>> the answer is that $10 $10,000 would go to increase nationwide's profit on this account.

>> would go to their profit.

>> would increase their profit, their bottom line.

>> why do we keep bringing up their profit ?

>> I am just answering the question.

>> well, let me try a different tack on the question.

>> we are on number 4, by the way. If we do nothing on t 1, we have already identified two sources of funding for item number 9. That's the thing, really. If we are in fact on item number 4, the question is what about these amounts. If we leave 25,000 where it is, we have just funded that item 10,000 more than we need to procedurally, number 4 is where we are.

>> uh-huh.

>> item 4. And there was a motion by me to approve it. I thought a second. So we are discussing what changes to make to item number 4 and the amounts are on the backup.

>> plus the 10 of the 15,000 15,000.

>> if we do nothing, we simply end up with 10,000 more than we need I don't think we ought to vote down t 2 and t 3.

>> no.

>> we need to change the amount.

>> to be consistent with the number 9 vote.

>> is that the only item ?

>> on t 4? On number 4? There's other stuff here. Salary, temporary employee.

>> we can take this one separate, this particular one, so it can be consistent consistent.

>> that's fine would me. What about t 2 and t 3 on number 4, let's pull those out. T 2 and t. 3, which involve other matters ant treasury office and facility. All in favor of that motion? That passes by unanimous vote. Now on the motion to reduce 25,000 to 15,000. To be consistent with the act taken under number 9.

>> second.

>> move approval then. Discussion of that all in favor? So Commissioners dougherty, ec heart, yours truly voting in favor. Voting against ?

>> I abstain until I get may survey.

>> one abstention. And Commissioner Davis.

>> voting know.

>> voting no. Thank you all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:33 PM