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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 2, 2007
Item 9

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We do have representatives here from the sheriff's office to answer the wal-mart question. 9. Review and approve requests regarding grant proposals, applications, contracts and permissions to continue: a, grant contract with wal-mart foundation for safe neighborhood heroes grant for the Travis County sheriff's office to purchase stranger danger educational material for elementary schools.

>> good morning, I'm bill campbell, the finance director for the sheriff. What we have for you today is a request that you approve the receipt of a grant in the amount of 6 $25 from -- $625 from the wal-mart foundation --

>> what we have for you I think is a question.

>> just a couple of brief questions. Will wal-mart's name appear on the material?

>> I don't know. It -- we too not have an agreement -- we do not have an agreement that requires it, to my knowledge.

>> who develops the material? Who develops the stranger danger pamphlet?

>> the stranger danger material is a package that is already prepared and what we would do is buy more of that kind of material.

>> so was it the sheriff's office that developed the stranger danger packet?

>> no, I think it's developed by someone else.

>> and the sheriff's department purchases that packet?

>> yes, ma'am, that's the intent. If we accept the funds. Now, we do have community officers who do participate in this and who do go to the schools. And we do have a part to play in it. But it is not something that we are going to be developing internally.

>> and the distribution goes to -- to who? Which schools, what age group?

>> it will be elementary schools. Any school within Travis County. And it depends on how much of the material can be purchased and then we will interface with the various school districts on how that is done. It could be a handout for each kid or it could be poster materials with an officer making presentations. There are a number of ways to handle the program.

>> do the materials have a -- have a demonstrated effectiveness? Have they been tested?

>> yes, this is a program that has existed for a number of years. It is typical to use it on the elementary school age children to try to advise them not to respond to strangers. It's the kind of thing if anybody approaches a child, that the child should go in the other direction and find an adult they know and trust.

>> uh-huh. Have we -- have we kept any statistics or any kind of -- you say it's been going on for a number of years. Have we been monitoring it as far as its effectiveness at all?

>> not that I know of. We can see if someone has done that. We have not to my knowledge done it internally in the sheriff's office.

>> my concern is my understanding on the statistics of stranger perpetrated violence against children is thankfully a tragic circumstance but blessedly low, is that your understanding as well?

>> well, I don't have any statistics on it, I'm sorry.

>> then the other statistics that I have is most of the stranger perpetrated crimes against children are -- are also in older age range than elementary school.

>> ance that for you -- I can't answer that for you, either. We do have people who deal with it daily who can. We could have them contact you and answer those questions.

>> no it's a --

>> I'm sure they have the answers.

>> it's a small amount. My concern mostly is -- is frankly over how much -- how much p.r. Bang there is for wal-mart in this in regard to how much effectiveness there is from a law enforcement perspective. But it's such a small amount that -- and certainly there's no cost to us. So the danger -- I'm going to try to avoid the effect of looking a gift horse in the month and just go with it.

>> that I think is a good way to put it.

>> by the way, for the h.e.b.'s and randall's of the world, I'm sure the sheriff's office would welcome a similar contribution.

>> we have people standing by the telephone now if they want to --

>> I move approval.

>> what is the budget for stranger danger?

>> we don't have a budget set aside, which is one of the reasons that we like getting this kind of grant.

>> grant is $625.

>> I know that grant is $625, but surely that's not all of the money, you can't -- you couldn't give one school any amount of information unless it's just done by each school gets four post centers I mean so there's -- posters, so isn't there -- a set amount somewhere where stranger danger, the stranger danger program says here's how many dollars are appropriated for this?

>> not to my knowledge, no of the.

>> okay. Not to my knowledge, no.

>> still move approval.

>> okay.

>> we use existing staff I guess to help distribute the materials. It's the -- if the law enforcement officer for the connection to the sheriff's office given this word of warning to -- to impressionable elementary school kids I guess that gets it done.

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.

>> first wave of the younger they are --

>> did somebody make a motion.

>> yes.

>> second.

>> are you all suggesting that we are discussing this too long.

>> no, not really judge

>> [laughter]

>> all in favor?

>> I wouldn't do you like that?

>> that passes by an enthusiastic unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:14 PM