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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 2, 2007
Item 2

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Number 2 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding staff recommendations to change income criteria for elderly and disabled residents served by Travis County emergency assistance program, amending section 82.002 a 2 of chapter 72 of the Travis County code, emergency assistance program policies and procedures, to change income guidelines from 85% of federal poverty income guidelines to 125% for elderly and disabled residents. For elderly and disabled residents.

>> move to open the public hearing.

>> the federal guidelines for Travis County.

>> that's -- that's correct.

>> okay. All in favor? That passes unanimously.

>> good morning, Commissioners, judge, sherri flemming, executive manager for health and human services and veterans service. This item is a result of discussion that actually took place among court members during the fiscal year '07 budget process. I believe it was Commissioner Davis who had an interest in looking at how we might modify our policies to-- to be more spns responsive to challenges with mainly elderly and disabled residents who may be on a fixed income. After a brief survey of staff, we were able to report to you that -- that we did in fact have a disparity, impact on fixed income residents because of the -- because of the income policy guidelines in that normally there are -- there may be two individuals who are living together, either as a couple or co-habitating to share expenses and because we look at the household income, it makes them inhe will eligible for our -- ineligible for our program. Therefore we modify the code to go from 85% of the federal poverty income guideline, which for a household of one individual, the maximum income would be $8,330. If the court approves the change of 125% for one individual, that will go up to $12,250 of -- of income that they could have and still qualify for our programs.

>> gross income.

>> > gross income, that's correct. Absolutely.

>> now, for those wondering, what are these emergency assistance programs anyway, what services are covered?

>> well, primary services are remember tall assistance -- rental assistance, utility assistance, the county operates food pantries, we have clothes closets where residents can receive those services but there could be a wide range of services because we do extensive referral to other services in the community. So we really attempt to be a hub of information for the community, so if there's a need that a resident has, if it is not directly offered or provided by Travis County, then we have the resources to direct them to.

>> did you include the utility assistance?

>> yes.

>> okay. I didn't hear it. Just wanted to make sure. It just makes sense to adjust the rental assistance and utility since the utility rates and the rental rates have certainly increased. And so this might help with that.

>> this is viable --

>> basically is, absolutely.

>> I think we really appreciate the court looking at this, judge. It's been a -- it's been not an uphill battle, but it has been a battle to try to address some of the concerns of our disabled and elderly citizens here in Travis County. Now, if you will -- those persons that may have missed the -- the mapping and the roles to where we are now, can you -- maybe you have done this before, but someone out there may not have heard this. Can you define what elderly is and then also define what we mean by disabled. I think a definition of that may get us farther up the road as far as ambiguity is concerned and if you can go just go ahead and just maybe do that.

>> certainly, elderly as far as Travis County's policy is concerned is a person who is 60 years or older. A disabled resident is either a resident who is disabled and has documentation, medical documentation of their disability or it can also be a person who is a caregiver for a disabled person and that person requiring, you know, 24 hour care. So that person is unable to -- to maintain employment because they are a caregiver for a person who is disabled and must be under supervision. And it could also include, you know, either a child or -- or an elderly person or a person, you know, with a significant disability.

>> thank you for that.

>> okay.

>> thank you.

>> any additional comments?

>> look forward to the opportunity to come back in the near future with additional revisions of the chapter 72.

>> we look forward to the end of the fiscal year report.

>> [laughter] when we consider next year's budget, figure out the impact this has had, where to go.

>> the only other comment that I would make, judge, is that this -- this change has been potentially funded with -- with one-time money and so, therefore, my colleagues at p.b.o. Would want me to say that -- that when the court reaches this action item, if it is your desire to approve this change today, that we either indicate our intention to revisit it during the budget process or we assign an expiration date because the change is funded with one-time funding.

>> we are -- but we kind of anticipated that to see the performance level, look at the participation level to those persons in need. When it does come back to the Commissioners court during the budgetary process, at that time we will know how much money to set aside in my opinion, that's why I was looking at this, because it's definitely for -- of course it has to be funded. So I'm looking for -- for that aspect as soon as you all can basically bring down some numbers and make sure that -- that it's -- that the needs are being addressed for the seniors, elderly and also the disabled or residents of Travis County that qualify. So -- so I move that the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> this is posted for public hearing. Would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing? Please come forward. We have four seats, five seats available. Please come forward, if you would give us your name we will be happy to get your comments.

>> good morning, lehmannford chair of the coalition also executive director of aids services of Austin. Appreciate the opportunity to speak this morning. Really appreciate the consideration of the court on this really important matter. On behalf of the members of the basic needs coalition, I can say that we support this rules change on the part of the county. And also as -- as executive director of an agency that serves a disabled population I can also offer the support of -- of my organization aids services of Austin. So -- so I appreciate your consideration and urge your support. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners. My name is katy

>> [indiscernible], I'm the executive director of services for the elderly. We are a non-profit 30 years old in Travis County and we have a contract with Travis County to provide a sliding scale to elderly and disabled who need help in their home. We serve about 300 medicaid funded in home elderly and disabled as well as some others who don't know if they are eligible for anything yet. We get lots and lots of calls for Austin energy assistance with utilities and that money goes in -- in just a few days every time we get any. The type of people we are talking about here can't afford to weatherize their homes, so their utility bills are out of sight. You don't want to talk to a 70 or 80-year-old person who is about to get their electricity shut off because they can't pay their bills. Our in-home caregivers go out to clean and cook and they find the elderly person doesn't have any cleaning supplies or there is nothing to cook. So I think that is a wonderful opportunity to help out a little more. Basic needs coalition just put out more information, a family of four really needs $40,000 a year to live on. So I think that expecting that a single elderly disability person might be able to have $12,000 a year and get some assistance I think would be a great step in the right direction. Thank you very much for your consideration.

>> thank you all.

>> thank you for your service.

>> > andrea and sherri did have the wisdom, vision, foresight, et cetera to bring this forward on the same day that we consider the -- the poverty awareness month and proclamamatitititititn item no. 3.

>> anybody else to give comments during this public hearing?

>> move that the public hearing be -- I got them excited y'all. The past this morning as far as the public hearing, I may have made a motion prematurely, I'm going to make the motion again. I move that the public hearing be closed.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 210, 2007 8:14 AM