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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 23, 2007
Item 2

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Number two is to approve proclamation recognizing the month offf o otf January 2006 asss20nunu maprovovizrerere os is to approve proclamation recognizing the month of January 2006 as mentoring month in Travis County. And I expected a bus full of kids as we saw last year. Should I read the proclamation or would you like that honor?

>> well, I always want to thank Commissioner court for your support of our mentoring programs in Travis County. I have with me today two staff from the Austin partners in education. On my right eelizabeth hummer and on my left christie calabero. And I work with them and also the Travis County community education foundation in recruiting mentors for all levels. I'll let christie say a few wore about the a-5 programs that we have and then perhaps we have the proclamation.

>> thank you. Well, first I just wanted to in honor of national mentoring month thank you, judge Biscoe, for serving our our board and also leroy for being such a wonderful advocate of mentoring. Not only does January mark the sixes its year for national mentoring month, but it is also -- 2007 is the 20th year for project mentor here in Austin aisd. Right now we work with about 80 different campus mentor programs, and there's always a need for more mentors. We are especially thankful of the support that Travis County dents are lending to this initiative in allowing flexible time for their staff to volunteer. We have several Travis County employees that serve as mentors. And so I just wanted to say thank you for that as well. Until there is about a mentor for each child in the district, there will always be a need. So if you know people that are particularly suited to this type of service, I definitely encourage you to alert them to this opportunity. Thank you for your time.

>> I really don't have anything more to add. I think christie said it all, but I want to encourage everyone interesting may mentoring, it's a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in a child's life and it doesn't take that much time. If you do have the time, please consider it and give us a call. Our number are posted here. Thank you.

>> at this time last year we needed 20,000.

>> that was one for each district in the district. Each student in the district.

>> we have many children that have been aprood for men -- approved for mentors that we're still recruiting for mentors. I know the travis community education foundation works specifically with children of incarcerated parents, and I know that one of the schools has 17 students waiting for mentors. So all volunteering would be appreciated.

>> we appreciate your hard work. Now the county judge will read the proclamation. It reads: whereas January 2007 is national mentoring month. Whereas students with mentors are 75% less likely to drop out of school, 46% less likely to start using drugs, 27% less likely to start using alcohol and 33% less likely to hit someone or engage in any sort of assaultive conduct, I take it. Whereas schools with mentoring programs report 76% increased student attendance rates, 84% increase in students' passing classes. 58% of students achieving higher grades and 60% decline in suspensions from school. And whereas online registration and training schedules are available at And www.traviscommunity educa www.traviscommunityeduca Now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners cowt proclaim the month of January 2007 as mentoring month in Travis County, Texas and encourage Travis County employees and residents to participate as mentors in Austin-Travis County area students. Be it also resolved that we the member of the Travis County commission he court encourage Travis County department heads and supervisors to allow work schedule flexibility, which we do control, to enable employees to participate in mentoring programs. And a lot of these meetings I guess take place during the lunch hour action shortly before, shortly afterwards, after school, so we could be flexible with the eight-hour that have you to give Travis County to try to promote mentoring programs. And leroy, you've been doing it now how long?

>> six years.

>> and it didn't take you long to achieve hero status at self elementary schools.

>> [ laughter ]

>> it's such a rewarding experience. I know that a lot of the schedules do not allow giving away the flex smibility that of our schedules allow us to do. But I think if people know other people, especially those nearing retime in the next five years, it's an excellent opportunity to get involved in the school system, get involved in really the outcome of this community because our elementary school children are the one that feed in to a number of our systems in Travis County if they don't have additional assistance in mentoring.

>> second.

>> move approval. So the greatest need is in what age group?

>> christie?

>> I would say middle schools have the greatest need. We have a concentration of mentors in elementary, and in high school the programs are more geared towards college and career preparation, so it's middle school that is our greatest need. Sixth seventh and eighth grade, so 11 to 13.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank y'all very much. Keep up the good work. Mr. Nellis, we have a couple of beautiful proclamations for you here. You deserve better and more, but this we can legally give you.

>> [ laughter ]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:33 PM