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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 5, 2006
Item 20

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20 is consider abled take appropriating on the following related to the substantial amendment to the 2006-2010 schooltated plan and year one action plan to u.s. Department of housing and urban development, community development block grant program. A, changes to the amended consolidated plan in response to public comment. And b is authorization to submit Travis County's amended 2006-2010 consolidated plan to the u.s. Department of housing and urban agreement, san antonio field office, region vi. A, the amendment?

>> good morning.

>> the u.s. Department of housing and urban development has provided dollars with a five-year plan and annually we provide an annual action plan. As we've discussed previously, we've received a reduction in the allocation, reducing our allocation. We held a public hearing last week to receive comment on the substantial amendment to the action plan and the consolidated plan and we received one comment in writing via e-mail and then we also had the four people who spoke last week at the public hearing. Staff are recommending that the court approved language added to the consolidated plan on section five that's detailed in your backup is a summary of the citizen comments on the substantial amendments of the plan, we're recommending that we accept all the comments. A summary of the comments was considering water to the plainview estates in future years, increase affordable housing efforts and continue to work with agencies that promote true affordability and also to request that staff re-examine what constitutes affordable housing. And then on the second page of your backup is the detailed comments of what everyone provided either in the public hearing or via e-mail. So the staff are requesting that we put those comments into the consolidated plan.

>> are they going to ask us to further define true affordability.

>> h.u.d. Has a definition of affordability and that is basically taking a household's income and they're saying that about one-third of your income should be spent on your housing costs. And so when we make that statement, what we're indicating is that we make an effort to work with agencies such as habitat for humanity and also provide dollars to increase the affordability such as purchasing land or also providing dollars to pay for the infrastructure so that that further lowers the cost of housing that's developed.

>> is that one-their of the growth or net?

>> excuse me.

>> I don't know. I can look that up.

>> it would be good to know what that is because the net is something we have to deal with, what we've got left.

>> whether we approve the recommended changes to the consolidated plan in response to public comments.

>> yes. And the second item we provided you --

>> hold on. That was a second? Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> okay. And on b we provided you another copy of the entire plan with all of the changes that were made previously because of the change in the amount. The change that we made previously to the action plan, so we wanted to you have another full copy of the plan so you could see all of the changes. We are requesting that you accept all of those changes so that we may accept those and bring that to hud tomorrow.

>> move that we approve the changes and authorize submitting this document to h.u.d.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:34 PM